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Reverse Pet Peeves

I like when someone messes up driving (we all do) and gives me a sorry waive. It makes it all better for me. Well, assuming it wasn't a wreck.
I love it when my farts come out silent.

"Mmmm what is that? That smells yummy. Can you smell that?"
I love it when my farts come out silent.

"Mmmm what is that? That smells yummy. Can you smell that?"

Hmm, I prefer when my fart is very loud and long. It makes me laugh every time. Especially when it is long enough that my wife looks over and shakes her head.
I like when someone messes up driving (we all do) and gives me a sorry waive. It makes it all better for me. Well, assuming it wasn't a wreck.

I like it when people give "thank you" waves when driving, like, if I let someone merge ahead of me.
I love it when my farts come out silent.

"Mmmm what is that? That smells yummy. Can you smell that?"

The best thing is to walk up to a group of people and drop a nice ripe one then ask "do you smell popcorn?"
Speaking of farts, I enjoy leaving the wife a time bomb under the covers. I usually try to get in bed before her just for this purpose.
I love it when I see a child standing up for another who is being bullied. I go out of my way to give them kudos.

I am also a fan of people picking up trash that isn't theirs and throwing it in a trash can/recycle bin.
I love it when random strangers respond to my odd attempts at conversation in elevators and the like. Some of my favorite conversations occur in those tiny bits of connection.
I have a neighbor who snow blows the entire neighborhood, every driveway that's empty, and both sides of the sidewalk to the school. Sometimes plenty of the neighboring cul-de-sac too. The guy is so diligent that it's enabling lazy asses like me to not shovel. I almost want to buy him a 4 wheeler fitted with a snow plow.
I love it when random strangers respond to my odd attempts at conversation in elevators and the like. Some of my favorite conversations occur in those tiny bits of connection.

What if their opening line is "Do you smell popcorn?"
Speaking of farts, I enjoy leaving the wife a time bomb under the covers. I usually try to get in bed before her just for this purpose.

I love dropping one in a lift before i get out, knowing full well that somebody is walking into the ride from hell.
I love it when random strangers respond to my odd attempts at conversation in elevators and the like. Some of my favorite conversations occur in those tiny bits of connection.

So, I'm that guy that comes in bright and happy in the morning with a great big "GOOD MORNING" at 0700.

I think that counts as the same thing.
Speaking of farts, I enjoy leaving the wife a time bomb under the covers. I usually try to get in bed before her just for this purpose.

You ever trap her under the covers and then do it? The Dutch Oven is always a winner.