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Thread for responding to transphobic comments

As I said, they don't even hide it anymore. Exposing your sexual organs is now ok to the Pride. I know some here will try to say it's ok to expose your genitals to innocent children, but exposing your genitals to children is wrong no matter the creed, sex, political affiliation. How amazingly insane that I have to point this out in this day and age but these Fascists pigs don't even understand pre-k biology so it's fitting. I mean.. they don't understand the difference between a male and female. They literally think that a piece of cake is a gender. This is the intelligence amongst some of them. Not all as a good chunk are good people and dont care to hurt children, but some do. The radicals that have infiltrated the movement to hurt kids then blame Trump for their actions.

George Takei hit with brutal backlash after bizarre defense of nude marchers exposing themselves to children at Pride parade

"Even if there were no naked guys on bikes this year, they would find picture or generate them and push the same agenda anyway. There’s no 'fixing' this by calling for self-censoring," Takei tweeted on Sunday.

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I know some here will try to say it's ok to expose your genitals to innocent children, but exposing your genitals to children is wrong no matter the creed, sex, political affiliation.
Why? When I was a kid I went to a sauna and changed in locker rooms. At the local Six Flags, there is a common dressing room where people change clothes when going to the water park. Is Six Flags promoting something seedy?

George Takei hit with brutal backlash after bizarre defense of nude marchers exposing themselves to children at Pride parade

"Even if there were no naked guys on bikes this year, they would find picture or generate them and push the same agenda anyway. There’s no 'fixing' this by calling for self-censoring," Takei tweeted on Sunday.
Do you disagree with what he said? Has there been an event where right-wingers don't find or generate pictures?
I didn't stick up for anyone, I asked to you to defend your position and think carefully.
That grown men literally flashing their penises in front of little kids is wrong? The fact that I even have to defend this is absolutely disgusting and legitimately scary as hell. This is public not a locker room. This is men showing their penises to kids for fun, not to change clothes in a secluded area. My hell, that fact that i even have to explain that is absolutely mind boggling. How amazingly dumb of a point.
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That grown men literally practicing voyeurism in front of little kids is wrong?
A voyeur is someone who looks at private behavior. Not happening here.

This is public not a locker room. This is men showing their penises to kids for fun, not to change clothes.
So the objection is not the the view, but the location of the view. That's an arbitrary standard (not to say it's wrong or right, just arbitrary). I don't understand the need to ride a bicycle nude, but I also don't see how it corrupts or scars kids.
A voyeur is someone who looks at private behavior. Not happening here.

So the objection is not the the view, but the location of the view. That's an arbitrary standard (not to say it's wrong or right, just arbitrary). I don't understand the need to ride a bicycle nude, but I also don't see how it corrupts or scars kids.
The normilazation is getting bolder and bolder. Again.. It's no wonder the true culprits want me dead. Flashing kids your penis is now normal to these people. It's completely acceptable.

They even admit they are coming for kids... Thier words... Not mine... Not John Stocktons who you guys hate because you are extremely hateful and intolerant.. Thiers................

Public Indecency Law​

“Public indecency” generally refers to acts involving nudity or sexual activity in view of the public, often with the intent to shock, offend, or arouse. It includes criminal offenses like indecent exposure and lewd conduct. Some states use the term “public indecency” to refer to other offenses relating to public nudity, including the display or promotion of obscene materials. The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the right of states to outlaw public nudity, holding that the state has an interest in “protecting societal order and morality,” and that public nudity is not “free expression” protected by the First Amendment. Barnes v. Glen Theatre, 501 U.S. 560, 568 (1991). Sexual activity in public is illegal throughout the U.S., but states and localities differ on what constitutes illegal public nudity, both in terms of what body parts are considered “indecent” and whether that state must prove that a defendant had a particular intent.
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The normilazation is getting bolder and bolder. Again.. It's no wonder the true culprits want me dead. Flashing kids your penis is now normal to these people.
It's not flashing if you are just nude.

They even admit they are coming for kids... Thier words... Not mine...
They are making fun of your words.

but states and localities differ on what constitutes illegal public nudity, both in terms of what body parts are considered “indecent” and whether that state must prove that a defendant had a particular intent.
So, you don't know if the nude cyclists were breaking the law or not.
The line "Some of these anti-trans laws are so specific they might as well call it the 'Make Zoey Sad act'" killed me.
The line "Some of these anti-trans laws are so specific they might as well call it the 'Make Zoey Sad act'" killed me.
I liked the "The trans community is so small it's like if half the country woke up one day and said 'F*** people born in the second half of 1983!'" (It was after the sponsored bit, so it wouldn't surprise me if people missed it.)
@One Brow I may be gone soon but this is the type of **** I am talking about.
You have latched on to one story from one news source (a source you absolutely would not trust when talking about, say, Trump's relationship to Russia), one known to be anti-trans.

Kids need to grow and learn, not be pushed full of life altering drugs especially without proper guidance(really shouldn't at all but this is bad).
None of these children were pushed by staff at the WUSTL, they and their parents brought them there.

