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I used to think this way when I was younger, too. Not all battles are mine to fight. We have a board member here who spouts of racist stuff on regular basis, even though I sometimes suspect that much of it is with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek. If I wasn't a long time reader of this board (and of a series of old ones), I might assume that everyone around here is a racist because they do not bother to correct him or stand up to him much. Worse yet, I may stretch that and assume that stereotypes about Utahns and Mormons are true.

Or I can just look at the fact that he has 2,143 posts and nearly every one of them has something prejudiced in it. If I criticized him every time he called someone a hopper, I'd have 2,144 posts. And I just don't have that kind of time. There are other things in life I ought to save my outrage for. Like the fact that Thompson and Cousins will probably have 20 offensive rebounds between them tonight.

I suppose we agree in theory, just disagree on the practical implementation. Welcome to my life as an educator. :p

I hear you, and yes we do have to pick our battles. It usually is the case, like this one, that people are closer to each other on the issue than it sounds or seems. I appreciate that we could converse about it in a reasonable manner, and I also know that practical implementation of ideas can be all over the place due to compromise and other issues.

I also agree strongly that the defensive rebounding situation for Utah could be a "key to the game".
I hope they thought about the term "box out" on their way back to Utah.

I also agree with Stoked that in person handling of situations is much different than handling of internet situations where most people are more exaggerated, and practicing their acting skills.

I say the Jazz get back on a winning streak starting tonight. Big win, and Harris gets in Cousins head.