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Quotes from Hawks' forums-"Maybe guard Clarkson better and stop playing like ***"


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Pre Game

Donovan is out apparently. No reason to drop this game. We can't fall under .500

Bojan bogdanovic or Joe ingles going perfect from three tonight ?

bojan bogdanovic and bogdan bogdanovic lolll

Joe ingles if he got chicken pox:Joe shingles

1st Half

Wtf kind of offense are we running out there this season?!!? Wtf is wrong with Coach McMillan and his rotations?!!? This is atrocious!

This hawks court is ****ing amazing

You know wish I could watch but my internet said **** you right when the game came on

I love these unis. We rock the yellow so well.

The shots Capela misses amaze me

Does Gobert always **** all over Capela?

Quin Snyder looks like a rich buddhist who does yoga in the week and lines of blow on the weekend. He also owns a tanning bed and calls people pal.


Watching Trae just stand there when he doesn't have the ball is so painful.

Y'all think Trae will ever shoot over 50% in a game again?

Oh my god Trae, Cam was wide open and you shoot a 30 footer with someone in your face

Do they have rogaine in Utah

Do you think Jordan Clarkson makes it to many Jazz games?

How are we only up 7??

Anyone got an eye bleach? This is NSFL.

We are playing awful too lmao

LMAO . . WTF is this ****?

Worst basketball game ever.

And we're LOSING by 3.

I'm late, but what fresh hell was that

Yeah Lou looks like hes ready to retire...Just earning a few extra million.....

My wife almost bought tickets today...Thank goodness she called me 1st....smh

I’m about to check out CSPAN.

Why can’t anyone score

Look at that amazing defense by whiteside

Please score more

Best 3 minute stretch of the game.

We might break 40 points before halftime after all.

Watching Clarkson and Lou exchange clanking jumpers like playing 2K online with middle schoolers rn

Donovan Mitchell watching like we're some G league team

We just made two shots in a row and have a three point lead. That’s like a 12-0 run in a normal game.

Those unis and that court so necessary.

was that basketball?

they don't even got Donovan bro, shouldn't even be this close

We miss a lot, we need to fix that

Certainly an experience

We’re shooting 24% my lord

The ****ing pistons would be up by 30 right now

That new ball plus the new rules = everyone's shooting bad

Has anyone actually seen capella make a wide open layup ?

Lobbing with gobert in the paint

It seems like we get destroyed on the offensive glass every game, guys just stand around and watch these balls bounce off the rim it's totally baffling

Bench shooting 2 - 17 FG.

The bench has 7 points....the first part of the 2nd quarter they played made my eyes bleed

Of course Conley hits that ********

10-1 turnovers and we’re up 2

10 turnovers and somehow were tied.

Clarkson having a real hard time out there

2nd Half

Atlanta is always recognized for being such a cultural hub, but it really hits home how much incredible talent this city has when we roll out a god-tier hip hop violinist nobody has ever heard of for halftime

Maybe it's because I'm a total slut for violinists, but this halftime show is the best they've ever had.

Lou Will getting minutes over Delon Wright is a crime against humanity

If this is what CLARKSON did to us, imagine Giannis, holy ****

We're determined to lob over 7 foot players. It didn't work the first time so I guess 5th times the charm

That violin bow is fighting for its life bro going crazy though

How is gobert limited offensively but still so much better than capela

This halftime performance is EPIC

This violinist is def the most entertaining part of this game so far

To be fair hawks shooting percentage would make a good batting average

Can we please find some way to win this game I can’t stand clarkson’s celebrations

We are very lucky the Jazz are playing like got *** right now cause we can’t buy a bucket

Would you guys be on-board with just canceling the rest of the game? Holy ****

Gobert’s screens are so illegal. Hilarious the refs just ignore every one

Clint's lack of touch at the rim makes me want to cry

As much as we need Trae to score, our efforts would be helped if Gallo 0-3, Reddish 1-5, Lou 0-4, Hurter, 1- 4 hit some shots.....this just can't happen then we wonder why Trae wanna go hero mode. I would too.

