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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Watch the complete silence on this. @fishonjazz you gonna troll me again for pointing this out?
Well that's rape. Straight up. Minimum "assault", but that's ****ing rape.

This is a really good pt. What’s…. Different from what Trump did to what Harvey Weinstein used to do? Exploit a woman’s desire to advance her career, make it clear what the requirements are, some intimidation is used, and then take advantage! Change the name Trump to Harvey and Stormy to any number of desperate actresses and it’s indistinguishable the difference.

Did Ashley Biden Call Childhood Showers with Her Father 'Probably Inappropriate' in Leaked Diary?​

"Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so — I can't remember specifics but I do remember trauma — I remember not liking the Woolzacks house, I remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline [Biden, her cousin]; I remember having sex with Friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate), Being turned on when I wasn't suppose to be."

View: https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1790058807625679091
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What a terrible weak for Democrats. "F* the poors* right? People can't even afford to live anymore and now are in debt up to their knees but hey 401k's and they insult peoples intelligence lying that Trump is broke because he's a multi-Billionaire that has over 500 LLC's, owns golf courses, Casinos around the world. That's broke according to Democrats all while common people can't even eat... Lol so amazingly stupid that its borderline insulting actually.

Overdue Bills Are Rising With US Debt Delinquencies, Fed Survey Shows​

(Bloomberg) -- US household debt has reached a record and more borrowers are struggling to keep up.

Overall US household debt rose to $17.7 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit released Tuesday. That’s an increase of $184 billion, or 1.1%, from the fourth quarter.

Total credit card debt stood at $1.12 trillion in the first quarter of 2024, according to the report. That’s down slightly from the $1.13 trillion in the fourth quarter, in line with seasonal patterns of consumers paying debt incurred over the holidays. But credit card balances are up almost 25% from the first quarter of 2020.
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Lol they are going to need a LOT of meth for this clown.

View: https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1790725467839885708

If what I’m hearing is true, then this “debate” is going to be something really weird that we haven’t seen in an election before.

The first debate is to be on a CNN sound stage in Atlanta with no people from the public in attendance. There will be no witnesses with cell phones taking unauthorized video. The only video will be the official produced video feed from Biden’s hand-picked production team. I don’t know about the second one but the belief is that it will be on an ABC sounds stage someplace, also without audience and with a Biden’s hand-picked production team.

In addition, the Biden camp wants the power to cut off Trump’s and/or Biden’s microphone if either speaks beyond the agreed scope.

I’m sure Biden will be in good form. Whatever it is they’re giving him, he does seem able to be up for events like this when he needs to be, but if he stumbles, you won’t ever hear or see it. The Biden campaign is structuring this so any content damaging to their candidate can be dumped and erased.
If what I’m hearing is true, then this “debate” is going to be something really weird that we haven’t seen in an election before.

The first debate is to be on a CNN sound stage in Atlanta with no people from the public in attendance. There will be no witnesses with cell phones taking unauthorized video. The only video will be the official produced video feed from Biden’s hand-picked production team. I don’t know about the second one but the belief is that it will be on an ABC sounds stage someplace, also without audience and with a Biden’s hand-picked production team.

In addition, the Biden camp wants the power to cut off Trump’s and/or Biden’s microphone if either speaks beyond the agreed scope.

I’m sure Biden will be in good form. Whatever it is they’re giving him, he does seem able to be up for events like this when he needs to be, but if he stumbles, you won’t ever hear or see it. The Biden campaign is structuring this so any content damaging to their candidate can be dumped and erased.
My goodness, yeah I'm reading more about this and this is embarrassing. He's not even hiding that he is incapable. This should be live and fully televised. Trump seems to be setting himself up to give Biden an advantage to hide the bad and showcase the good.
So apparently Trump has accepted a Fox News debate. Will Joe Biden accept Trumps challenge like Trump accepted Joes? I doubt it.
In 2020, Trump famously predicted that “the stock market will crash” if Joe Biden became president. Biden did, and equity investors have since turned a handsome profit.

Then in January of 2024 he said that he hoped a market crash would happen under Biden.

Then in February of 2024 he warned that the stock market will crash if he doesn't win this upcoming election.

Investors just laugh​

The Dow notched another milestone on Thursday, crossing over the 40,000 mark for the first time in history, helped by a resilient economy and signs of cooler inflation.

