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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

So Biden will not be prosecuted for a significant degree of mishandling of classified documents Because he’s a nice old man who is mentally incompetent and not fit to stand trial and it would be too hard to convict a nice dotters old man. But hey he can be President lol.
So Biden will not be prosecuted for a significant degree of mishandling of classified documents Because he’s a nice old man who is mentally incompetent and not fit to stand trial and it would be too hard to convict a nice dotters old man. But hey he can be President lol.
You read the propaganda on Twitter and did not read the report. Typical MAGA.
So Biden will not be prosecuted for a significant degree of mishandling of classified documents Because he’s a nice old man who is mentally incompetent and not fit to stand trial and it would be too hard to convict a nice dotters old man. But hey he can be President lol.
No. Its because he cooperated with law enforcement. Trump wouldn't be charged with anything if he cooperated with law enforcement.
While few noticed Gavin Newsom may have become the president-elect yesterday, February 8, 2024. I'm thinking, as of yesterday, that Gavin Newsom is now more likely to be taking the oath of office this coming January than either Biden or Trump.
So Biden will not be prosecuted for a significant degree of mishandling of classified documents Because he’s a nice old man who is mentally incompetent and not fit to stand trial and it would be too hard to convict a nice dotters old man. But hey he can be President lol.
Pence won't be prosecuted either, because when cooperate with retrieving the documents, you don't get prosecuted. Biden's age and mental condition had no effect.
I get you all hate Trump. Who doesn’t. But I don’t get why you aren’t embarrassed about having a nursing home patient in the White House.

The amount of deflecting about how badly Joe is losing his marbles is staggering
I get you all hate Trump. Who doesn’t. But I don’t get why you aren’t embarrassed about having a nursing home patient in the White House.

The amount of deflecting about how badly Joe is losing his marbles is staggering
You must have simply missed all the posts critical of Bidens age and mental acuity.
They are there though.

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You must have simply missed all the posts critical of Bidens age and mental acuity.
They are there though.

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That's what I was going to say. Not only that but you responded positively to the idea that Gavin Newsom might replace Biden on the ticket just earlier today. I echo that sentiment. Biden wasn't my first choice last time and I wish they were fielding a viable alternative this time. Very few people like Biden a lot. We all know he's in his 80s and acts like a guy in his 80s.
So Biden will not be prosecuted for a significant degree of mishandling of classified documents Because he’s a nice old man who is mentally incompetent and not fit to stand trial and it would be too hard to convict a nice dotters old man. But hey he can be President lol.
Are you aware of how things went down with the Trump documents?

First he was notified that they believed he had documents that he shouldn't and that they wanted them back. He didn't give them back. Then they asked more assertively. That's when Trump started playing musical chairs with hundreds of boxes of documents. They were on the stage at Mar-a-Logo, so he moved a bunch of them into a bathroom. He gave some back and said that was all. Then they told him that was not all, so he moved documents from the bathroom into a storage closet and gave a few more back and said that was all. They told him that was not all and Trump said "yes-huh, it is so" meanwhile he's complaining to people that he shouldn't have to give them back and so he's not gonna. There are discussions with his lawyers that go nowhere and eventually they raided Mar-a-Logo and found hundreds of boxes of documents not being stored even remotely securely. In response to this Trump fell on the ground and throw a little baby tantrum claiming that the greatest injustice in the history of the U.S. had just been done to him.

What Trump did was different. He is being charged with WILLFUL retention of classified documents, because he willfully retained them after being told that he needed to give them back, to the extent that he actively hid them even from his own lawyers so that they reported, believing that it was true, that all documents had been returned.
Are you aware of how things went down with the Trump documents?

First he was notified that they believed he had documents that he shouldn't and that they wanted them back. He didn't give them back. Then they asked more assertively. That's when Trump started playing musical chairs with hundreds of boxes of documents. They were on the stage at Mar-a-Logo, so he moved a bunch of them into a bathroom. He gave some back and said that was all. Then they told him that was not all, so he moved documents from the bathroom into a storage closet and gave a few more back and said that was all. They told him that was not all and Trump said "yes-huh, it is so" meanwhile he's complaining to people that he shouldn't have to give them back and so he's not gonna. There are discussions with his lawyers that go nowhere and eventually they raided Mar-a-Logo and found hundreds of boxes of documents not being stored even remotely securely. In response to this Trump fell on the ground and throw a little baby tantrum claiming that the greatest injustice in the history of the U.S. had just been done to him.

What Trump did was different. He is being charged with WILLFUL retention of classified documents, because he willfully retained them after being told that he needed to give them back, to the extent that he actively hid them even from his own lawyers so that they reported, believing that it was true, that all documents had been returned.

i'm not talking about the documents cases. Couldn't care less.
sure of course But there are also plenty of people who have been trying to deny it
im gonna need some post of these plenty of people denying that biden is old and losing it. You might find like two, if that.
So Biden will not be prosecuted for a significant degree of mishandling of classified documents Because he’s a nice old man who is mentally incompetent and not fit to stand trial and it would be too hard to convict a nice dotters old man. But hey he can be President lol.

i'm not talking about the documents cases. Couldn't care less.
Are you old and senile?
sure of course But there are also plenty of people who have been trying to deny it
Only by comparison. Despite being 3 entire years older, Biden is suffering dementia to a lesser degree than Trump. Considering their lifestyles, this shouldn't be a surprise.