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Thread for responding to transphobic comments

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Human gametes are a binary. There is ova and sperm.
Your classification system of gametes is binary, and gamete production does not determine gender.

... boys don't make ova ...
Except for the ones who do.

The religious dogma you are pushing is sick.
Religion involves the supernatural, and my acceptance is of entirely natural phenomena.
Your classification system of gametes is binary, and gamete production does not determine gender.
Gamete production is *THE ONLY* determiner of gender. When planting kiwifruit vines, it is best to plant them with a ratio of one male vine for every 8 female vines. As in humans, the difference between male vines and female vines is the type of gametes they produce. The types of gametes produced is what divides anisogamous organisms like kiwifruit vines and humans into male and female genders.

Religion involves the supernatural, and my acceptance is of entirely natural phenomena.
If you think a boy can be trapped in a girls body or vice versa then you are believing in the supernatural, and the consequence is leading to a rise in self harm in our youth. You are a cheerleader for a nature-denying death cult built atop an ever-growing mound of mutilated and dead kids.
How does gamete production determine whether one's gender is boy or man?
Boys and men don't produce ova gametes just as it is in other male organisms. The change in gamete production in boys versus men is called sexual maturation or puberty, and it too is as it is in other male organisms.

Gamete production is *THE ONLY* determiner of gender.
People who produce no gametes are genderless? How about people who produce both sperm and ova?

When planting kiwifruit vines, it is best to plant them with a ratio of one male vine for every 8 female vines.
Your confusing sex with gender, and a very uninformed notion of sex at that.

If you think a boy can be trapped in a girls body or vice versa then you are believing in the supernatural, and the consequence is leading to a rise in self harm in our youth.
I think that "trapped in a ____'s body" is a metaphor for a wide range of different experiences. Perhaps you're Kylosian, and that's why you don't understand.

You are a cheerleader for a nature-denying death cult built atop an ever-growing mound of mutilated and dead kids.
Except, it's your view that leads to deaths, and you don't care, as long as your superstitious notions are preserved.
People who produce no gametes are genderless? How about people who produce both sperm and ova?
People who produce no gametes are neuters, or neutral. Anisogamous organisms that produce ova are female.

Your confusing sex with gender
Gender refers to sex. Kiwifruit vines have a gender. They may not have a 'gender identity', a 'gender expression', or 'gender roles', but they do have a gender because they have a biological sex and gender refers to biological sex. Confusing the impressionable young by telling them they can be something different than their biological sex or biological species by manifesting their imagination is not healthy and has a correlation with increased risks of self harm.

People who produce no gametes are neuters, or neutral.
So you do beliecve there are more than two sexes, after all.

Anisogamous organisms that produce ova are female.
So, you acknowledge that some females make sperm?

Gender refers to sex.
Not in medicine.

Confusing the impressionable young by telling them they can be something different than their biological sex or biological species by manifesting their imagination is not healthy and has a correlation with increased risks of self harm.
Do you think telling kids they are black decreases the risk of suicide, since whites commit suicide at much higher rates?

You made a claim about "telling them", but presented a study which did not record who was told this and who was not. That's a bait-and-switch. If you want to prove your point, find a study where teens who think they are transgender are encouraged or discouraged. Like this one:

Findings In this prospective cohort of 104 TNB youths aged 13 to 20 years, receipt of gender-affirming care, including puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones, was associated with 60% lower odds of moderate or severe depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality over a 12-month follow-up.

Almost 3/4 of the suicides prevented by gender-affirming care. Maybe those dead kids don't bother you, though.
Gender refers to sex.

(number 2 on that chart is as useful as the first definition listed here: ) https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/theory

Silly me, I forgot a biology focused link. https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/what-do-we-mean-by-sex-and-gender/
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I believe the gender is less important than to see if the individual is healthy. What does the blood work say? Are hormones being produced properly?

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So according to that definition, boys and girls are the same, since neither produce gametes.
Infant girls are born with hundreds of thousands of gametes they produced while still in the womb. They're called oocytes. Infant boys are male and hence do not have these oocytes. Even at birth, humans are a sexually dimorphic organism. The opinions you've clearly formed out of ignorance, and seem so willing to foist upon anyone who will listen, are doing harm.
Almost 3/4 of the suicides prevented by gender-affirming care. Maybe those dead kids don't bother you, though.
All of the people in that study are dysphoric. The comparison you pointed to was between one group of deluded who believe one gender can become another versus another group of deluded who believe one gender can become another. They didn't compare the deluded to those who recognize the reality of biological sex because the self harm rate in the deluded is higher. The delusion you are pushing on impressionable children is doing harm.
All of the people in that study are dysphoric.
Of course. You don't offer treatment to those who are not.

They didn't compare the deluded to those who recognize the reality of biological sex because the self harm rate in the deluded is higher.
When deciding the effectiveness of chemotherapy, they don't compare the survivability of those with cancer to those without, either.

The delusion you are pushing on impressionable children is doing harm.
The pointless oppression you are pushing is literally killing them.
When deciding the effectiveness of chemotherapy, they don't compare the survivability of those with cancer to those without, either
Ding! Ding! Ding! When comparing if it is better to have cancer or not have cancer, you compare those with cancer to those without. You are on the pro-cancer side. Telling biological girls they can be boys if they imagine hard enough is cancer. Telling biological boys they can be girls if they imagine hard enough is cancer. You and those with your point of view are societally carcinogenic. Look at the statistics! Cis-gendered youth have the best outcomes and the idea that it is possible to switch genders is a delusion. The idea of it being possible to transition is a delusion. Kids can be gay but they shouldn't deny reality. Indulgence of that dysphoria isn't benevolent or even benign.

Ding! Ding! Ding! When comparing if it is better to have cancer or not have cancer, you compare those with cancer to those without.
Children who do not have gender dysphoria are not treated for gender dysphoria.

You are on the pro-cancer side.
You are on the side of telling people that they don't have cancer, when they do.

Cis-gendered youth have the best outcomes
Cancer-free children have the best outcomes, but denying cancer exists doesn't improve the outcomes for those that have cancer.

Kids can be gay but they shouldn't deny reality.
Being gay has nothing to do with being trans.

Just so you know, you sound totally oblivious and ignorant right now.
I like that AI gives permission for people to be gay but withholds permission for people to be trans.

He hath spoken. I guess we're done here folks.
You are on the side of telling people that they don't have cancer, when they do.
Boys cannot become girls and girls cannot become boys. They can’t. It isn’t possible. Transitioning from one gender to another isn’t a thing. It is possible to chemically or surgically mutilate an individual in ways that on the surface may mimic secondary characteristics but they don’t actually become the opposite sex, a thing that is in every cell of their body.

Those who carry the delusion they can become the opposite sex are mentally ill. Being trans is being mentally ill and the best outcome isn’t arrived at from pretending along with the afflicted that the delusion is reality.

I find it especially odious when a parent consents to their own child being chemically or surgically mutilated, and that includes the use of GnRH puberty blockers that have been proven to cause permanent, irreversible brain damage when administered before puberty.

Children who do not have gender dysphoria are not treated for gender dysphoria.
I'm still not reading their posts, but it seems like Al is probably using the term "gender dysphoria" without actually understanding what it means. Am I right?

Reading the actual diagnostic criteria may be helpful:

As an aside, my father was a clinical social worker as well as an Episcopal priest. As I kid, I read such things as the Tao of Pooh, Leonard Cohen's "Let Us COmpary Mythologies", and the DSM III for kicks - really, I would read anything.