I didn't make this post to show that Biden created a great economy. I dont give any single man credit for such things. I made the post simply to reiterate that if trumps lips are moving then he is lying..............

He is wrong a lot.
In 2020, Trump famously predicted that “the stock market will crash” if Joe Biden became president. Biden did, and equity investors have since turned a handsome profit.

Then in January of 2024 he said that he hoped a market crash would happen under Biden.

Then in February of 2024 he warned that the stock market will crash if he doesn't win this upcoming election.

Investors just laugh​

The Dow notched another milestone on Thursday, crossing over the 40,000 transom for the first time in history, helped by a resilient economy and signs of cooler inflation.

If trumps lips are moving then he is lying..............
Lol he's baaaaack. Media finally gave you something to obsess about Trump over. I missed you. You see the part I posted about Biden showering with his daughter? That's pretty creepy huh? Right?

A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate."

Our find: TRUE
From the same article: https://www.marketwatch.com/livecov...ay-dow-futures-hold-record-highs?&mod=careers

But can stocks keep pushing higher? Surprisingly strong corporate earnings bolster the case for why they can, according to Ryan Detrick, chief market strategist at Carson Group.

Despite being an election year, which could spur a bumpy ride into 2025, Detrick expects 2024 to remain strong for stocks.

Corporate America's balance sheets "are in great shape, while the consumer might have some cracks, but is still strong thanks to a very healthy employment backdrop," he said in emailed commentary Thursday.

"Then consider lower rates are likely coming, thanks to inflation that should drastically improve the second half of this year."

Oh noes! Biden is destroying the country! lol.
“Toughest news yet for the one guy in America rooting for the economy to crash because he thinks it’ll help him politically,” said Michael Tyler, Biden’s campaign communication director. “Donald Trump promised the stock market would crash if Joe Biden was elected. Instead, Joe Biden has broken economic records across the board.”

And lets remember that trump also wants there to be big time issues at the border to help himself politically. America First? no, its always trump first for trump.
“Toughest news yet for the one guy in America rooting for the economy to crash because he thinks it’ll help him politically,” said Michael Tyler, Biden’s campaign communication director. “Donald Trump promised the stock market would crash if Joe Biden was elected. Instead, Joe Biden has broken economic records across the board.”

And lets remember that trump also wants there to be big time issues at the border to help himself politically. America First? no, its always trump first for trump.
Weren't you the one who said Presidents have absolutely no control over stocks? yeah you are...if I need to I can find the post but most people would just admit they said it. You should make up your mind on this though.
From February 27 2024:

Trump is not just foretelling a market meltdown — something he, wrongly, forecast in 2020. The former president is predicting the mother of all market crashes if he isn’t victorious.

“If we lose, you’re gonna have a crash like you wouldn’t believe,” Trump said at a campaign rally on Friday. He went on to say a loss for him would spark “the largest stock market crash we’ve ever had.”

Asked about Trump’s market warning, David Kelly, chief global strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management said: “I think I heard that three years ago.”

Indeed, between August and October of 2020 alone, Trump sent six tweets saying the market would “crash” if Joe Biden were elected president. He made a similar warning in an October 2020 debate with Biden.

That forecast proved comically false.

The Dow spiked nearly 12% in November 2020, its best month since January 1987. And under Biden, the benchmark S&P 500 has climbed 34% to all-time highs.

Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at CFRA Research, downplayed the doomsaying from Trump as just a way for the GOP front-runner to get attention and perhaps motivate voters.

“Fear sells,” he said.

Trump, who loved to tout the stock market when he was in the White House, has recently tried to take credit for the market performance under Biden.

“The only thing that’s doing well is the stock market. And it’s doing well because the polls are all showing that we’re winning by a lot,” Trump said on Friday, echoing a claim he’s made in recent weeks.

Market strategists largely dismissed that argument.

“It’s just ludicrous,” said Hogan. “Whenever a president tries to attach any effect over the market, it’s just a waste of time. It gets even more laughable for a former president to do that.”
The S&P 500 has surged 24% since the recent low in late October. The Nasdaq has rallied 27%. The Dow crossed the 38,000 level for the first time last month — and then cruised above 39,000 just a month later.

But this rally has little to anything to do with the 2024 race for the White House, according to market veterans.

Instead, they say the market milestones are being fueled by the strengthening economy, growing corporate profits, the fact that the Federal Reserve has stopped hiking interest rates.

