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Trade ideas

Would it be possible to sign Hayward and trade for Paul George?

I'm trying to think of a realistic quick turnaround the Jazz could pull off.

I know PG has a player option, which he basically has to decline (if he's financially motivated/shrewd, which most are).

But is there anyway if the Clippers know he is leaving to work a sign and trade with them? Could we convince PG with like "Hey we are getting Hayward and we got Lauri, we just drafted the #1 pick and we will still have a boatload of assets to strengthen the team when needed". Give them Sexton/Collins/Brice/Pick (wouldnt have to be a ton since George would be asking to go to Utah or he would just leave and give them nothing, and as I type this I'm laughing at the thought of a star demanding a trade to Utah). But it could be this cool moment where PG/Hayward unite as the last remaining players of their draft class, who were picked back to back. To convince Hayward we sign Jeremy Evans as our 15th man.

Go into next season with:

Hayward/ THT (yes, **** you in my fantasy we some how re-sign THT)
Definite no for me. We should be focusing on a legit rebuild rather than plugging leaks with older guys.
I dont even think that plugs a leak. He's basically the same player as Sexton but he will launch more jumpers instead of layups/floaters.
He’s infinitely better than Sexton. He knows how to run an offense, is a better passer, better rebounder, actually has a solid A:TO percentage, and oh yeah, is a good defender, not an awful one.
His career assist percentage is barely higher than Sexton's. He doesnt turn the ball over because he takes bad shots constantly. He's a mediocre defender.

Zero reason to trade for a guy like him. Especialyl when he is owed 25 million next year :oops:
I’d love to hear people’s realistic solutions. Or actually take a look at advanced analytics. Rozier is waaaay better than Sexton overall and it’s not close.
His career assist percentage is barely higher than Sexton's. He doesnt turn the ball over because he takes bad shots constantly. He's a mediocre defender.

Zero reason to trade for a guy like him. Especialyl when he is owed 25 million next year :oops:

A mediocre defender whose advanced defensive analytics all blow away Sexton’s. Whose advanced shooting metrics are in line with Sexton’s, despite, according to you, taking awful shots.
Terry Rozier has had a negative DBPM for the last 5 seasons....

I guess if you are comparing him to Sexton anyone is a great defender, but cmon now. We got so many assets why are we settling for the middest of mid?
Terry Rozier has had a negative DBPM for the last 5 seasons....

I guess if you are comparing him to Sexton anyone is a great defender, but cmon now. We got so many assets why are we settling for the middest of mid?

Because he’s an upgrade. He can run an offense. Sexton is a moron and has no bball iq.

And there are no other realistic suggestions. Maybe Tyus Jones. That’s it. No teams in playoff contention are trading their players right now.
Because he’s an upgrade. He can run an offense. Sexton is a moron and has no bball iq.

And there are no other realistic suggestions. Maybe Tyus Jones. That’s it. No teams in playoff contention are trading their players right now.
Sexton isnt playing PG currently....

Right now Keyonte is the starting PG and doing a good enough job to where getting a stop gap PG who is highly overpaid would be preposterous.
Sexton isnt playing PG currently....

Right now Keyonte is the starting PG and doing a good enough job to where getting a stop gap PG who is highly overpaid would be preposterous.

Even better. Rozier is more of a hybrid anyway and is playing the 2. Regardless, he’s a smart player who understands the sport. THT and Sexton are idiots.