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Taylor Hendricks Hype Thread

I don’t really see Exum and Hendricks as similar at all…even if they end up at a similirish endpoint. Exum was raw, but had the tools to become a star player. It wasn’t a likely outcome, but he had some foundation there where you could be convinced he might be a strong primary ball handler in the future. The biggest part of Exum’s draft profile was his mystery anyways…I don’t think there was much mystery with what we were getting with Taylor.

Hendricks is a totally different prospect. The reason you like him is because it’s so easy to see him filling in a role, and that role is valuable. He demonstrated concrete skills which should translate well. But I really don’t see him as a high potential prospect. Watching him at UCF….it was very difficult to imagine him being some kind of star player with his skill level and feel for the game.

I guess it depends on what we mean by “star” or “really good” or any other semi-ambiguous term. Just gonna say I’d be really shocked if TH is ever an above average usage player. You can still be super effective without being a plus usage guy though.
True, but what would those things be?

Obviously outside (spot up) shooting is one, but I struggle to see any other real ball skills. IMO his finishing bag is pretty much empty on the NBA level.
Dunking... transition... cutting to the rim and finishing. They also run the little down screen for him where he needs to dribble twice and finish. He missed it twice in the suns game but first one had KD on him second was closer.

In his previous stint I was impressed he was able to catch in the corner and dribble twice with long strides to get to the rim. Was able to do it under control without the Royce O' Neal step on the baseline turnover.

Basically dunks and threes and he can be a guy who scores in the teens on great efficiency.
I don’t really see Exum and Hendricks as similar at all…even if they end up at a similirish endpoint. Exum was raw, but had the tools to become a star player. It wasn’t a likely outcome, but he had some foundation there where you could be convinced he might be a strong primary ball handler in the future. The biggest part of Exum’s draft profile was his mystery anyways…I don’t think there was much mystery with what we were getting with Taylor.

Hendricks is a totally different prospect. The reason you like him is because it’s so easy to see him filling in a role, and that role is valuable. He demonstrated concrete skills which should translate well. But I really don’t see him as a high potential prospect. Watching him at UCF….it was very difficult to imagine him being some kind of star player with his skill level and feel for the game.

I guess it depends on what we mean by “star” or “really good” or any other semi-ambiguous term. Just gonna say I’d be really shocked if TH is ever an above average usage player. You can still be super effective without being a plus usage guy though.
this... and adding to it... it would be a mistake not to convey this to him and center his development around this. He has the building blocks of a great two way player and if any of the other stuff comes consider it a bonus imo.

You want him to be Trey Murphy, Jaden McDaniels, Prime Roco, or something in that archetype. Maybe Bridges before his game expanded. Layer on other stuff as appropriate but Dunks and 3s and defense is his bread and butter. If he becomes a good role man lob catcher or can do a little off the dribble later on then great.
Dunking... transition... cutting to the rim and finishing. They also run the little down screen for him where he needs to dribble twice and finish. He missed it twice in the suns game but first one had KD on him second was closer.

In his previous stint I was impressed he was able to catch in the corner and dribble twice with long strides to get to the rim. Was able to do it under control without the Royce O' Neal step on the baseline turnover.

Basically dunks and threes and he can be a guy who scores in the teens on great efficiency.
I dunno. I need to see a LOT more finishing before I buy that as one of his strengths in the NBA. There's been some drives where he's had a total malfunction approaching the basket... like he has zero idea what to do with the basketball.
this... and adding to it... it would be a mistake not to convey this to him and center his development around this. He has the building blocks of a great two way player and if any of the other stuff comes consider it a bonus imo.

You want him to be Trey Murphy, Jaden McDaniels, Prime Roco, or something in that archetype. Maybe Bridges before his game expanded. Layer on other stuff as appropriate but Dunks and 3s and defense is his bread and butter. If he becomes a good role man lob catcher or can do a little off the dribble later on then great.

