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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

I guess, but #BleachBlondBadBuildButchBody was great to see trending on X all night.
That is exactly why it happened and why we can expect more of it. You liked it. A ton of people liked it. It was widely condemned publicly but everyone was drawn in. In the people's house, this is apparently what the people want.

Personally, I don’t like people getting into the mud with MTG. She’s part of the obstructionist party that began with the tea party. They aren’t there for policy. She isn’t there to govern. She’s there to prevent governing. This benefits the rich primarily and those already cynical about government working for normal people secondarily. Like Mike Lee, She campaigns on government being broke and exploits her constituents’ anger and then spends every term proving that government can’t work.

So let her get her Fox News hit, that’s what MTG, Bobo and Gaetz want and then act like the adult and insist that we get to government work. Her drooling constituents addicted to Facebook and Fox News won’t see it but the rest of us will see that Democrats are the adults in the room.
That was my thought exactly, well said. AOC and the others did themselves no favors by letting themselves get pulled down to her level. All it did was allow Fox News to end their segment on all that stupidity with a tagline about AOC being out of control. This is all so obviously a concerted attempt at developing a controlling plutocracy by destabilization of the machinery of government. Too bad so many are like the frog being boiled alive that this has a very good chance of succeeding. I mean it's been going on since the Reagan years and the first big tax cuts of the "trickle-down" years, but it has certainly accelerated under Trump and the current crop of Republican governance. And it's the biggest existential threat to our society and way of life we've seen in the modern era.
That is exactly why it happened and why we can expect more of it. You liked it. A ton of people liked it. It was widely condemned publicly but everyone was drawn in. In the people's house, this is apparently what the people want.

Oh, I don’t know. I can NOT want to see it devolve into that, yet STILL laugh at MTG when it does. Seems like I can blame Trump for the way politicians deliver highly personal insults these days. He never stops that “tactic”, and now it’s become endemic. Can’t say I ever asked for that; now it’s either name calling, or you dropped the ball for your side. I never asked for that. Not once in my life did I wish for that. BUT, I can laugh.
That is exactly why it happened and why we can expect more of it. You liked it. A ton of people liked it. It was widely condemned publicly but everyone was drawn in. In the people's house, this is apparently what the people want.

Besides, when one is sick and tired of seeing Greene’s self serving, self absorbed, nonsense, sure, I’ll laugh when I see such a perfectly spot-on description of her. Does not mean, certainly doesn’t mean, that I want screaming matches and insults to be the new norm in House debates.
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I mean we know they do this ****. Hell look at the legal version called "shrinkflation" that's still just as scammy. Unfortunately we live in a plutocracy so nothing will happen. On top of that the oil industry is making more profit than they have in the history of the industry. Insanity rules. Society be damned.
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I don't think I spend anywhere close to $2,100 in gas per year. I might spend $80 in gas per month on a heavy driving month. My wife has a much farther commute so she spends more but I doubt she spends $2,100 a year. Together we might get there.

So anyway, this sounds like a made-up number. Brings the entire thing into question and looks like Facebook BS.
I don't think I spend anywhere close to $2,100 in gas per year. I might spend $80 in gas per month on a heavy driving month. My wife has a much farther commute so she spends more but I doubt she spends $2,100 a year. Together we might get there.

So anyway, this sounds like a made-up number. Brings the entire thing into question and looks like Facebook BS.
Ya I have a gas guzzler and I spend about 40 bucks a month on gas in the non fishing months and like 140 in the fishing months. Which doesn't at up to that much.

I do think that there was some intentional cutting of production to drive up prices though.

Edit: actually when I do the math and add it up.... 6 months at 140 per month equals $840 and 6 months at 40 per month equals $240 for a total of $1,080. And I probably actually spend more than that because I was basing it on a normal month but sometimes there are unexpected trips

Then you add my wife's gas and we use her car for our of town long drives..... We might spend 2100 in a year on gas. And my work is only 6 miles away. I have co workers who drove like 40-60 miles each way ever work day.

(I figured that 2100 number is probably based off a household as well)
Those numbers might be more accurate than we think

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I mean we know they do this ****. Hell look at the legal version called "shrinkflation" that's still just as scammy. Unfortunately we live in a plutocracy so nothing will happen. On top of that the oil industry is making more profit than they have in the history of the industry. Insanity rules. Society be damned.
Yep. Which is why it was nice to see some caps on some medicine and on concert ticket fees. Also airlines have to reimburse for flights being cancelled and changed on short notice now. Also saw that in California that cruise lines have to advertise the actual price with port fees and stuff included.
Nice to see that this administration is holding some of these corporations/industry's feet to the fire on behalf of the American consumer for once.

Probably doesn't get enough publicity but all those things have happened recently and are nice to see

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I basically plan on spending between $50-$55 dollars per fill up and I fill up twice maybe three times per month. This has been the case since… forever as gas has consistently been between $3-$4 bucks for my entire adult life. Sedans typically have a 15 gal tank and I usually run my car close to empty before filling up. Sure, there have been a few exceptions, like during Covid when everything was shut down. But consistently it’s been around $50 bucks a tank for me. So that ends up being between $100-$165 dollars per month. So let’s say I average $130 dollars per month x 12 months $1,560 dollars per year. That’s hardly going to break the bank. Many people fork out near that much on a payment for a truck per month. I also don’t need to drive a penis enhancer. I see on our roads in Utah countless $80,000 dollar gas guzzling trucks being driven by single drivers in white collar jobs.

