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Stupid Pet Peeves

Not starting 2 of your seniors for the last game of the season when the game means absolutely nothing for postseason. Real classy.
Not starting 2 of your seniors for the last game of the season when the game means absolutely nothing for postseason. Real classy.

As somebody who’s been there before, let me tell you that the coach is fine in that situation.

Tell your kids to use it as motivation in the future. Remember that HS sports don’t matter.

Remind them that **** doesn’t get handed to you just because of age, rank, or effort. Life isn’t fair, get used to it, and work on earning it. Coaches starting players that haven’t earned it, that doesn’t do much for me.
People who start nearly every sentence with "I mean . . ."

I did it yesterday and literally slapped myself.
As somebody who’s been there before, let me tell you that the coach is fine in that situation.

Tell your kids to use it as motivation in the future. Remember that HS sports don’t matter.

Remind them that **** doesn’t get handed to you just because of age, rank, or effort. Life isn’t fair, get used to it, and work on earning it. Coaches starting players that haven’t earned it, that doesn’t do much for me.

There’s soooooo much more to it. I don’t want to go into detail but there’s systemic harassment with the boys sports at this school and the administrators enable it.
There’s soooooo much more to it. I don’t want to go into detail but there’s systemic harassment with the boys sports at this school and the administrators enable it.

I know you said you don't feel like it and I respect that but I'm very curious about what that harassment entails.
Oy. So you're one in favor of participation trophies?

No. Two of the players are better than the starters but because mommy and daddy aren’t big boosters the coach won’t play them. One has a full ride scholarship for baseball and the kid that plays in front of him(family member is a coach) leads the region in errors.
No. Two of the players are better than the starters but because mommy and daddy aren’t big boosters the coach won’t play them. One has a full ride scholarship for baseball and the kid that plays in front of him(family member is a coach) leads the region in errors.

A private/religious school?
Parents donate and for this coach playing time is seemingly dictated by who and how much was donated. Or what assistant coach is in his ear about his relative on the team.
This is really common. When I was in high school our coach insisted on playing his sons on the varsity team when they really couldn't hang with the JV bench-warmers. Almost cost us a state title until a bunch of us refused to play if he didn't play the game to win, which meant his kids sat throughout the entire post-season run. My BIL coaches high school bball and he says that "influential" parents and others are always pressuring him to let their kids on the team or to play them more than is warranted. I helped coach a couple of high school teams and we had the same pressure. One coach I worked with caved and I told him I wouldn't work with him anymore if he did. The other one stood firm but caught all kinds of hell from the principal. It can get ugly. I am sure it isn't in every single school on every single team but it is more common than people might think.