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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

I'm guessing there are a few people who have been running the Presidency for Joe Biden, and doing a good job of it I'd say, who are probably very disappointed right now
Biden has been the best president of my lifetime.

Incredible investments in energy, manufacturing, infrastructure, and climate.

One of the best economies of my lifetime.

Expanded health care (although I still wish we had a universal health care system).

Has handled foreign relationships well. I like presidents who don’t write love letters to foreign dictators.

It hasn’t always been great. I wish he could’ve found a way to pass the John Lewis CRA. Wish he would’ve seen the Supreme Court for what it is, the legislating arm of the GOP. And wish he would’ve provided Ukraine with more aid and sooner. But he’s ultimately been more impactful than Obama. And hasn’t sucked like Trump or Bush. No scandals like Clinton. I think you’d have to go back to Reagan to find a more impactful president. And to LBJ for most consequential for society. LBJ’s contributions to America are sadly overshadowed by the Vietnam war. Yet most on this board have benefited by his legislation.

And if by ending his campaign he empowers another candidate to end Trump, he’ll be entering legend status. At a time old white guys are using the country to protect their own egos (or hide their crimes) Biden acted like a patriot and put his country first.
All credit to the President for putting the country ahead of himself and his own ambition. What a patriot, he may have just saved the Republic.

I disagree with it being framed as such. He should have stepped down weeks ago. He only gave in because more and more top Democrats were defecting and nothing was going to change that tide.
mate c'mon you don't really think he made that decision rather than he had no option ?
I get what you are saying but he did have an option. Stay in the race and then see if he wins the election. I think he had a 50/50 chance due to trump being the opponent and the two party system which makes every election somewhat close.

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Those most disappointed today are trumpers. Just look at this board’s most ardent Trump supporters. They’re either MIA or calling Harris a DEI pick.