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Rodney King revisited


"Rodney Glen King (born April 2, 1965) is an American who was the victim in a police brutality case involving the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers on March 3, 1991. A bystander, George Holliday, videotaped much of the incident from a distance. The footage showed LAPD officers repeatedly striking King with their batons while other officers stand to watch without an action of stopping the brutal beating.

The video of the beating is an example of inverse surveillance - that is, of citizens watching police. Unseen by those involved, George Holliday, a private citizen, caught the lengthy beating on video from his apartment near the intersection of Foothill Blvd and Osborne St. in Lake View Terrace. He contacted the police about a videotape of the incident but was dismissed."

Why did the guy even bother? Who the hell does he think he is doin "inverse surveillance," anyway? The cops are always right in these situations. Even if they aint, they have the power to do what they want and simply lie about it later. Guys like these should just wise up, eh?

"Four LAPD officers were later tried in a state court for the beating but were acquitted.

Again, why did they even bother with a trial? Everyone knows how it's gunna turn out, and it's just a total waste of taxpayer money, ya know?"

"The news of acquittal triggered the Los Angeles riots of 1992. By the time the police, the U.S. Army, the Marines and the National Guard restored order, the casualties included 53 deaths, 2,383 injuries, more than 7,000 fires, damages to 3,100 businesses, and nearly $1 billion in financial losses."

What possible sense does it make to complain about a trial verdict, let alone get violent and riot?

Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley said, "the jury's verdict will not blind us to what we saw on that videotape. The men who beat Rodney King do not deserve to wear the uniform of the L.A.P.D." A later federal trial for civil rights violations ended with two of the officers found guilty and sent to prison.

I can't BELIEVE the Feds got involved in this. Some people just can't seem to take "NO!" for an answer. Why can't people just stand back and let cops do their job? Somebody has to protect us. If a few heads get cracked unnecessarily in the process, so be it.

"Several copwatch organizations were subsequently organized nationally to safeguard against police abuse, including an umbrella group, October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality."

Stop police brutality? Heh, good luck with that, eh? I guess they feel like they're doin sumthin here. Let them think so. Better than riots, I spoze.

"King was awarded $3.8 million in a civil case."

Only in America, eh? King has taken a lot worse beatins on the street and never got a dime for it. In fact, he lost his watch, his wallet, etc.

Quotes from Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodney_King
What's the point of starting this thread?

A career criminal gets a well-deserved beatdown for resisting arrest, and honest, hard-working cops end up goin to prison, millions are paid to the criminal, almost 2500 people are injured or killed, and $1 billion in property damage follows as a result. Just wonderin: What the hell has our society come to?

Rodney King had no right to complain; he brought it all on himself. If he had no right to complain, then certainly no one else did either. Just a buncha lame-*** complainers, it seems.
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Let me rephrase genius. What's the point of bringing this up 15 years after the fact? It's not the anniversary of the beating or trial so why then?
I been bringin this up every day for 15 years, eh, Killa? I also bring up things like WWII and the trial of Socrates now and again. It aint news, like Mel Gibson, or nuthin, so I guess it aint really worth talkin about, but....
A society MUST protect itself from it's criminal element. Otherwise, it can't survive. Many scholars have argued that the Athenians killin Socrates was somehow wrong, but I can't see why. He was corrupting the youth of Athens, for heaven's sake.

Hitler overdid it with the death camps, no doubt, but he was criticized even before that, just for trying to keep jews under control. Germany is a sovereign nation, with the right to deal with it's misfits as it sees proper. What's up with all these bleedin-heart, hand-wringin liberals who think they have the right to criticize those trying to maintain an orderly society?
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So, instead they just beat him as he stumbled all over the road? That makes a lot of sense.
This whole thread is a giant trap. The architect of the trap is a well known bonehead who has been, ahem, unfairly victimized in the past. There are only two possible outcomes of this thread. It will either be a colossal anti-climactic bore, or it will be like a cat trying to catch mice that gets eaten by alligators.
Nah, man. Hoppy's a victim. A victim of the system. Like all the otha whiners in this country.
There aint but a few posters on this board who care to discuss anything serious, eh? Mainly they just prefer to talk about the last movie or TV show they seen. Or other posters, of course. That's always popular.
So, instead they just beat him as he stumbled all over the road? That makes a lot of sense.

Well, kwb, it does make sense. Only a fool would try to argue with a cop. You say "Yes, sir" to everything he asks or requests. Generally ya won't git beat that way. So, basically, you're just beggin for a beatin if ya don't. Everybody knows that's what's gunna happen. If it didn't, then ya would start to wonder where the "sense" is, I figure.

Non-cooperation is a crime, aint it? "Interfering with a police officer" or sumthin like that? That's what they all tell me, anyway. You either do anything they say and/or tell them anything they want to know, or you're a criminal who is interfering with a police officer, and therefore just askin for a beatin.
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So, instead they just beat him as he stumbled all over the road? That makes a lot of sense.

He was on PCP.. a powerful drug that makes the victim pretty much feel like they are invincible. They don't feel pain, and the amount of testoserone and other hormones triggered over powers the victim. They'll fight back even if they would be incapacitated under normal circumstances. Too put it briefly, homeboy was hardly affected for more than a few seconds by 2 simultaneous tasers.

Don't question the cops, you can get away with 2 cops acting like jack asses... but there were 5 or 6 liscenced and trained individuals repsonsible for this, and not one of them said "whoa guys". The force was clearly necessary. They were LA cops too, this **** happens in predominantly white areas, where the officers are afraid of minorities, based on what they heard from the media. But these were cops who probably would have done the same to a white guy or a mexican.
He was on PCP.. a powerful drug that makes the victim pretty much feel like they are invincible. They don't feel pain, and the amount of testoserone and other hormones triggered over powers the victim. They'll fight back even if they would be incapacitated under normal circumstances. Too put it briefly, homeboy was hardly affected for more than a few seconds by 2 simultaneous tasers.

Don't question the cops, you can get away with 2 cops acting like jack asses... but there were 5 or 6 liscenced and trained individuals repsonsible for this, and not one of them said "whoa guys". The force was clearly necessary. They were LA cops too, this **** happens in predominantly white areas, where the officers are afraid of minorities, based on what they heard from the media. But these were cops who probably would have done the same to a white guy or a mexican.

I'm confused. Spell out the racial hierarchy for me.
Well, actually, no, but what you said was otherwise right probably:

"King's toxicology results tested negative for PCP."

He was on something... like I said. He took two tasers and didn't make it to the ground.
there were 5 or 6 liscenced and trained individuals repsonsible for this, and not one of them said "whoa guys". The force was clearly necessary.

What really gits me is that those cops ended up doin 3 years in the pen, all when they were clearly right.