I wasn’t gonna comment on any of this, but its just too silly.
So, your main point is that we don’t know for a fact that Kobe raped a girl because we weren’t there and don’t have all of the facts, but somehow you’re qualified to state that “There’s as many women lying to take advantage of it if not more than actual victims…”?
For this to be factual, you’d not only have to not know what went on between Kobe and his accuser, but have been personally present for every single sexual assault claim since that pesky “me too” movement started and have intimate knowledge of each and every case in order to know how many women are lying and how many are being truthful.
I have a sincere hope that someday it dawns on you just how incredibly stupid you sound right now and learn not to talk out of both sides of your mouth- especially when it comes to victims, but I’m not very hopeful any of that will actually happen.
Take the “L” and move on. You’re embarrassing yourself.