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Trade Confirmed: Jazz get jack for Bogey

HE got a 5 year deal for a reason....
Yes... in the heat of the moment I am sure we will be up 7 in the fourth quarter in a game we should win... and Hardy will signal over to Doke, NAW, Bolmaro, JB, and Juzang to bring them in "fellas... you know what to do... just be you and really explore the space".

Its not the coaches job to tank.
Yes... in the heat of the moment I am sure we will be up 7 in the fourth quarter in a game we should win... and Hardy will signal over to Doke, NAW, Bolmaro, JB, and Juzang to bring them in "fellas... you know what to do... just be you and really explore the space".

Its not the coaches job to tank.
The tank is going to be fine. You've drunked too much koolaid. THe Jazz got mostly perennial losers on the team who have never been the main components of a winning team. They have zero reason to bleed young talent off the team. Develop them, let them play in competive games. The coaching staff is in lock step with the FO currently and the coach is on a 5 year deal. You are letting your brain rot.
No spin?

Gotta be the worst trade in the history of the Jazz if Locke can't even spin it.
It was a terrible trade. Could have waited if there was nothing we liked. Our entire season is about the future. Why take on a ****** center. Just don't understand the trade at all. Get picks for players not ****** old players that have never been good.
Didn't realize you thought Vanderbilt was worth a play-in spot on his own.
He isn't... but the combo of Vando+KO instead of the pupu platter of Kessler/Doke/Zeller is easily enough to push you from bottom 4 to 7th or 8th in the lotto. If we gonna go through this **** lets at least not cut our odds in half of getting a star.
It was a terrible trade. Could have waited if there was nothing we liked. Our entire season is about the future. Why take on a ****** center. Just don't understand the trade at all. Get picks for players not ****** old players that have never been good.
They wanted to open up minutes for the highest potential young player on the roster.
The tank is going to be fine. You've drunked too much koolaid. THe Jazz got mostly perennial losers on the team who have never been the main components of a winning team. They have zero reason to bleed young talent off the team. Develop them, let them play in competive games. The coaching staff is in lock step with the FO currently and the coach is on a 5 year deal. You are letting your brain rot.
Yall forgot about the Corbin era... its really hard for a coach to play JB/Dok/NAW when he got Conley/KO/JC sitting on the bench. They are perennial losers but talented guys that have played well individually... and they have some vets to tie the roster together.... that have won at fairly high levels.
People are WAYYYY overvaluing a late round Phoenix pick. Remember all of the interest we all had in the junk drawer of misfit protected Knicks picks? That 2023 Sun's pick will be worse AND they wanted a young player and to saddle us with a bad contract to boot, That Phoenix pick was OK if cheaply obtained. It wasn't so cheap.
People are WAYYYY overvaluing a late round Phoenix pick. Remember all of the interest we all had in the junk drawer of misfit protected Knicks picks? That 2023 Sun's pick will be worse AND they wanted a young player and to saddle us with a bad contract to boot, That Phoenix pick was OK if cheaply obtained. It wasn't so cheap.
It was likely Saric and Crowder for Bogey/Vando... its a lot I get it.. but Crowder can be flipped for some seconds... Saric is a solid reclamation project and it would leave us with more cap space next year. 1sts are going to be harder to get going forward get one while you can.

Most of Vando's value comes from the fact he's productive on a cheap deal. That is a depreciating asset... a late first is all you will get at the most for him. He's a caffeinated Amir Johnson. He isn't going to develop some amazing offensive game. I like him but we are going to burn up most of his value during our years where we don't really want to be good.
The thing that really sucks about Vanderbilt is he's exactly the kind of player we needed the last two or three years while we were trying to contend for a championship. Now that we have him, we're a bottom 5 team in the league. He's definitely young enough to be part of the next good Jazz era, but he's also going to be an unrestricted free agent in a couple of years and there is no guarantee he will re-sign with us, having his bird rights should make it more likely though.
If we would have gone for that Suns deal, without the perspective of this deal, we all would have hated it.

I'm really on the fence with Vando though. He's probably the only guy I'm really excited to watch this year. On the other hand, I do think he hurts the tank as our only above average defender and I want to continue amassing assets.

I think the correct compromise is to take him in to the season, but be ready to deal him if a good offer is there, which should really be the case for everyone on our team. Everyone is heading in to training camp where every team is amazing. Reality will hit and teams will get desperate, and we'll have a lot to offer.
I'm still not convince about the all tanking. I'm on the same line with Danny on it. Draft remain a lottery where you must have a lot of chance ( Memphis got it) and if you failed , you stuck for years of mediocrity.
Vanderbilt sounds like a great piece to have on a championship contending team coming off the bench and/or locking down the likes of LeBrons, not so much on our team as we have Markanen who I think has a higher ceiling overall (especially offensively) at the PF .. and since VDB isn't as a true center

He's good asset to have & develop through the tank though ... buy low sell high kinda scenario.
Y’all are turning a hustle big into some kind of folk legend. If you wanna talk about brain rot, there it is.

When a 6’ 8” 200 pound center is no longer more athletic than the guys around him, it’s gonna be ugly.

You get value while you can on players like that. Especially when you don’t have restricted free agency rights and his timeline is perfectly not compatible with what should be the Jazz’s goals.

Last thing: if y’all’s galaxy-brain plan of be the 12th seed and hope you just get better or get lucky, that’s the Kings and Knicks.
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