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True Detective

Season Two was like a bad attempt at making a David Lynch serial. Plus, at least to me, the characters were completely unlikeable - l didn't give a **** about any of them.

Season Three seems to be following the Season One formula . So far so good.
Just to reassure myself, I had to go through and watch some Jeffrey Wright selections. I think you may have just not seen him in much, and there's some stuff in this short video that I didn't even know about (MLK????):

This doesn't even touch on a bunch of them, like his role in Shaft that you mentioned, which was supposed to just be a tiny little thing but he was so good they made him the main villain.

I’ve seen Wright in a lot. I just went through his IMDb page and have seen Shaft, Syriana, Westworld, Casino Royale, that recent heap on Netflix, Boardwalk Empire, Source Code, The Invasion, Broken City, The Ides of March, W., The Ides of March, The Manchurian Candidate, Eye See You, Quantum of Solace, the first Hunger Games (never saw the rest) Broken Flowers, and A Single Shot...so a ton. He’s just not very impressive. Talking slowly and trying to sound intelligent doesn’t equate into great acting. Don’t get me wrong. I like him. But he’s not in the same ballpark as Ali. There’s not the subtlety there. For me anyway.

That said, I don’t remember him in a lot of that stuff. My vague recollection is he was different (more normal?) in Broken Flowers and that he was sort of refreshing. Loved him in Shaft years ago. I think I liked him in Ides of March (which sort of stunk) and The MC too in which he was wackedout iirc. But again, just not the same. He doesn’t have the presence, depth or versatility of an Ali.
It was super convoluted. Farrell and Vaughn were good though. Everything else was pretty much dumpster juice.
Yeah, I think I'm a terrible judge because I don't put things together about TV shows until later, but I do remember it wasn't memorable like the first season.
I’ve seen Wright in a lot. I just went through his IMDb page and have seen Shaft, Syriana, Westworld, Casino Royale, that recent heap on Netflix, Boardwalk Empire, Source Code, The Invasion, Broken City, The Ides of March, W., The Ides of March, The Manchurian Candidate, Eye See You, Quantum of Solace, the first Hunger Games (never saw the rest) Broken Flowers, and A Single Shot...so a ton. He’s just not very impressive. Talking slowly and trying to sound intelligent doesn’t equate into great acting. Don’t get me wrong. I like him. But he’s not in the same ballpark as Ali. There’s not the subtlety there. For me anyway.

That said, I don’t remember him in a lot of that stuff. My vague recollection is he was different (more normal?) in Broken Flowers and that he was sort of refreshing. Loved him in Shaft years ago. I think I liked him in Ides of March (which sort of stunk) and The MC too in which he was wackedout iirc. But again, just not the same. He doesn’t have the presence, depth or versatility of an Ali.
I feel like the role in westworld and the space movie with Matthew McConaughey fit him perfectly. Other than that, I don't think I've been too impressed with him
Yeah, I think I'm a terrible judge because I don't put things together about TV shows until later, but I do remember it wasn't memorable like the first season.

I feel like the role in westworld and the space movie with Matthew McConaughey fit him perfectly. Other than that, I don't think I've been too impressed with him

He was in Interstellar? That wasn’t him.
His Libyan candidate was annoying on BW. He just feels like he does the same quiet, low key, supposedly intelligent character in 2/3’s of his stuff. Bored with it.
His Libyan candidate was annoying on BW. He just feels like he does the same quiet, low key, supposedly intelligent character in 2/3’s of his stuff. Bored with it.
I guess I'm still been thinking more of his early work than the fact that, yeah, he has been pretty much playing the same character for the last few years. As the video mentions, before he got typecast, he was all over the map on his characters, playing historical figures with laserlike accuracy, and wild characters that seemed real because of his portrayal. Check out Angels In America, an HBO miniseries based on a play. He won a Tony for the play, and and Emmy for the miniseries.
I liked Jeffery Wright in Basquiat - although it was more than the entire vibe of the movie than just him.
What do y'all think was in Woodard's bag?

They obviously wanted to make it look like a body by the way he carried it, but I'm guessing it's guns. Dude is about to pop some people.
What do y'all think was in Woodard's bag?

They obviously wanted to make it look like a body by the way he carried it, but I'm guessing it's guns. Dude is about to pop some people.

This. Maybe some big artillery even that he’s gonna need to put together.
No way this **** gets resolved. Hell, one character even said that this episode. So unless Uncle Alz figures this **** out in the 11th hour, I think it’s safe to say this season will leave me and many of us annoyed. Remember, the show is about the cops, not the investigation.
The brown car angle interests me most right now. Black guy, white girl.

My brain is working OT on this but I need to stop because I know it’s gonna be a big letdown like season one in this regard.
What do y'all think was in Woodard's bag?

They obviously wanted to make it look like a body by the way he carried it, but I'm guessing it's guns. Dude is about to pop some people.
But it's not a body. We pretty much know that for sure, right? So it's a cache of guns, or as Wes said, a large mounted gun or whatever. He's gonna go postal.