“It’s all about better economics,” said Kelly, the JPMorgan executive whose division manages $2.9 trillion. “The US economy has proven it can grow, avoid recession and maintain an unemployment rate at or below 4% – even as inflation comes down.”

The stock market has generated higher annual returns when Democrats are in power. Since 1945, the S&P 500 has posted an average gain of 11.5% during years when there is a Democrat in the White House, compared with 7.1% under Republicans, according to CFRA Research.

Analysts are split today on whether a Trump 2.0 agenda would be a positive or a negative for the market and the economy.

A Trump win could fuel hopes that the Trump tax cuts will be extended. But that could also amplify concerns about America’s massive budget deficits and mountain of debt.

Investors would not be excited about the return of Tariff Man, as Trump dubbed himself during his trade war with China. Earlier this year, Trump vowed to impose a tariff upward of 60% on all Chinese imports if he’s reelected.

There are also concerns about the chaos of a Trump presidency — and what it would mean for the Federal Reserve.

Trump recently said he would not reappoint Jerome Powell — his handpicked chairman of the Federal Reserve — and even accused him of considering rate cuts to help Democrats in November.

Powell, a Republican, was reappointed by Biden in 2021 and his term does not expire until May 2026.

“I think Trump would try to force out Jerome Powell. And booting Powell would not be well received by the markets,” said Greg Valliere, chief US policy strategist at AGF Investments.

For now, Valliere thinks markets are agnostic about Trump, especially because the election is a lifetime away for notoriously short-term focused investors. But that could change.

“There is a wariness in the markets of the instability that might accompany Trump’s reelection,” said Valliere.
“Toughest news yet for the one guy in America rooting for the economy to crash because he thinks it’ll help him politically,” said Michael Tyler, Biden’s campaign communication director. “Donald Trump promised the stock market would crash if Joe Biden was elected. Instead, Joe Biden has broken economic records across the board.”

And lets remember that trump also wants there to be big time issues at the border to help himself politically. America First? no, its always trump first for trump.
Nobody gives a **** about your 401K fish. You're all hopped up on Trump right now lol.

BIDEN’S AMERICA: Majority Of Americans Say They’re Worse Off Than They Were 4 Years Ago
A Financial Times/Michell Ross poll has revealed that a majority of voters (51%) believe their financial position has deteriorated under President Joe Biden’s economic policies. This sentiment is likely to be a significant concern for Biden’s reelection chances, as the economy is the top issue for voters in the 2024 election.

The poll results paint a bleak picture for Biden’s economic policies, with:

– Only 28% of voters saying his economy has helped their financial situation
– 71% describing economic conditions as negative
– 80% citing soaring prices as one of their biggest challenges

Hey fish remember this? Here's you literally saying Presidents don't run the economy.
Presidents don't run the economy...

Just in case anyone is confused.

The economy is global and no national leader has direct control over the entire economy and in most 1st world countries the national leader doesn't even have significant control over their own national economy.

Ya trumpers are weird.
In 2020, Trump famously predicted that “the stock market will crash” if Joe Biden became president. Biden did, and equity investors have since turned a handsome profit.

Then in January of 2024 he said that he hoped a market crash would happen under Biden.

Then in February of 2024 he warned that the stock market will crash if he doesn't win this upcoming election.

Investors just laugh​

The Dow notched another milestone on Thursday, crossing over the 40,000 mark for the first time in history, helped by a resilient economy and signs of cooler inflation.

I didn't make this post to show that Biden created a great economy. I dont give any single man credit for such things. I made the post simply to reiterate that if trumps lips are moving then he is lying..............

He is wrong a lot.
both sides have predicted stockmarket catastrophe if the other one was elected both in 2016 and 2020 I don't think the stockmarket gives a fat rat's clacker about who is president, only that nobody gets in their way of trading and making money
I don't think the stockmarket gives a fat rat's clacker about who is president, only that nobody gets in their way of trading and making money

Yep. Which is what I have been saying for a long time. Also why those who say things like "I don't care about trumps morals or his character. He made the economy great so that's why I'm voting for him" are idiots.

I would like to see the Biden quotes predicting the stock market crash and then the one where he says he hopes it crashes and then the one where he takes credit for the stock market doing great while he isn't even part of the government. Will be fun to see someone really try to both sides this one with actual facts rather than vague both sides predict stuff statements

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