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Thank You Spida Mitchell!!!

You know what, this is what I want to believe about him so if someone closer to him than me says it, then I’ll recant my prior snark and sincerely wish Don all the best. I will miss him. He did seem like a genuinely great guy/player/teammate at the start so I’ll just wish him the best and be glad this dark cloud since Covid is gone from here.

Best of luck Don. I’ll cheer for you when you come back. Not to win, but a cheer nonetheless! Thanks for leaving your guts on the floor and all you’ve done for and in our community. Sorry for me or anyone else who read you wrong from little info and our judgyniss. :)

This! I’m glad to read he didn’t ask for a trade and loved his team mates. And to hear he was concerned about Gobert just proves that many on here took the rumors hook line and sinker. I’m glad I got to watch him play. He was so exciting to watch. He brought joy and enthusiasm to the Jazz again. I don’t blame him. I don’t blame Gobert. I blame the FO for ****ing this team up. For not putting the right players around the two of them to compete for a title.

Thank you Donovan for being a true competitor. And always staying true to the team. You will be missed.
This! I’m glad to read he didn’t ask for a trade and loved his team mates. And to hear he was concerned about Gobert just proves that many on here took the rumors hook line and sinker. I’m glad I got to watch him play. He was so exciting to watch. He brought joy and enthusiasm to the Jazz again. I don’t blame him. I don’t blame Gobert. I blame the FO for ****ing this team up. For not putting the right players around the two of them to compete for a title.

Thank you Donovan for being a true competitor. And always staying true to the team. You will be missed.
Sarah is a good article writer, and a not plugged in reporter. It doesn’t surprise me in the least she’s the one writing an article to kiss that losers ***. He didn’t want to be here. He didn’t need to demand a trade, everyone knew he badly wanted one.
You know what, this is what I want to believe about him so if someone closer to him than me says it, then I’ll recant my prior snark and sincerely wish Don all the best. I will miss him. He did seem like a genuinely great guy/player/teammate at the start so I’ll just wish him the best and be glad this dark cloud since Covid is gone from here.

Best of luck Don. I’ll cheer for you when you come back. Not to win, but a cheer nonetheless! Thanks for leaving your guts on the floor and all you’ve done for and in our community. Sorry for me or anyone else who read you wrong from little info and our judgyniss. :)
“Thanks for leaving your guts on the floor”….you remember the Dallas series right?
He thanked the fans in an IG post and wishing an injury on someone is some next level psycho obsession ****. Please ban this idiot.
He made the most vague, garbage, BS goodbye post I’ve ever seen where he mentioned no one but Quin Snyder. He’s a POS, was always a POS, and cares about nothing but playing the PR game with whatever city he’s pandering to. Oh did I hurt your feelings? Cry.
He made the most vague, garbage, BS goodbye post I’ve ever seen where he mentioned no one but Quin Snyder. He’s a POS, was always a POS, and cares about nothing but playing the PR game with whatever city he’s pandering to. Oh did I hurt your feelings? Cry.
This is quite the ironic post coming from the person who got his feelings hurt by a pro player looking out for himself and has literally not stopped crying for like 2 years even though he's gone.

Again, sorry, you're the bigger POS. You're on here wishing for injuries to someone, along with the other garbage spewing stuff.
He made the most vague, garbage, BS goodbye post I’ve ever seen where he mentioned no one but Quin Snyder. He’s a POS, was always a POS, and cares about nothing but playing the PR game with whatever city he’s pandering to. Oh did I hurt your feelings? Cry.
Having dealt with a fair share of injuries, I wouldn't wish them on anyone. Including people I dislike. Way not cool.
This makes you the terrible person in this.

Even if he's fake and hurt your feelings because he used to be your hero and didn't do what you want, there is no reason to wish this on him. I'm dreading that we will have to go through this all over again with you with the next big draft pick.
Nah, I’ve never despised a Jazz player more than that dude. I don’t care if I’m a terrible person. I’m fine with it. He’ll be just fine and deserves it.
This is quite the ironic post coming from the person who got his feelings hurt by a pro player looking out for himself and has literally not stopped crying for like 2 years even though he's gone.

Again, sorry, you're the bigger POS. You're on here wishing for injuries to someone, along with the other garbage spewing stuff.
Feelings hurt, and can’t stand his fake *** are different.

He was a tremendous breath of fresh air for two years. Then he soured and got turdish as soon as he got paid.

Sure, wish him well. Will be ambivalent when he comes to town. Certainly won't get the same reception Rudy does.

He was a tremendous breath of fresh air for two years. Then he soured and got turdish as soon as he got paid.

Sure, wish him well. Will be ambivalent when he comes to town. Certainly won't get the same reception Rudy does.
The last 3 years were really too sour for my taste. Good news is, he really won’t have much of a legacy anywhere unless he wins a title as a focal point now. He spent 5 years here, he’ll spend 2-3 in Cleveland, then a few somewhere else. Doubt Cleveland wins a title with him. Doubt he stays there. Makes this trade all the more better. Donovan had every chance to have a solidified legacy here, but turned into a bitch real quickly. Luckily, he got sent to Cleveland where half his prime will now be played.
Great player, great dude, superb role model for any kid watching, pro until the very end of his Jazz journey, owner by his own right of lots of Jazz great moments.
Will be watching you dude. Be well. Peace.
Long time reader and first time poster.
Oneye went too far on wishing injury to Mitchell. We all have our opinions about players, but to wish injury? Classless.

Donovan had every chance to have a solidified legacy here

I am an old dude and I have also followed the Jazz since before Stockton and Malone. Donovan solidified his legacy for me. So many times he had me jumping off my couch in awe of what he could do. I was at the summer league game where he saved a ball from going out of bounds with a behind the back pass to Exum running down the middle of the court. I was amazed and he just kept being amazing.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrRyMq_eG-Q

He will always be one of my favorites. He didn't seem happy this last year. His defense wasn't good. It's no excuse, but I think he knew, like the rest of us, that this version of the Jazz team had already reached their potential. It isn't his fault that DL made so many mistakes trying to build around him and Gobert.

I am not offended he would want to go play for the Knicks. I think it would be awesome for any player to go back to his hometown and play pro ball. I think Cleveland will be a great fit for him.

Wishing Mitchell and Gobert all the best and wishing even more of the best for the Jazz. Total rebuild is the right call.
Long time reader and first time poster.
Oneye went too far on wishing injury to Mitchell. We all have our opinions about players, but to wish injury? Classless.

I am an old dude and I have also followed the Jazz since before Stockton and Malone. Donovan solidified his legacy for me. So many times he had me jumping off my couch in awe of what he could do. I was at the summer league game where he saved a ball from going out of bounds with a behind the back pass to Exum running down the middle of the court. I was amazed and he just kept being amazing.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrRyMq_eG-Q

He will always be one of my favorites. He didn't seem happy this last year. His defense wasn't good. It's no excuse, but I think he knew, like the rest of us, that this version of the Jazz team had already reached their potential. It isn't his fault that DL made so many mistakes trying to build around him and Gobert.

I am not offended he would want to go play for the Knicks. I think it would be awesome for any player to go back to his hometown and play pro ball. I think Cleveland will be a great fit for him.

Wishing Mitchell and Gobert all the best and wishing even more of the best for the Jazz. Total rebuild is the right call.

By the end of his career, his Utah career will be less than Deron Williams. A great rookie season, with disappointment beyond that and nothing but frustrating teams that fell short in large part due to his ****** leadership. 5 years, mostly of falling short is not a good legacy.

PS. I do not care what you think.