I’ve said this before, but the most important thing we need to learn about TH is what kind of role(s) he plays on defense. Offensively, I’m going to be honest I don’t see a ton of variety and room for expansion there. His role is going to be simple and will probably be simple for his career. He needs to get his head above water and that will be enough.

Defensively, I feel totally differently. I think he has the potentially do a ton of things. Is he a second/helping big type of defender? What about a primary perimeter defender or even a passible C next to Lauri and/or Collins? How about guarding the big, power wings in the NBA? I don’t really know, but he’s talented enough on this end that I wouldn’t rule it out.

Development for Keyonte is more or less letting him play a supersized offensive role and living with the bumps. With no goal to win games, I think it’s fine. The same should be afforded to TH, but on the defensive side of the ball. Like I think it’s great he got a shot at KD last game. Let him try to chase Curry around screens tonight, who cares what happens. It will be good for his development and our own evaluation of him. Give him the outsized defensive role.
I dunno. I need to see a LOT more finishing before I buy that as one of his strengths in the NBA. There's been some drives where he's had a total malfunction approaching the basket... like he has zero idea what to do with the basketball.
Yes, but its not like a guy that is 6-9+ with a 7 ft+ wingspan that is athletic needs a Kyrie finishing package. Just mash on people.

Last game I thought the layups he attempted look fluid. Unlike Ex who looked like he had no idea what a layup should look like at all when he came to the league. Ex was also so timid. Tay seemed timid early in preseason but it much more active and assertive now.
I’ve said this before, but the most important thing we need to learn about TH is what kind of role(s) he plays on defense. Offensively, I’m going to be honest I don’t see a ton of variety and room for expansion there. His role is going to be simple and will probably be simple for his career. He needs to get his head above water and that will be enough.

Defensively, I feel totally differently. I think he has the potentially do a ton of things. Is he a second/helping big type of defender? What about a primary perimeter defender or even a passible C next to Lauri and/or Collins? How about guarding the big, power wings in the NBA? I don’t really know, but he’s talented enough on this end that I wouldn’t rule it out.

Development for Keyonte is more or less letting him play a supersized offensive role and living with the bumps. With no goal to win games, I think it’s fine. The same should be afforded to TH, but on the defensive side of the ball. Like I think it’s great he got a shot at KD last game. Let him try to chase Curry around screens tonight, who cares what happens. It will be good for his development and our own evaluation of him. Give him the outsized defensive role.
He needs to roll in just like the Step Brothers and declare "I'm here to **** **** up".

Okay maybe not quite like that but let him explore the space while figuring out how rotations are supposed to work.
Hmmm I find betting that THT will gain the ability to unscramble his thought processes on the court to be an odd hill to die on.
You do you though, free country and all that.

Are you high? I don’t mind engaging in debate but since I’ve neither said nor implied any of this I have nothing to retort.

Not to mention we are discussing TH not THT.
He had some nice stints earlier in the year where he was looking promising and not as lost. I'm not sure what happened, but probably just the ups and downs of a rookie season. I'm sure there will be some more ups to get excited about.
Also, just putting two and two together.

If the locker-room is frustrated with the moves, there is a chance that they are going to take that out on Hendricks, either directly/indirectly.

Not passing to him, getting overly frustrated with this mistakes, etc. The players know they made the trades of quality NBA rotation players who were super high character teammates to get Taylor Hendricks minutes, a guy who was so bad in training camp that the coach didnt want him to sniff a NBA court.
In the mean time, this is the story about this franchise at the moment: the Jazz have a lot of players that aren’t happy about who they’re playing with, and more importantly, who they’re not.

Quote from Andy Larsen in the Triple Team.

Holy ****....

The team hates Hendricks lmfao.
I think Hendricks’ teammates see him working hard, as do his coaches. But they also know what they’ve seen from him in practice isn’t good enough to help them compete right now. He’ll need to win them over with better play — likely through tremendous off-season work.

Every Jazz media person who talks about Hendricks really hints at how bad he has been in practice. Yesterday Locke basically said he got destroyed in training camp but then immediately walked it back when he realized what he said.