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Which is odd as she's voted for Trump's proposals more than many of his stronger supporters, but it's about what's said, not about the actions.
It is all about the actions. She was embraced by the team when she was doing team actions. It is only now that she's not doing team actions that the team doesn't want her on the team. You have to match past actions with past standing, and current actions with current standing.
Which is odd as she's voted for Trump's proposals more than many of his stronger supporters, but it's about what's said, not about the actions.
Politics are all about misdirection. Listen to my pretty banter and patter, don't bother watching what my hand is doing, listen to me!!
Which is odd as she's voted for Trump's proposals more than many of his stronger supporters, but it's about what's said, not about the actions.
She also voted FOR impeachment.

that's political suicide in today's GOP. In today's GOP it's not about ideology, it's about fealty to Orange God King and promoting his Big Lie.

Speaking only for myself, but Trump running again in 2024 would be motivation enough for me to change my voter registration to Republican just to vote against him in the primaries. My state only lets registered Republicans vote in the Republican primaries.

Speaking only for myself, but Trump running again in 2024 would be motivation enough for me to change my voter registration to Republican just to vote against him in the primaries. My state only lets registered Republicans vote in the Republican primaries.

Everyone in Utah ought to be registered as a Republican so that they have at least some say in who makes it to the General in state level elections.
Everyone in Utah ought to be registered as a Republican so that they have at least some say in who makes it to the General in state level elections.
Utah has too strong a contingency who will always vote for the top republican regardless of who they are or what they stand for or what they had done. We had a known harasser, known liar, grab-em-by-the-***** moral despot who had allegation of all kind of **** but the Utah repubs cry "but da gays can't marry" and "but he don't want ta kill da babies" and they vote blindly on literally 2 points and Trump wins the vote, handily. I am embarrassed by that, and frankly by every mormon who feels that guy is the best option due to some vague non sequitur "reason" that somehow overrides every other moral issue the guy had. For a lot of mormons, republicanism is at least as strong, if not a stronger religion as mormonism itself to them.
Utah repubs cry "but da gays can't marry" and "but he don't want ta kill da babies" and they vote blindly on literally 2 points and Trump wins the vote, handily.
Trump was pro-gay marriage. He was actually the first President in US History to be pro-gay marriage before winning the position.

I do wonder where Trump as being against gay marriage came from. My Mom, as a life-long Republican who lives in Utah and detests Trump, also said his stance against gay marriage was part of why she hated him. That false narrative seems to have drown out the truth. People who are pro-gay marriage hate the most pro-gay marriage President as compared to all other Presidents in US history, many of which I'm sure they supported, because they're convinced of the narrative. It blows my mind how well propaganda works.
Trump was pro-gay marriage. He was actually the first President in US History to be pro-gay marriage before winning the position.

I do wonder where Trump as being against gay marriage came from. My Mom, as a life-long Republican who lives in Utah and detests Trump, also said his stance against gay marriage was part of why she hated him. That false narrative seems to have drown out the truth. People who are pro-gay marriage hate the most pro-gay marriage President as compared to all other Presidents in US history, many of which I'm sure they supported, because they're convinced of the narrative. It blows my mind how well propaganda works.
I never heard he was pro or anti gay marriage but if I had to guess I would have guessed anti just because it would fit with his personality.
Do you have a link to Trump talking about how he likes that gays can marry?
Trump was pro-gay marriage. He was actually the first President in US History to be pro-gay marriage before winning the position.

I do wonder where Trump as being against gay marriage came from. My Mom, as a life-long Republican who lives in Utah and detests Trump, also said his stance against gay marriage was part of why she hated him. That false narrative seems to have drown out the truth. People who are pro-gay marriage hate the most pro-gay marriage President as compared to all other Presidents in US history, many of which I'm sure they supported, because they're convinced of the narrative. It blows my mind how well propaganda works.
The point is exactly that, they don't look at what the candidate says, just the party-line.
I never heard he was pro or anti gay marriage but if I had to guess I would have guessed anti just because it would fit with his personality.
Do you have a link to Trump talking about how he likes that gays can marry?
Sadly a lot of the best examples in Trump's own words were removed by Jack Dorsey but here is an article from 2016 before he took office:

Most of the attacks on Trump as being anti-LGBTQ+ stem from the 'T' part, not the 'LGB' part. Trump was fine with gay marriage but against allowing men into girl's bathrooms and putting the military on the hook to pay for genital swaps. Advocates took those anti-'T' stances and falsely broadened them into greater attack on LGBTQ+ community.
Transgender women using the woman's restroom is not men using the girl's restroom. So who the ****
Sadly a lot of the best examples in Trump's own words were removed by Jack Dorsey but here is an article from 2016 before he took office:

Most of the attacks on Trump as being anti-LGBTQ+ stem from the 'T' part, not the 'LGB' part. Trump was fine with gay marriage but against allowing men into girl's bathrooms and putting the military on the hook to pay for genital swaps. Advocates took those anti-'T' stances and falsely broadened them into greater attack on LGBTQ+ community.
What does men using the girl's restroom have to do with transgender people?

BTW, never knew there were different bathrooms for Men, Women, Boys and Girls, but I guess phrasing it that way makes it sound a lot scarier.
You know why I'm glad there are different bathrooms for men and women? Because that way I don't have to be embarrassed by women hearing my farts and smelling my poop. That's the biggest reason why I like having them separated.

You know what they ought to do? They ought to make restrooms far more private. I'd actually like it 1000% more if all restrooms were individual. Short of that It'd be cool if we could close that stupid *** gap on all sides of the stalls. The next thing they ought to do it have an active exhaust fan in bathrooms that not only helps remove odor but provides a little white noise.

Who TF came up with our current public restroom standards?

Transgender women using the woman's restroom is not men using the girl's restroom.
Fine. He was against letting adult humans having a Y chromosome being in the same public restroom with young humans who didn't have a Y chromosome. That the adult having a Y chromosome also has a mental dysphoria doesn't help. Happy? The point is that has nothing to do with gay marriage.
Fine. He was against letting adult humans having a Y chromosome being in the same public restroom with young humans who didn't have a Y chromosome. That the adult having a Y chromosome also has a mental dysphoria doesn't help. Happy? The point is that has nothing to do with gay marriage.
What does Trump imagine happens in public restrooms? Don't most people get in there, do their business, wash their hands (hopefully) and GTFO? Am I missing some sort of crucial bathroom activities that most other people are engaging in?

What makes bathrooms such a contentious area for transgender people to exist in? To let them know they don't belong? Keep them in their sub-class?
What does Trump imagine happens in public restrooms? Don't most people get in there, do their business, wash their hands (hopefully) and GTFO? Am I missing some sort of crucial bathroom activities that most other people are engaging in?
Loudoun County School Board Superintendent Scott Ziegler, is that you?
Don't be silly. 'Murder' requires that something be illegal. It is the legal, intentional, planned homicide of babies that many Republicans find distasteful.
No, It's genius. Republicans voting for republican candidates becomes a moral imperative at that point.