What percentage of men drive F-150s that never leave pavement and/or rarely haul anything? At least 75 percent, right? I’d guess it’s probably closer to 90 percent seeing that most trucks these days have gigantic cabs and tiny beds (might as well get a sedan or minivan). So these guys may bitch about gas when an Accord, Camry, or Civic would serve them just as well as their penis enhancers. If you need to haul stuff, you can rent vehicles. A few years ago I rented a U-Haul for less than $50 bucks. I see advertisements at Home Depot for their trucks at $20 bucks. That’s a lot cheaper than a monthly payment on a completely unnecessary vehicle that’s going to cost you $1,000 bucks a month on a payment, thousands more with insurance, and hundreds in gas per month.

I wish more people looked into Toyota hybrids. The new Camry will get you 40+ mpg, looks awesome, and can comfortably seat 4 and will cost you less than half of what a new truck will. Want something more rugged? Rav4 hybrid will get you 40+ mpg, seats 4 comfortably, and has a gigantic trunk (probably can fit more than your typical truck bed these days).

People should stop complaining. Take responsibility. If you can’t afford a truck, find something else. You may find a smaller, cheaper, more fuel efficient vehicle meets your transport needs better. Take the savings to therapy so you don’t feel like you need a fancy truck to pleasure your wife or feel important in life.
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Besides, when one is sick and tired of seeing Greene’s self serving, self absorbed, nonsense, sure, I’ll laugh when I see such a perfectly spot-on description of her. Does not mean, certainly doesn’t mean, that I want screaming matches and insults to be the new norm in House debates.
The issue for me isn’t MTG. She’s a moron who just lives for Fox News hits. It’s the rubes in her district that would rather watch a monkey eat their own vomit and throw feces at others than a legislator that’ll improve their lives with solid well thought out policy. That’s the core of the issue. So many Americans are bored with their lives and are now seeking identity, entertainment, and/or meaning with electing “culture warriors” to wage war on fellow Americans. I’m not sure how we dig ourselves out of this mess seeing how the problem will only get worse with increasing dependence on technology (AI), communities becoming more segregated, local media disappearing, and religion becoming more politicized and irrelevant.
Disgusting. This country is going to implode.

View: https://youtu.be/Jo2c_VzCzIA?si=jzLIP2uKAhAMi1Vj

It’s interesting that these manly men blame their wives as a first response. Does anyone actually believe this? The flag was flown cuz of his wife? And he never saw it? And it was in response to some mean sign a neighbor had? Cmon. Guess what, I’ve seen plenty of mean signs about our current president. A woman used to drop her kids off at a local elementary school with two gigantic flags on her car, “let’s go Brandon” and “I could **** a better president.” Did I respond by flying a communist flag? Nazi flag? Confederate flag? The American flag upside down as a particularly insidious meaning for a Supreme Court justice to fly.

It’s also interesting to me that Alito and Thomas give their wives decision making power for far right politics but love to take away the decision making power of women when it’s related to health care.

Anyone else see what the Supreme Court for what it truly is? A massive legislating arm of the GOP and billionaires. Republicans can grind the gears of actual legislation in the legislative branch to a halt. Then campaign on how DC is “broken.” Angry and embittered voters then elect them. Once elected, they go about obstructing the legislative branch while nominating and confirming hack judges. Hack judges make everyone’s lives worse with their partisan rulings. Which then fuels the GOP’s campaigning about the cynicism and brokenness of Washington DC. It’s a vicious cycle.

Maybe it’s time to change the court?

1. Time for real ethics reform and real accountability. Judges shouldn’t be receiving bribes. Judges shouldn’t be flying treason flags. Nor should their spouses be engaged in coups. Want the job? Time to be above politics.

2. Term limits. You get one 6 year or 10 year term (I don’t care what the term length is). After that, get your *** off the bench.

3. We know how every case is going to be decided because we know that partisan makeup of the court. Why not expand the court to something like 21 and assign random justices to each case? That way there’s a pool of justices to draw from and a random select of 9 will hear your case.

4. Frankly, I’m tired of the games behind the Supreme Court. Why not just enact a law that each president regardless of political party gets two per term?

The Supreme Court is nothing more than a hack job. Everyone here should be horrified at what it’s become. These guys aren’t even pretending anymore. Alito and Thomas just DGAF.

To my friends on the right, what you’re doing right now can certainly be done by the left. Alito and Thomas aren’t spring chickens. It would be ironic if Biden’s reelection this fall leads to the court swinging 6-3 for liberals by him replacing those two jerks with two very young and liberal justices (which I still believe the Supreme Court should be reformed).

Elections can have consequences!
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Jesus I've seen a bit of footage of Biden lately and he looks like he's escaped the set of a new Thunderbirds film. When I see him I can't help but think of the last days of Boris Yeltsin.

Actually after watching that I'd trust Boris with the nuclear briefcase above the other two.
Jesus I've seen a bit of footage of Biden lately and he looks like he's escaped the set of a new Thunderbirds film. When I see him I can't help but think of the last days of Boris Yeltsin.

Actually after watching that I'd trust Boris with the nuclear briefcase above the other two.

Ahh back when post Soviet Russia was fun.
Yeah the good old days, remember them? You could leave your doors unlocked, cause you had **** all worth stealing. The good old days. You could die from Polio in the good old days. I miss the good old days...

and you never had to worry about filling the hours in the day, all conveniently taken up with standing in a queue for half a loaf of bread for the family to last for 4 days
Sadly, technology and prosperity have made a large segment our population so bored and angry at life, that they demand to elect arsonists who promise to tear down the system even though the solution the arsonists propose would make everyone less prosperous and life less safe.