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Trade ideas

To be honest I came into last year not caring if the Jazz won or lost. I was not emotionally invested. Then they out performed and I began rooting for wins. Then they traded made the trades and I was rooting for loses.

I came into this year hoping for the playoffs and now I want losses.

Markkanen is one of my favorite players in a long time. But if it would help secure a better future I think I would trade him.

Back to the emotional Rollercoaster.
Sexton is exactly the guy you described and he sucks.

Wanting to win and getting mad when you don't isn't enough in the NBA.
Getting mad when you lose and being chippy on the court are two different things. I agree, Sexton sucks. I'd love having a few guys like Sochan to play along side Lauri.
Clarkson and the Jazz deserve to part with each other. Let him go be a flamethrower off the bench for a contender, and let the Jazz develop without watching him hoist 20 pointless shots a game.
I felt this way last season and still do. He is really great at a specific role. Which is providing tunnel vision scoring off the bench when no one else can. He's creative and finds ways to score. He also seems like a solid human, from the little I know. But he doesn't fit here anymore. A team like Boston with no bench and championship aspirations, he's a god.
I felt this way last season and still do. He is really great at a specific role. Which is providing tunnel vision scoring off the bench when no one else can. He's creative and finds ways to score. He also seems like a solid human, from the little I know. But he doesn't fit here anymore. A team like Boston with no bench and championship aspirations, he's a god.
Felt like last year he made some progress making simple reads like slinging it to the corner on drives.
I just looked at Clarkson's ast/to ratio for his career. It basically doesn't change year by year. It's a little high right now, but I'm pretty sure it will fall right along his career numbers of about 1.4. Last year and this year he is being asked to playmaker more and so consequently his assists are at a career high, but the turnovers follow to keep him at his career ast/to ratio. Basically, the more we ask Clarkson to pass, the more he's going to turn it over.
Tbf, that's probably true of any player.

Clarkson is clearly not a fit or good for this Jazz team right now and should be shipped out, regardless.

Yeah, I just went and looked at the AST/TO ratio of our whole team, and while some of our players have a little more fluctuation year to year, they mostly stay about the same.
I’m beginning to think we should just trade Lauri. Jazz is a mess. I don’t think we will be able to surround him with championship pieces in the next 2 years. He will be an 8-9 year vet then. DA is a bargain hunter, he waits, offers, but doesn’t easily give in. Jazz future is along Kessler, Ochai, keyonte, hendricks and whoever we draft.
I can't figure this year out at all. Last year when the tank was on the Jazz were playing lineups of Dok, Check, Ochai, Dunn, THT, Luka, Juzang, Potter and two spare lawn chairs we acquired from the Lakers and were at least competitive. Did Hardy suddenly turn stupid?
I would not say Hardy is stupid. A bit stubborn sometines yes. But i think he really don't find the good rotation yet. LAst one was better ( except JC shooting way too much). We have to many not good enough PG. Will be time to make some moves before dadline. 2 options : make the team better ( if our record is too bad, it may not be the perfect time), or go full tank.
What the hell do anyone think is going to happen playing together a non-point-guard-slasher-non-shooter as point guard with a non-shooter-slasheras a forward and a do-nothing-with-the-rock-without-a-defender-in-6-feet? Coach experiment has been atrocious. We've been the ultimate space killers.
Look going on with the theme of Thrifter Danny... we will end up with Zach Lavine or KAT or someone super flawed star because they are on sale. It will lead us to the promised land... if the promised land is 40 something wins and a 4-1 first round loss i the playoffs.
I’ve read this thread and probably read this discussion but my memory tonight is a goldfish. Would Philadelphia be interested in Clarkson? They’ve got a lot of filler contracts and I presume they have some kind of draft capital after the Harden deal, unless they bankrupted themselves getting him in the first place.
Look going on with the theme of Thrifter Danny... we will end up with Zach Lavine or KAT or someone super flawed star because they are on sale. It will lead us to the promised land... if the promised land is 40 something wins and a 4-1 first round loss i the playoffs.
Yeah.. when guys like that are available, there's a very good reason. Repeating other teams' mistakes doesn't make any sense.
I love Lauri and want him to stay if possible.....but if I was offered Amen Thompson and Cam Whitmore + picks and/or fillers. I'd listen.
To be honest I came into last year not caring if the Jazz won or lost. I was not emotionally invested. Then they out performed and I began rooting for wins. Then they traded made the trades and I was rooting for loses.

I came into this year hoping for the playoffs and now I want losses.

Markkanen is one of my favorite players in a long time. But if it would help secure a better future I think I would trade him.

Back to the emotional Rollercoaster.

I think the biggest thing that defends not trading Lauri is how old man Ainge might be one of the few GMs that can ever land a legit star to SLC via trades. His reputation has been to build winners. Without this caliber of a GM the only sensible move would be to trade Lauri and cash in the multiple 1sts. With Ainge on board this still can go well even if the team holds on to Finnisher.