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Vivint capacity 13k to start playoffs

Interesting. I was in La Jolla for a week last month and I was surprised how lax it was. I just assumed LA and San Fran were still over the top.
La Jolla is one of the more (relatively) conservative areas of San Diego . Plus, people are hypocrites/virtue signalers anyways.
North Park would probably be the area with the most mask usage.
what's the procedure there for people entering the stadium for such an event ?? Surprised there's so many people allowed
what's the procedure there for people entering the stadium for such an event ?? Surprised there's so many people allowed
Everybody who wants a shot has one. If you don't, you are on the hook for the consequences. Open it all back up. That should be the procedure.
Everybody who wants a shot has one. If you don't, you are on the hook for the consequences. Open it all back up. That should be the procedure.
You're on the hook for being a potential host for a vaccine resistant strain and/or having that mutation take place in your body when you could have just taken a extraordinarily low risk vaccine? Just you?

Nope, you're taking a risk on the behalf of everyone.
Oh, and some people can't take the vaccine and or the vaccine is not effective for them. People with organ transplants for instance have to take immune system blockers for the rest of their life after the transplant and the vaccine is not effective for them.

So you're taking a chance that affects more than just yourself.

How can a vaccine hurt you? If you're allergic to ingredients in the vaccine you can have a reaction which will most likely take place shortly after it is administered. If you hang out for the 15min they tell you to after the vaccine then there will be help immediately and you'll almost definitely be okay. You can have a severe reaction as your immune system responds to the vaccine. Usually not too big a deal.

What do people think a vaccine is going to do to them? The actual vaccine ingredients are in your body for a very short time, like a couple days. Then it's just your body's natural immune system working the way it is supposed to building up an immunity to a disease. It's like the most natural kind of medicine I can imagine taking.
Everybody who wants a shot has one. If you don't, you are on the hook for the consequences. Open it all back up. That should be the procedure.

Sorry I meant going to the game. Do they take temperatures of the Dan’s going in etc ?
Do you have to be such a stupid *** hole? Seriously dude. 572,000 more people died in 2020 than 2019 in the U.S., care to explain where the spike came from?
Glad you had the same reaction to his post that I did.

I said months ago that Trumpers were either:

1. Unbelievably stupid
2. ****** people, who lack empathy and character

I’m sad that @DasJazz continues to prove me correct.
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A family in my neighborhood lost their husband to covid. He left behind five children, four under 18.

This pales in comparison, but I still don’t have my sense of smell or taste 100 percent back and I had a “mild case.”

Covid isn’t the flu nor should we downplay the casualties. It has killed over 570,000 of our fellow Americans (killed more Americans than all the wars of the 21st century combined) officially and nearly 1 million unofficially. If covid wasn’t so bad, why are some states like Florida, playing so many games with the numbers? And for those who want to return to normal, have you gotten your vaccine yet? If not, then you’re sending the message that you actually don’t want the pandemic to end. Get your damn vaccine and let’s return to normal life
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Oh, and some people can't take the vaccine and or the vaccine is not effective for them. People with organ transplants for instance have to take immune system blockers for the rest of their life after the transplant and the vaccine is not effective for them.

So you're taking a chance that affects more than just yourself.

How can a vaccine hurt you? If you're allergic to ingredients in the vaccine you can have a reaction which will most likely take place shortly after it is administered. If you hang out for the 15min they tell you to after the vaccine then there will be help immediately and you'll almost definitely be okay. You can have a severe reaction as your immune system responds to the vaccine. Usually not too big a deal.

What do people think a vaccine is going to do to them? The actual vaccine ingredients are in your body for a very short time, like a couple days. Then it's just your body's natural immune system working the way it is supposed to building up an immunity to a disease. It's like the most natural kind of medicine I can imagine taking.
Best post of the thread
If you have to tell someone covid is real and serious in 2021 I think it’s safe to say they are not going to change their mind. I’ve had to come to grips with this after spending the past year trying to get family members to step back into reality. I share blood with idiots.

