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Syria Readying Nerve Gas in Bombs

Nasty. Too bad there are commies on the other side or we could topple Assad and walk in 2-3 hours.

It feels to me like the world is itching for III.
Israel is saying this: bring it on, all hell will rain down on israel's enemies. they have no idea whats coming. they'll rbing the whole ****ing middle east down on their turban. it's gonna be BIBLICAL.

dont know if you guys ever heard of the samson option.
israel still got the samson option
Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under
Soooooooo which country attacked us and where?

Ya can't control every damn thing in the world. Sheesh! We've tried that... Many times... And have failed.

Lets stop trying to wipe everybody's butt and let other people in their own regions decide their own fates.

If Syria wants to fight a war, let them fight it. Let them have autonomy to live peacefully or not. If they haven't attacked American soil, why should anyone here give a damn?

I say pray for a peaceful solution in Syria. Donate to the Red Cross, if you feel so strongly about it. But let those folks resolve their own conflicts.
Serious question.

So lets assume tonight some kickass seal team goes in a assassinates Assad and his government topples over.

Then what?

What happens if the new government cannot rule and anarchy follows? What happens if terrorist groups come into power? What if the new dictator/government is worse than Assad? What happens if it becomes a black hole financially for us to rebuild/maintain? What happens if the new government, which we helped to create, threatens Israel? Do we backup our long-term allies or our new baby project which American soldiers have paid the ultimate price and taxpayers are paying billions/trillions for?

Do we learn nothing from the quagmires that Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan have tried to teach us?

I know it sounds insensitive... But it's realistic:

Lets stay out of it. Lets avoid this all. Let them resolve their own issues.
Putin came to the Turkey 2 days ago and he said deployment of Patriot missiles could increase the tension between both sides. It`s funny cause they personally increase the tension with their veto against UN Security Council`s resolution on Syria and they`re encouraging Assed with their veto power. Assed regime trusting this politic stalemate (like cold war days) between 5 permanent Security Council members, when they performing their unacceptable actions.
Israel is saying this: bring it on, all hell will rain down on israel's enemies. they have no idea whats coming. they'll rbing the whole ****ing middle east down on their turban. it's gonna be BIBLICAL.

dont know if you guys ever heard of the samson option.
israel still got the samson option

Why don`t they just nuke your brain, it would be a better service to humanity. I don`t get it, why you so fanatical about that?
Hasn't this been "the elites" plan since day one?

Ramp up multiple countries towards a probable WW3.
Meanwhile, financing all sides, they then offer up a seemingly peaceable world government under the guise of the United Nations.
But oh wait..... that's a conspiracy theory.
Hasn't this been "the elites" plan since day one?

Ramp up multiple countries towards a probable WW3.
Meanwhile, financing all sides, they then offer up a seemingly peaceable world government under the guise of the United Nations.
But oh wait..... that's a conspiracy theory.

problem is it will not work
Putin came to the Turkey 2 days ago and he said deployment of Patriot missiles could increase the tension between both sides. It`s funny cause they personally increase the tension with their veto against UN Security Council`s resolution on Syria and they`re encouraging Assed with their veto power. Assed regime trusting this politic stalemate (like cold war days) between 5 permanent Security Council members, when they performing their unacceptable actions.

Don't think for a second that Russia isn't laughing their butts off over this.

They continue to stir the pot knowing that the Nanny Sam will go crazy and run to clean the mess. If I were Russia, I'd be doing the exact same thing in many other countries too (which... They probably are). We can't keep our nose out of other people's business so we'll try and put out every lil bonfire the Russians create rather than stay away and let the lil bonfire resolve itself (and die out). By stepping onto other countries' autonomy we continue to waste more American lives and continue to rack up more and more debt.

When will we learn?