Many of you have others on ignore. Not all of you. Is the reason you click into their ignored posts because of quotes? Help me understand! I may just implement forced ignores and figure out how to hide an entire post from someone quoting an ignored poster if I can. Threads will get confusing but ya'll can't seem to not click the link to show the post. Feed the trolls and it continues.
As for personal attacks - I'm ready to kill Gen Disc altogether. I or my moderators spend more time in this crap than anywhere else so I'm ready to just end it.
@SteakNEggs - I get you sit on one side of this political divide vs the majority so would like to ask that if you find yourself attacking another individual or incessantly going off on a damn topic as mentioned, walk away for a day and then, hopefully, don't bother to post it Holds true coming the other direction. Saw
@Red provoke someone today. You all bite back. The mods don't need this either so I'll start to bypass our process and just clean this up directly, no warnings.
I'll say it again - if you can't stop, I can EASILY turn off Gen Disc from your feed. I've done it for some and it's quick. I may have to force it on some.
This is not directed at you Jason in any way...
I will speak my mind and peace and leave General for a bit and let them win in their successful effort to silence Trump supporters. To be clear this is more of a personal rant to said other posters. I get the bad rap but what I do is not even close to the blatant and ardent attack towards Trump voting Christians in this very forum. This place has has a thread that if you like America and like the Bible you are some crazy cult that is a Russian asset that's going to murder everyone next year. No... seriously, if you like Trump and believe in God they are insinuating that you are a terrible human and should be wiped off the face of the earth. Now I'm slightly dramatic but that's legitley the vibe I get. Nobody here even bats and eye at that sort of sheer bigotry and attack on religion. Tell me I'm wrong that attacking someone for their religious beliefs and making up crazy conspiracies that someone like me is going turn dictator and kill other Americans is just flat out stupid and dangerous rhetoric. That is far more absurd than most of what I say. So you know what I do? I take that same Christian Nationalist argument and use it against people. I use the same tactics to show others how utterly bigoted it is and then they run to you. It's completely ok for fish, thriller, red to trash people for their religion.
How many times have these guys called others cultist for simply having a difference of opinion on politics? I can provide a search and show that calling people cult is completely normal and a daily occurrence around here. Why is that not frowned upon at all? It's completely ok to trash Trump supporters and call them cultist, right? And I'm not pointing at you Jason, I'm pointing out the sheer hypocrisy amongst the left here. Outside of me mocking them, do you see me calling others cultist every single day? That's not harrasement? That toxicity is completely normalized here. It's ok for Thriller and Fish to hate someone and use vile attacks but it's trolling when you turn their rhetoric against them, especially what I did to fish.
I mean... I say that I think that biological men need to stay out of womens bathrooms and sports and I get called a transphobic. A sheer bully tactic to shut people up and it obviously works. In my eyes I am protecting the the very sacred art of women and the rights they fought tooth and nail for. I don't hate trans people. I don't fear them, I simply think that children do not need to be exposed to sexuality at kindergarten nor does a 16 year old need to get her breast chopped off. That makes me a troll? That gives people a right to label me with hateful terms? Where is anyone of these hypocrites complaining about that unnecessary trolling?
The other day I provided fish, log, thriller, all blatantly trolling me. I provided an easy 20 post of them trolling. I could provide hundreds and hundreds. That's not me exaggerating. I provided even some pretty damn grotesque trolling and when I expose such filth and I was the bad guy... Literally joking about a child being raped.... Yeah, I'm going to expose that sort of blatant and grotesque trolling if your so immature that you find that funny. Bill Barr doesn't talk about being a pedophile... I'm not calling anyone a pedophile but it was joked about in this forum and people literally laughed. I'm sorry to bring that up but it is direct evidence of how the it's ok for the popular kids to troll and say extremely stupid stuff. You go back and read that thread and I am talking politics the entire time. In return I get mocked mercifully. I explain how corrupt Ukraine is, and the answer "cOrRurpt". And what I do? I still remain on topic. I say that I'm tired of paying a lot for gas and I get told "**** the poors" and that anyone who is struggling right now is just stupid. I point out how inflation sucks and I'm mocked that the economy has nothing to do with Biden. It just baffles me because on Tuesdays and Fridays I am directly responsible for making the price changes. That's literally a chunk of my job.
Don't even get me started on "a dead baby is a dead baby" type crazy. This is the same guy who just the other day said he wants to put Trump supporters up against a wall and murder them and I quote "I and millions of others consider them to be traitors, in the good old day these morally bankrupt scumbags would be put up against a wall and shot and that's exactly what they deserve." The guy wants to Trump supporters to be literally shot and nobody says a word. I have never even come close to that sort of sheer hate. Another poster here threatened to kill Trump(we all saw it). That post was liked by people who call me a troll. Or when he wished a painful death on me. Many say I'm overreacting but if I said that about you, you would not appreciate it. That post was liked by posters too. Or when I was told I should be in jail and convicted of murder for backing John Stockton. Speaking of, look at the sheer hate he got for a blatant misunderstanding. A guy that gave this state his all and they turn on him and hate him for having an opinion. There's a thread dedicated to calling Republicans fascist. I mean... Have you read the "tough day to be in law enforcement" thread and seen how these guys treat our police who do a lot of really amazing things. That's not saying there isn't major problems but they also do many amazing things.
Now I'm faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from innocent. I have said things to push buttons and I have admitted that. But like earlier today when Thriller brought up Matt Gaetz potentially having sex with a 17 year old despite Bidens own DoJ finding absolutely no evidence. So in return I post how A) Biden literally had Bill Clinton in his rally just a month ago B) that on the topic of underage girls we have a president that sniffs little girls. We have a president who literally just made womens bathrooms a potentially dangerous place. And before I get shunned for that, it was just last week that a biological male flashed himself to girls in a Planet Fitness. He says he identifies as a female which Biden is paving the way to make this completely legal. Many of us have daughters, are you seriously comfortable with this?! This world is filled with some pretty awful humans. I'm also being labeled a transphobe for following scientific biology. Why is that completely acceptable? How is that worse than anything I do?
@Jason the only part I will address to you is that for every topic that I should walk away from, there's just much that others should too. You did say that but I'm the main focus. Everything Im accused of others are guilty of. I admit my guilt but the same post that I get trashed about making, maybe I feel equally disturbed and trolled at the attack on Christians and being called a cult member every single day.... you really think that's a warm comfy culture. Being called a cultist when you hurt no one?
I'll respond if anyone wants to talk it out but I said my peace I'll leave the politics alone for a bit. Just know I don't appreciate the name calling, being told I'm pro Russia, being told that I will kill people for nothing. I don't appreciate being told I should die, that I'm a murderer that should be in jail, a troll, cultist or that I should be out against a wall and shot like said here. I have never threatened to kill a president either.