We got the energy and Utah doesn't

Worst offensive game in recent memory but this half time violinist is fire

1. Jazz Shooting ******* 2. No D Mitch 3. Clarkson is a bum out ther What does that get us? A 1 point ****ING LEAD T UP!

From 8 points lead to now 3 points opposite team lead shame on you

Why you people playing basketball. Better skip basketball and go for bathroom cleaning

How can they shoot 11 threes to our 1 for the quarter? Gross.

This is what happens when you play **** defense all game. You **** around and let the other team get hot and now all of a sudden they're unstoppable on offense. Same thing last night.

If we had the same intensity in the game as we did as arguing with the refs we’d be winning

We deserve to lose for giving up that rebound alone. No excuse. We don't know how to play basketball right now.

Donovan Mitchell’s bench reactions gotta be up there as annoying as the Lakers

Jazz played like *** and turned it around. Hawks played like *** and just continued to play like ***. I’m tired of this ****

This sequence really showing why 3s > 2s. We're hitting everything but the lead just keeps growing.

Is 71% from the field good?

I think Clarkson must have the most flexes after easy shots in the league

Clarkson is dogging us ffs

But at some point jordan Clarkson shouldn't ****ing be this good, even wide open

much for all of our "depth"...

We would be the team to end Clarkson's shooting slump

For the love of god please get Lou out of there

Nate f***ed his own bench up when he decided to play Lou with the bench crew. Since then, the bench has been ***.

Can we please win this games


Lol. Trading mid range 2’s for 3’s. Can we get the Braves analytics staff over here please? What a joke of an offense this is

this team plays like they hate each other

So many mid rangers… I want to throw up

Gobert is a damn good paint defender

That’s game we can’t make free throws and Clarkson just made that ****

Alright **** off clarkson

i mean you just gotta tip your hat to clarkson. dude went haywire

we’re really gonna lose to the jazz w/o donovan mitchell? didnt see that coming

is out offense just Lou chucking hard shots?

Let’s dribble around a jack up contested shots. Passing is for chumps

Utah is playing some good physical D right now

They’re getting dribble penetration and kick outs every damn possession and we’re playing iso ball.

And it’s not just been tonight. Really concerning start to the season.

Jordan Clarkson doing pushups is just pure disrespect

Maybe guard Clarkson better and stop playing like ***.

Why would we set up Capela for a postup against the best defender in the game?

Whoever commented yesterday about Joe Ingles lighting us up, just know I had your comment in my mind all day and I’m sick it came to fruition.

6 straight by Trae, trying to match Clarkson's energy.

But Utah has it rolling right now.

8 straight.

But we're getting 2s.

They're getting 3s.

Yo imagine how good we’re gonna a be when Trae gets back from vacation

What’s happening?

Trae looking like a Robin not a Batman

are we seriously gonna let jordan ****ing clarkson beat us

I’m convinced that no matter how difficult, no matter how far away, the shooter could literally do a backflip and bounce it off his nutsack from half court, if they are against the Hawks with a second or two left in the quater, that shot is going to drop

Honestly I would've started booing if I was at the game. We play **** defense and take stupid fouls and keep allowing and 1s.Every game we have one guy that takes stupid shoots then get benched just for the next guy in the rotation to take an even dumber shoot. At some point we gotta learn to just pass and stops trying to play hero ball. Also gotta learn to try new things. If the lob isn't working why keep going back to it, especially over a dude thats 7 foot

Man this feels like after work basketball game you play with your co-workers who think they are athletic but get's gassed after one fast break

Are they just gonna get an and one every ****ing play or what

Might have to switch on Clarkson instead of chasing him off of those screens. He's scorching.

They gave up 41 points in the 4th.


jesus christ if we lose at home to the Jazz without Mitchell...

we might actually be fighting for the playin this year

we should be up 20 if we made more shots that 1st quarter

we’re so bad in the 2nd half

when clarkson got hot they just kept feeding him

I dont understand why nate didnt call a time out when Clarkston was heating up.

in our games there's always one guy that gets all the space in the world to shoot - unfortunately he's always playing for the other team. how can there always be someone from the hawks sagging off their man every damn play?

We’re shooting 39% from the field and 25% from three in case anyone was wondering.

I’m unrelated news I might stick my head in the oven when this game is over

Yep Clarkson got hot so they kept feeding him. For us it's like "**** you bitch it's my time to shine".