Sent from my iPhone using JazzFanz
Oh, and some people can't take the vaccine and or the vaccine is not effective for them. People with organ transplants for instance have to take immune system blockers for the rest of their life after the transplant and the vaccine is not effective for them.

So you're taking a chance that affects more than just yourself.

How can a vaccine hurt you? If you're allergic to ingredients in the vaccine you can have a reaction which will most likely take place shortly after it is administered. If you hang out for the 15min they tell you to after the vaccine then there will be help immediately and you'll almost definitely be okay. You can have a severe reaction as your immune system responds to the vaccine. Usually not too big a deal.

What do people think a vaccine is going to do to them? The actual vaccine ingredients are in your body for a very short time, like a couple days. Then it's just your body's natural immune system working the way it is supposed to building up an immunity to a disease. It's like the most natural kind of medicine I can imagine taking.
Here's the thing. It doesn't matter. You can never shove everything to zero risk. It can't be done and it would be beyond draconian to try. I'm vaccinated. People should get vaccinated. The government should offer rewards to those who get vaccinated. But, we can't force people who do not want to get vaccinated to get vaccinated, nor is it any of our business to know who is vaccinated or not.
Here's the thing. It doesn't matter. You can never shove everything to zero risk. It can't be done and it would be beyond draconian to try. I'm vaccinated. People should get vaccinated. The government should offer rewards to those who get vaccinated. But, we can't force people who do not want to get vaccinated to get vaccinated, nor is it any of our business to know who is vaccinated or not.
I don't think the government should have to reward people directly - public health, the safety of you and yours and getting back to a life being lived should be all the reward enough, but if that means giving someone a free grande latte or a $50 tax credit, so be it.

People seem to forget that vaccines are the reason that in countries such as ours that you don't see scores of people dying from polio, large scale measles outbreaks, mumps, hep B, etc. Not hard to read up on the impact of these archaic diseases even today in third world countries to see that vaccines aren't the devil's chemistry set.
I don't think the government should have to reward people directly - public health, the safety of you and yours and getting back to a life being lived should be all the reward enough, but if that means giving someone a free grande latte or a $50 tax credit, so be it.

People seem to forget that vaccines are the reason that in countries such as ours that you don't see scores of people dying from polio, large scale measles outbreaks, mumps, hep B, etc. Not hard to read up on the impact of these archaic diseases even today in third world countries to see that vaccines aren't the devil's chemistry set.
That's the thing. Rather than try to use jackboots to get the last 30% of America vaccinated (many of whom are in minority communities) we need to be sending the vaccine overseas to people who WANT it and desperately NEED it (like India.)
Oh, and some people can't take the vaccine and or the vaccine is not effective for them. People with organ transplants for instance have to take immune system blockers for the rest of their life after the transplant and the vaccine is not effective for them.

So you're taking a chance that affects more than just yourself.

How can a vaccine hurt you? If you're allergic to ingredients in the vaccine you can have a reaction which will most likely take place shortly after it is administered. If you hang out for the 15min they tell you to after the vaccine then there will be help immediately and you'll almost definitely be okay. You can have a severe reaction as your immune system responds to the vaccine. Usually not too big a deal.

What do people think a vaccine is going to do to them? The actual vaccine ingredients are in your body for a very short time, like a couple days. Then it's just your body's natural immune system working the way it is supposed to building up an immunity to a disease. It's like the most natural kind of medicine I can imagine taking.
There are some questions about how the mRNA decays.

But there are no questions about where the greater risks are. The rates of brain encephalitis alone should convince people to get the vaccine. But of course you can add like 10 other things to go along with that.
Here's the thing. It doesn't matter. You can never shove everything to zero risk. It can't be done and it would be beyond draconian to try. I'm vaccinated. People should get vaccinated. The government should offer rewards to those who get vaccinated. But, we can't force people who do not want to get vaccinated to get vaccinated, nor is it any of our business to know who is vaccinated or not.
Pssss we already have mandatory vaccinations. Have you tried registering your child for school?

And it’s absolutely within rights for private businesses to mandate vaccinations or proof of vaccinations. Don’t like it? Try another business or just get vaccinated.