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This video blew my mind


Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of music videos and trailers in general... short, dramatic pieces that convey a feeling or a mood. I have something like 200 or so that I really like saved on my hard drive, and I watch them constantly.

This has to be THE most impressive fan-made music video I've ever seen, period, and I've seen a lot. It's kind of a big file (185 megs, 720p, Mp4 format), but trust me, this download's worth it. The effects, transitions, and general artistry are unparalelled.

Memory Flash 3 (right-click, "Save Target As...")

For full effect, go full-screen, put on some good headphones, and turn up the volume.

FWIW, the song used is "The Walk" by Imogen Heap. I think the video can be appreciated even if you're not crazy about the music, but personally, I like Heap, especially the album she did with Guy Sigsworth as "Frou Frou," called Details.

I know, this probably belongs in TULT, but it was so amazing I thought it deserved its own thread. Sue me.
I'm a big fan of music videos and trailers in general... short, dramatic pieces that convey a feeling or a mood. I have something like 200 or so that I really like saved on my hard drive, and I watch them constantly.

This has to be THE most impressive fan-made music video I've ever seen, period, and I've seen a lot. It's kind of a big file (185 megs, 720p, Mp4 format), but trust me, this download's worth it. The effects, transitions, and general artistry are unparalelled.

Memory Flash 3 (right-click, "Save Target As...")

For full effect, go full-screen, put on some good headphones, and turn up the volume.

FWIW, the song used is "The Walk" by Imogen Heap. I think the video can be appreciated even if you're not crazy about the music, but personally, I like Heap, especially the album she did with Guy Sigsworth as "Frou Frou," called Details.

I know, this probably belongs in TULT, but it was so amazing I thought it deserved its own thread. Sue me.

FYI, it doesn't need to be downloaded. I opened the link in a new tab and it played just fine.
watched it...i still don't get anime

I've had a friend for years who is just buzzed about anime all the time, goes to the meetups/conventions where-ever they are. . . I like this blend of anime and the song.
I enjoyed it...

But I'm curious what Trouts thoughts are on the video.
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I guess I just don't get it. The song was average at best. Sounds like something written for a TV show like Grey's Anatomy or CSI for a scene showing a character reflecting on their life. Meh.

The animation is interesting in that I've noticed with anime that they are really good at drawing buildings, landscapes, cars, ships, inanimate objects but there is a lot left to be desired when drawing living things. That spider like thing at the beginning looked like it was drawn by a 4th grade art student.

I probably should not even post this as I'm sure it will garner me several neg reps but I didn't find anything about the video to be mind blowing. It was mildly entertaining.
Liked it ok. My daughter will LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT, she is seriously into Anime. She is working on her own anime video and story and teaching herself japanese.
I guess I just don't get it. The song was average at best. Sounds like something written for a TV show like Grey's Anatomy or CSI for a scene showing a character reflecting on their life. Meh.

The animation is interesting in that I've noticed with anime that they are really good at drawing buildings, landscapes, cars, ships, inanimate objects but there is a lot left to be desired when drawing living things. That spider like thing at the beginning looked like it was drawn by a 4th grade art student.

I probably should not even post this as I'm sure it will garner me several neg reps but I didn't find anything about the video to be mind blowing. It was mildly entertaining.
I don't see why you would get negative rep for this post. So it wasn't for you... nothing wrong with that. Music especially is very much a matter of individual taste; I like the song, but again, it's not for everyone.

As for the drawing living things... there certainly are qualities to actual, living being that are difficult, if not impossible, to manufacture. I would argue that this is the case of not only hand-drawn animation but also in CG effects found in Hollywood movies. Compare even the puppet Yoda in the original Star Wars movies with the CG one in the prequel films. I don't think I'm the only one who thought the physical puppet was a lot more appealing than his CG counterpart (even more noticable is Jabba the Hut in the original film 3, vs the short scene with Han Solo in the "remastered" version of film 1... bleh). And I'm not even talking about living vs drawn, but merely physical vs drawn... the former pair is an even wider gap to close. But the buildings, and other such non-living props, don't raise eyebrows as much when they're drawn or created with CG, because in all cases they're man-made... life is a lot harder to emulate. I could go on about what I think are the virtues of animation that compensate for its disadvantages, but I'll leave off.

In any case, regardless of your feelings about animation, I think you'd have to agree that the video is an impressive technical achievement. Some of the effects were, of course, present in the original animation... but having seen some of the source material, I can tell you that the editors have added quite a lot of non-trivial effects, and I think they all work really well... they're not just effects for the sake of effects. And the transitions were very well-handled; it doesn't necessarily feel like 12 different people worked on it.
I enjoyed it...

But I'm curious what Trouts thoughts are on the video.

I didn't watch it, nor will I. I don't get anime at all, and frankly, I find it obnoxious as hell. I love the OP, I agree with just about everything he ever posts, but we'll always differ on music/video tastes.
I didn't watch it, nor will I. I don't get anime at all, and frankly, I find it obnoxious as hell. I love the OP, I agree with just about everything he ever posts, but we'll always differ on music/video tastes.
Obnoxious? Hmm... I understand not liking anime, but I'm not sure why you'd think that the simple fact of being a cartoon is "obnoxious." That would be like me making the blanket statement "I find all live-action films obnoxious." There's too much variety in the medium to generalize so widely... you would simply tell me that I've probably been watching the wrong live-action films, because not all of them are obnoxious, and I can only have the same response as regards to animation.

Thanks for the compliment, btw.
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True enough. How about this: All of the anime that I've seen looks the same to me. Granted, I haven't seen much, but the facial expressions and poor animation (in my opinion) are obnoxious. As someone said earlier, it seems like the animators put all of their efforts into the background and just sketch through the actual characters. Just my two cents though.

I have seen some pretty funny/awesome anime porn, but that doesn't really count.
True enough. How about this: All of the anime that I've seen looks the same to me. Granted, I haven't seen much, but the facial expressions and poor animation (in my opinion) are obnoxious. As someone said earlier, it seems like the animators put all of their efforts into the background and just sketch through the actual characters. Just my two cents though.

I have seen some pretty funny/awesome anime porn, but that doesn't really count.
Anime porn is hilarious. Especially the ones with tentacles. What is it with the Japanese and tentacle porn? That and giant robots. There's an anime called Escaflowne where they're in a medieval setting, swords and sorcery type stuff, but they ALSO have giant robots. Because, you know, most civilizations go straight from stone walls and bows and arrows to giant frickin' robots. Makes no sense. And usually the giant robots end up being conscious somehow.

All I can say is that there is good stuff out there that's well-drawn and actual tells an adult-oriented story (not THAT kind of adult-oriented) without the sort of silliness that most people -- myself included -- just roll their eyes at. But if you're only looking casually you're probably not going to find the good stuff. Ah well, c'est la vie.