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The Player's "STAND"

I didn't know MLB used scabs, but didn't the NFL try that for a while in 1986 or '87. I was too young to see a difference in the quality, but I remember all the comentators trashing on the players. I was old enough to realize the commentators were mostly former players and I thought they were lame for harping on the short falls of the scabs. I thought the sideline stories about the scabs who were all realitivly unknown made the game more intersting. I also liked the wide open feeling. Nobody knew which team would be good--or bad.

The NBA would have a harder time with scabs, for the very same reasons that the NBA has been succesful. I mean how many games would it take for the refs to figure which players were supposed to get fouls called for them, which players were allowed to travel, double dribble, trash talk, and push off and which players were not.

I don't think the Jazz would have trouble selling 10,000 tickets to a scab game, did you ever go to the Rocky Mtn Review? Sub-par basketball but standing room only when the jazz played. I'd pay $10 to watch Britton Johnson and Stockton's son play for coach Corbin on the Jazz floor.

I would too, simply out of morbid curiosity. You're fooling yourself if you think the tickets would be anywhere near 10 bucks, and if you think you'd come back for more than 2 or 3 games. There is a reason we all go to the RMR, and that's to see our rookies for a few games. I think there is a reason you can get Utah Flash floor seats for cheap an hour before the game -- because nobody cares about scrub/scabs.
Ok, sports fans! Let's keep this thread on page one, huh! So here's Vescey's take on the lockout. He thinks it's going to be long and ugly!

Here's his best line on it: Is it any wonder I'm so unsympathetic? Why get bent out of shape or passionately involved in either side's cause when, the end of the day, the players are still going to be multi-millionaires and the owners are still going to be billionaires?

What's the worst that can happen to the guys in the used-to-be shorts? Smaller posse? Fewer baby mamas? Drive domestic?

Read more: https://www.nypost.com/p/sports/more_sports/locked_bloated_tnJiWe7JToKhQ2WDY6s87K#ixzz1QgWTe7Fn
....The NBA would have a harder time with scabs, for the very same reasons that the NBA has been succesful. I mean how many games would it take for the refs to figure which players were supposed to get fouls called for them, which players were allowed to travel, double dribble, trash talk, and push off and which players were not....
SO funny, yet true.
Yes, these players are the best in the world, but they are very easily replaced. Hell, we replaced Karl and John in a couple of years and have replaced their replacements with a couple of more years. There will always be another Jordan, Magic, Hakeem, etc. The players are very easily replaced. The teams might suffer for a year or two, but any worse than this last year? How many stadiums were practically empty when you watched games?

Perfectly said.
I'd love to see them get through this lockout and then have the fans have a lockout. Say the lockout goes for 50 games. I say no fans anywhere should tune in or show up to the next 50 games. I know that would never happen but I would love to see how the players and owners would react with no one there.
Again, its all posturing until the deadline. That is when the players union and owners will throw their final offer down and it may or may not be good enough. These doom and gloom articles don't mean squat until then.
I don't completely agree with this. Yes, these players are the best in the world, but they are very easily replaced. Hell, we replaced Karl and John in a couple of years and have replaced their replacements with a couple of more years. There will always be another Jordan, Magic, Hakeem, etc. The players are very easily replaced. The teams might suffer for a year or two, but any worse than this last year? How many stadiums were practically empty when you watched games?

Practically empty? I'm not sure. Not near capacity? Most. Otherwise the owners wouldn't have lost their shirts.
This is why nobody sides with the players. Here is Kevin Durant, one of the most likeable players in the NBA:

"In this league, teams can easily just say, 'We don't want this guy on our team anymore.' I think the security of having that contract goes a long way because you're taking care of your family, you've got a lot of things you're doing and this is your way of living," All-Star Kevin Durant said."

Dude, you made 20 million on your first contract. If you need a second to "take care of your family" then you have problems.

The owners don't come out in the media and act like they are one of us.
Seriously? That is exactly why there shouldn't be guaranteed contracts so if Durant, or AK, or CJ aren't living up to their contract because they are doing "a lot of things" then you deserve to get cut.

Give me a break.
They should probably just let Fisher and Hunter do the talking from now on. When Durant says some uneducated drivel like that it just fuels the owners to stick to their guns even harder.
Funny that the owners are winning the PR battle. Think about a bunch of super richer ego maniacs who have inherited fortunes or spent a lifetime doing 'business' that would keep a normal man up at night-- versus the underdog kids that have overcome poverty and other obstacles to make a name for themselves.

Etan Thomas' article shows just how out of touch the players are. The LeBron & Wade debacle, Metta World Peace, and Kevin Durrant just wanting 'a little security' just digs the hole deeper.

Edit to answer the 5

Fiction- NBA fans need a hard cap.
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I actually hope this lockout lasts years. Years and years. I'm sick of athletes getting paid ****ing 20 billion dollars, they deserve like a $80,000 salary. They're ATHLETES. The ballooning of their pay to macro-ridiculous amounts is one of the most disgusting parts of our society's history thus far.

- Craig
The owners are winning because they know they are better and different than us but they don't try to act like they aren't. They aren't worried of selling out.

Craig- I have no problem with players making that much money...if the system can support it. Make as much money as you can, but do it the right way.