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The official "let's reelect Trump" thread

I don’t like Trump, but I don’t think he is a tyrant, a Nazi, an authoritarian or a white supremacist.

He’s not a guy that I would vote for, unless the person running against him is a leftist who advocates for a bunch of things that I’m fundamentally against and then calls me a villain, or a racist or a Nazi because I disagree with them.

Fwiw i didnt call him any of those things you mentioned and you failed to address my post, which doesnt bother me btw.

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Could people support Hitler without being Nazis? Could people support Mussolini without being Fascists? Can people support Trump without being assholes? Or since he's a fascist, without being considered fascists?

I find it ironic -- funny too if it were a different subject matter -- that antifa calls people other than themselves facists! Are they so self-unaware?
Damn reading up on the absolutely insane health crisis going on in Hawaii and predominantly blue California cities. It's pretty sad that nobody seems to give a damn about these people. I hear about what's going on South of the border and it's definitely terrible but when we can't even take care of our own I don't see how we can take care of the rest of the world.
Do you know what a fascist is?
Didn't you get the memo? Anti fascists are the real fascists now. It's amazing how people around here can muster so much energy against antifa but say nary a word about Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys, or any a litany of actual fascist organizations whose ideology is actually killing people.
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Didn't you get the memo? Anti fascists are the real fascists now. It's amazing how poeple around here can muster so much energy against antifa but say nary a word about Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys, or any a litany of actual fascist organizations whose ideology is actually killing people.

Various groups, like antifa and Proud boys, got into it in Portland today.

And I’m reading names like “American Guard” and I can’t help but think this is Gangs of New York 2

Actually, I think there are a total of 2 users who are saying that (str8line and Eenie-Meenie). Try not to melt.

I actually put forward an argument of why trump was not a Nazi and then was repeatedly attacked for saying he was a Nazi. We have some fragile snowflakes who invent persecution stories to paint themselves as victims. Trump Is not a Nazi but he is a narcissist.

I did say that one poster was acting like goebbels and I stand by that opinion.
Antifa bad

White supremacists bad.

Violence bad

Extremists bad.

Fire bad

Now why can’t we all just get along?
I wondered just how organized Antifa was, since Trump tweeted his inclination to label them a terrorist organization. This was just the webpage that represented the top return when searching "Antifa websites". Words are one thing, and rocks and clubs another. I did watch some of Ngo's footage yesterday. But if all I had to go by were their words, maybe I'm a terrorist sympathizer.


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