At least the Doctors made hella money.
The doctors at the clinic do not have a profit-sharing arrangement. They have a salary. They don't get paid more for an increased number of treatments.

Speaking with patients, employees, local health-care providers, and parents, the Times investigation corroborated many of Reed’s central allegations, most notably that a substantial number of adolescent patients were prescribed testosterone treatments before their underlying mental-health issues were addressed. Moreover, the St. Louis clinic exhibited a categoric lack of record-keeping and patient tracking.

As “demand rose, more patients arrived with complex mental health issues. The clinic’s staff often grappled with how best to help, documents show, bringing into sharp relief a tension in the field over whether some children’s gender distress is the root cause of their mental health problems, or possibly a transient consequence of them,” the Times noted.

With its psychologists overbooked, the clinic relied on external therapists, some with little experience in gender issues, to evaluate the young patients’ readiness for hormonal medications. Doctors prescribed hormones to patients who had obtained such approvals, even adolescents whose medical histories raised red flags. Some of these patients later stopped identifying as transgender, and received little to no support from the clinic after doing so.”
Should doctors have refused medical care to patients? Refused to take referrals from young doctors (who all have "little experience")? Continue to treat patients who no longer identified as transgender?

If I described to you a sports injury clinic that was being overrun with high-school athletes, and refused to take referrals from other doctors or brought in patients after they had healed for no good reason or refused to put broken bones in casts, you would be outraged at the refusal to treat these children. The only reason this is different for you is because you are opposed to children transitioning, while you are in favor of setting broken bones. That is transphobia.
This is a very sad story but it just goes to show that in many(not all but many) cases we need to start looking at the parents first and foremost. Sadly this poor girl was sexually abused like a solid chunk of the trans community has been by the so called parents. Doctors and those who think masking this problem with pills and mutilation are sometimes these poor kids worst enemies. It's really sad that the LGBTQ community used this tragedy and started to blame white republicans and people like libsofticktock when in fact it was the father that was disgustingly molesting and raping her. Just like the case with a good chunk of the community that the LGBTQ want to sweep under the rug as it would put the onus on the right place. The parents. The abusive parents. The ones on a registered sex offender list like the parent below................. As I've said before, we need to start helping these poor kids and getting them the proper help instead of masking it, mutilating them, and not addressing the sexual and physical abuse a huge chunk of these kids face at home and in schoold amongst many other areas. Now obviously it's not all trans kids being abused but studies show it's a very large chunk. I find it pretty downright evil the LGBTQ tried to pin this on LibsofTikToc and trying to politicize this.

Dagney Benedict Was Sexually Molested By Her Father For Years, Arrested For Failing To Register As A Sex Offender Two Weeks Before She Committed Suicide​

Dr. Paul Wax, serving as the Executive Director of the American College of Toxicology, reviewed the findings and affirmed that reaching such a toxicity level might have involved consuming 50 to 100 pills. Another expert concluded that her regular medication, fluoxetine, prescribed for bipolar disorder, was detected and could have contributed. The determination was made that her death was intentionally self-inflicted.

The report stated that "11 pages released contain handwritten notes 'indicative of self-harm' discovered in Nex's room by family members, along with a history of 'bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, self-harm (cutting).'”
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It's really sad that the LGBTQ community used this tragedy and started to blame white republicans and people like libsofticktock when in fact it was the father that was disgustingly molesting and raping her.
Nex Benedict survived over 4 1/2 years after their father was arrested and denied further contact with Nex. There is no reason to think Nex knew their father was re-arrested. They overdosed 1 day after the bathroom confrontation.

LisofTikTok boasts about how her posts lead to violent reprisals. You and Ferguson are slime, showing your true nature.

Now obviously it's not all trans kids being abused but studies show it's a very large chunk. I find it pretty downright evil the LGBTQ tried to pin this on LibsofTikToc and trying to politicize this.
Trans kids are abused because they are trans. The issue is political because conservatives want to legislate on it, and broadcast their hatred openly.
Nex Benedict survived over 4 1/2 years after their father was arrested and denied further contact with Nex. There is no reason to think Nex knew their father was re-arrested. They overdosed 1 day after the bathroom confrontation.

LisofTikTok boasts about how her posts lead to violent reprisals. You and Ferguson are slime, showing your true nature.

Trans kids are abused because they are trans. The issue is political because conservatives want to legislate on it, and broadcast their hatred openly.
At least Steak is posting whatever crap they posted in this thread (I ain't gonna unhide it), specifically designed to respond to transphobic comments.
This is not trolling as I just ran across this from last night... This is a topic I am extremely adamant about and have been since I've been here. Bill Maher really hit's the nail on the head. He calls out the Lefts attack on children and how they are openly promoting sexuality to them in an array of way. I have been saying this for years. He puts it in a more articulate fashion. He does a fabulous job exposing some terrible things we are doing to innocent children who should be playing barbie and Ninja Turtles not being exposed to sexuality.
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