Something is off with this team right now. The energy just isn’t the same and yes it’s early in the season but this team isn’t winning anything. Something needs to change and it needs to change quick.

Imagine if Mitchell was out there.

Nah, there was about a 7 minute section where the refs for sure bailed out the Jazz and completely took the momentum from the Hawks.

Amazing our team full of shooters cannot shoot

This may be the ugliest game I’ve ever seen

Wow we can’t even beat them without Donovan Mitchell? What the hell has happened to this team

Dudes got paid and decided to forget how to play basketball

Post Game

When are we gonna decide to guard anybody? Lack of ball movement and effort to guard defensively only gets you to the couch come playoff time

why do we suck now

wallmart bogey with 23 lol but the “better” bogey with 8

Clark son cooked tf outta us

What ****ing ever

You got blown out at home to a team without their star player. Not good.

Trae's talking to media after the game is interesting. He said there's a lot of guys wanting a lot of minutes and shots and they need to figure out whose going to sacrifice so the team can win games.

We all knew a consolidation trade was coming. Starting to think that timer is a lot sooner than we thought.

Deam, I expected too much, my bad.

Damn we got abused

pathetically bad

Trash, frauds, embarrassments, one hit wonders. Had champions in the building and this is what you shifted out.

Errbody got paid and now we all gettin’ played. This is completely unacceptable basketball and these guys need to be held accountable. Just awful.

losing at home to the jazz with no donovan mitchell in front of the world series champs

Who was that w the wack Grateful Dead shirt?

Clarkson corresponds to 25 points scored in 16 minutes, if that's how you are going to play your back to back better not to appear on the floor. Me who was so happy and joyful that Mitchell was gone and we're finally going to get the W tonight, you completely gave up against such a jazz team.

Gave up 77 points in the 2nd half. That's not going to cut it. Come on hawks. On to the next

The Jazz really do have a nice roster but to lose by 18 at home to these guys without their best player is a red flag to me.

i’m old enough to remember when we had a decent lead

Trae Young might be a coach killer

We now have too many mouths to feed - too many budding players who can’t cohesively play because we end up in iso situations far too often. It would not shock me if we were throwing offers for a superstar elsewhere (Lillard, Zion, etc) to realign ourselves around a few superstars rather than a team clearly fighting for contracts

I only got to see the last 5 minutes of this game. Was there a reason the team self-destructed in the 4th quarter?

I'd take Ben Simmons at this point. At least he plays defense. If the offense is going to be trash anyway you might as well stop somebody every now and then.

Trae is the reason we lost. Dre was on fire but Trae didn't give him the ball.

Getting bent over in front of the Champs without Spyda was embarrassing. It reminded me of the Pierce games. No cohesion on offense, constantly leaving players open for 3, too many turnovers.

Now they gotta to the west coast and potentially get cooked by the Warriors, Jazz, and Suns. Oof

On the bright side, capella was 5-6 from the free throw line….

And 1-9 on wide open layups
i’m old enough to remember when we had a decent lead

Yeah, me too brother. Us old folks have to stick together in these difficult times.
It's funny when they act surprised we are actually good. I mean we just had the best record in the league last year, so, you know, missing one guy means we are basically a G league team, right? *******s.
Big difference between fans that understand the game and give props to good play and those that just hate on the other team. Not impressed with Hawk fans. The better team won last night. Thanks as always JA!
Donovan Mitchell’s bench reactions gotta be up there as annoying as the Lakers
haha spida was having fun. I remember once when the Lakers punked us at home and Lebron was literally out on the court from the bench dancing and sliding around without his shoes on and I felt all the rage hahhaa

Nah, there was about a 7 minute section where the refs for sure bailed out the Jazz and completely took the momentum from the Hawks.
Reminder to self: statements like this are ludicrous. Please don't blame refs.

Thanks JA! I couldn't watch or listen to any of the game so threads like this are especially important for helping me get the feeling of the game.
Nailed it. It's fun re-living the game this way even if you watched though. Brings back the flow so well.
haha spida was having fun. I remember once when the Lakers punked us at home and Lebron was literally out on the court from the bench dancing and sliding around without his shoes on and I felt all the rage hahhaa
It would be more comparable if Donovan were on the actual court while the play was happening.