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Social Security History Lesson

The Ryan Plan clearly was a shot at protecting those who need it at the expense of the rich who don't. This is the same m.o. Going back to McCains campaign.

This is the reason I can't align with the DP. They say they want to protect the poor, but when it came down to it their true colors showed .. protect theirs while complaining about inequality while refusing to fix what is causing the inequality.

For all his faults, Paul Ryan is right on this one.

I like more specificis on this line of analysis.

My general impression has been that Paul Ryan is a competent accountant who will speak the truth Obama doesn't want to deal with.

I have seen many examples of how the Democratic Party is a sell-out to its support base, but the media won't shine the light on it. Well, look at the Unions for example, and how they all rolled over for exporting jobs and industry and importing substandard menials to do our work. And the Union membership doesn't even see it, somehow. Complete sell-outs.

In the company I worked for across many years, there was a sort of ritual dance between management and the union bosses. The union bosses would go on strike, then settle for less than the company offered at first. . . . and within five years the key union negotiators were overtly given cush management-side salaried jobs. . . .

Funny how the Dems and the media never give us the connections their people have to the real money.
I like more specificis on this line of analysis.

My general impression has been that Paul Ryan is a competent accountant who will speak the truth Obama doesn't want to deal with.

The dems always fear monger that the GOP is trying to take away social security, when they've been very clear that they want to make it solvent for those who need it but not a catch all welfare program for everyone who doesn't.

The democratic base believes they deserve theirs no matter what and are willing to bankrupt the country before giving up the cush social security that they don't need. Then they go on these rants over taxing the rich right after they just gave the rich a check. Makes no sense outside the clear fact that democrats want nothing more than to pick winners and losers. Me, me, me, me.