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Reputation Comments, positive and negative

I only know of two people who have reported rep, and they are both the biggest wind bags on this site.


You'd be in perfect company, KKK.

*come to think of it, I bet I've reported rep before, but only because the person was a dick wad and not because the rep was bad. Maybe not though. I dunno.

I've certainly become a lot more thick-skinned since I've first started posting here. Now it's more like you can just keep negging me - but you're wasting your time cos I don't give a ****.

Kinda like Red in Shawshank Redemption when he said to the parol board:

"I look back on the way I was then: a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try to talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone, and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a ******** word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a ****."
This is somehow a new revelation?

I have some not-so-humble opinions on the subject.

Franklin* is on a crusade damnit! Join his vision of the future! Mouth breathers need not apply. (so you're out UGLI, Hantlers and Revo)
Franklin* is on a crusade damnit! Join his vision of the future! Mouth breathers need not apply. (so you're out UGLI, Hantlers and Revo)

How pathetic is it that some grown *** man is trying to manufacture e drama between UGLI and me? Are you going to make wife jokes next? Threaten my dog?
How pathetic is it that some grown *** man is trying to manufacture e drama between UGLI and me? Are you going to make wife jokes next? Threaten my dog?

If you think that is creating drama then you take this way to serious. I recommend deep breaths. Does your dog need to be threatened?
You'll have to send a report in to be voted on.

I think we've warned others in the past for repetitive and harassing negative reps.

That said, rep is dumb and maybe you should suck it up? Nearly 80% of all my neg reps in the last two years come from a single poster. You know, I'm starting to think Archie doesn't like me.

he's not the only one. remember Ain't? You're the archie-typical villain for all who despise lawyers, liberals, brains-gone-wrong, and lots of other symbolic characters. We have high standards, we only disdain the best.

Obama is just stupid, besides being a total sell out. Bush is just a wannabe "christian". Hillary is just naked ambition. OneBrow is just a computer geek gone wrong in a hospital and an aspiring middle-school teach. You're the real thing.

Wear it like a badge.