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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

One thing? Wow, how about we start here...

  • Extreme tax cuts for corporations and failure to enforce anti-trust laws leading to a build-up to fuel the inflation and price fixing and gouging that has carried well past the inflationary crisis.
  • By the way, this also nearly gutted social security and since the vast majority of our population either do or will rely on that for a good chunk or even most or all of their retirement, this affects everyone as we will all carry the burden, instead of massive corporations performing multi-billion dollar stock buy-backs instead of paying their share of taxes. I am one of those looking to social security for a decent piece of my retirement due to going through 5 layoffs in my career.
  • Fomenting the insurrection on Jan 6th. This lead to a deeper divide among our people and made us rife for corruption which we are seeing in the supreme court as a great example.
  • Gutting the Affordable Care Act, reducing greatly the number of people who can get medical care. This means more visits to doctors that people cannot pay for, so that gets spread out to the rest of us in higher prices. This is taking our already ****ed up medical system backward, not forward. Oh and his replacement plan is always 2 weeks away.
  • Completely botching the response to COVID, resulting in thousands of needless deaths. One example is him now allowing OSHA to set required safety standards for workplaces, which means it was all haphazard. I know at my workplace, a distribution environment, we went to great lengths to provide safety gear, clean, and account for social distancing. A lot of places that stayed open did not follow these standards from the CDC anywhere near as closely. I had family members die as a result of his response, and I got COVID twice, once ending in long COVID that still has lingering effects to this day.
  • Completely mishandling immigration despite all the bluster. He cracked down on legal immigrants, and wasted money on a useless wall that has been shown to have zero effect on illegal immigration since the vast majority of that happens at airports, not people sneaking over the wall.
  • This is one example of many many wastes of taxpayer money, money that could have gone to better causes to improve life for all of us. But he needed to golf more than any president in history and he turned the secret service into a profit center for Trump corporation as he charged them to stay in his building to protect him. Talk about conflict of interest.
  • The stupid muslim ban heightened tensions among american who just looked like that. One of the managers that works for me is middle-eastern, and Christian, and he got held up and questioned in the airport because he was flying in from England and looked like he was one of those muslims. That is ridiculous and did nothing to improve security of the country.

I could go on and on. Here are a few articles, easy to find with google. Go look at multiple source on this stuff. He did a few good things, imo, like turn a blind eye to states legalizing weed, which needs to be done federally honestly. But the bad so far outweighs the good that it isn't funny.

This one is a decent mix of kind of ok things he did and outright ****** things he did:

I got these quotes out of order but yes, let's start there. He and a full cabinet and a stacked supreme court could absolutely up-end the democracy, especially with the ruling of impunity for executive action as long as he claims "official act". Did you miss that part, or are you being intellectually dishonest by cherry-picking?

Yes, the media has been problematic with the Trump presidency, they cannot figure him out and he is bound and determined to destroy public media as we know it. I disagree with a lot of what gets reported, and I go to many sources for my news, with only 2 or 3 really trusted sites, but they tend to do this **** to most presidents. The only thing new here is Trump calling straight up true stories simply false, regardless of what was in the story to begin with, and he continues to do this. He just recently said he never sent any COVID test kits to Russia, then Russia said, yes he did. Did he retract? No of course not, his team tried to spin it as humanitarian aid. Give me a break. But a lot of stupid people just take everything he says at face value. Look at the damage he is doing manipulating the stories about the recent hurricanes and providing nothing but false outlooks that FEMA and local governments have both said have made their jobs much much harder, and lead to needless deaths. Any accountability there? Nope. His people are sheep.

The news we receive it always filtered, in every way, by every organization or person you get it from, hence why you need to get it from multiple sources and be skeptical of it all. And yes, the fact that budding fascist and racist Musk is supporting Trump raises huge red flags, since that means he believes Trump is best for his personal agenda and wealth. Not best for the rest of us, just him and his cohorts. This seems very anti-Trump of you in this last statement, because maybe you thin this paints Trump in a good light but it simply does not.

Also, any sources you care to cite for any of these claims? Any places showing this filtering of the news to be more anti-Trump than it should be, or do you just know because the conspiracy is SO OBVIOUS? :rolleyes:

You make a couple fair points there, but do a disservice to yourself labeling Musk a racist and budding fascist. Anyone a potential threat that backs a conservative position is immediately labeled a racist or fascist. Don't tell me it's not true, I watched it ad nauseam for the last 8 years. Classic divide and conquer tactics the elites play to get normies all up in arms to do their foot soldier work. Back to Musk though: He is worth 250 billion, an immigrant himself, is building green cars, and designing reusable rockets to improve and progress humanity, but your stance is his real dream is just more power and to have a seat in 78 year old Trump's cabinet? That doesn't pass the smell test. The people I mention tell you WHY they are backing Trump. On the Harris side, you have Taylor Swift holding up a cat and "White dudes for Harris", millionaire celebs in gated communities with zero understanding of geopolitics.

View: https://x.com/BillAckman/status/1844802469680873747

The one strong policy Harris has is her 25K housing credit for first time buyers. Shelter is the last sticky inflation point and it somewhat evens the playing field against trillion dollar hedge funds from flipping or renting out.
You make a couple fair points there, but do a disservice to yourself labeling Musk a racist and budding fascist. Anyone a potential threat that backs a conservative position is immediately labeled a racist or fascist. Don't tell me it's not true, I watched it ad nauseam for the last 8 years. Classic divide and conquer tactics the elites play to get normies all up in arms to do their foot soldier work. Back to Musk though: He is worth 250 billion, an immigrant himself, is building green cars, and designing reusable rockets to improve and progress humanity, but your stance is his real dream is just more power and to have a seat in 78 year old Trump's cabinet? That doesn't pass the smell test. The people I mention tell you WHY they are backing Trump. On the Harris side, you have Taylor Swift holding up a cat and "White dudes for Harris", millionaire celebs in gated communities with zero understanding of geopolitics.

View: https://x.com/BillAckman/status/1844802469680873747

The one strong policy Harris has is her 25K housing credit for first time buyers. Shelter is the last sticky inflation point and it somewhat evens the playing field against trillion dollar hedge funds from flipping or renting out.

I went to the grocery store and I noticed something disturbing. All the soda was labeled as soda. Every. Single. Time. Like, don't tell me they don't know what they're doing.
The one strong policy Harris has is her 25K housing credit for first time buyers. Shelter is the last sticky inflation point and it somewhat evens the playing field against trillion dollar hedge funds from flipping or renting out.
It does no such thing. The government subsidy on housing will do the exact same thing the government subsidy on college tuition did to college tuition pricing. The trillion dollar hedge funds already bought the houses. The government stepping in now to inflate the value of houses will strengthen their balance sheets. Why do you think they have thrown a billion dollars into Kamala's campaign fund to get her elected?