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We're almost there; USE THE MLE!

LBJ was traded to Miami even after he ripped the heart of of Cleveland. It's only a matter of what the Jazz are willing to give up.

Only because they had to get SOMETHING out of losing LeBron. Completely different situation. The Jazz and Blazers hate each other - and after the Matthews situation, I don't think the Jazz are interested in working with them, new GM or no.
We are going to be way over the tax now with this trade. I will be shocked if we use the full MLE. You could count on a big salary dump sometime during the season then. Dont have the moola that Dallas does.
We are going to be way over the tax now with this trade. I will be shocked if we use the full MLE. You could count on a big salary dump sometime during the season then. Dont have the moola that Dallas does.

Only a few million over UNLESS the Jazz re-sign Matthews. I think Brewer is probably the top choice, though, given his friendship with Williams and the way Deron went off on Greg/KOC for trading him. Brewer will be good enough as the back up to CJ at SG. Maybe we acquire a vet SG at the deadline by trading AK's expiring. I think that depends on how AK is playing, how Hayward has developed and if some combination of Jefferson/Okur/Millsap/Fes/Kosta at the 4/5 makes AK unneeded at the 4.
First of all, I want to give props for the Jefferson trade. KOC, you are smarter than we thought, thanks for finally making that big move. Greg Miller, thanks for taking the risk of adding Jefferson and going into the LT so that we can be a better team. Carlos Boozer, thank you for ending your tenure here by giving the Jazz something to build on, that was classy.

But this offseason isn't over yet. Yes, we just got a lot better, but we need a little more to become a contending team. Signing some of the better FA that are left will help the Jazz to take that next step. I understand that we are in the LT right now, but using that MLE could help us so much more.

We need a combination of two of the following three players to become contenders: Shannon Brown, Ronnie Brewer, and/or Al Harrington. If they cost too much then fine, but if we can get 2/3 using the MLE then we need to. Al Harrington would effectively be our Lamar Odom, and could split minutes with AK at the 3. Shannon Brown is an elite athlete that would come in and be a lock-down defender off the bench and can hit the occasional outside shot. And Ronnie Brewer is a slasher, who we know already fits in well with this team.

My plea to the FO: Make a few more moves to become an elite team, because you've now set yourself up beautifully.

None of those players are going to make the Jazz contenders. The Jazz are a little better because Jefferson is better defensively than Boozer but we lost Matthews and Korver. Not big pieces but still they added to the team. I think KOC did a good job getting Jefferson but I think he could have told Kahn he can have one first round pick but giving up two was ridiculous. So the Jazz traded Boozer, Matthews and two first for Jefferson. Not such a good deal.
How often do first round picks especially where the Jazz pick pan out? We wouldn't have used the memphis pick probably till 2013-2015 range. and they didnt really trade Wes Matthews,they still might sign him.

The deal was more like Jefferson for Boozer and 2 1st rounders. Al is better in every way except shooting and finsihing with the left hand. He is also cheaper,younger and his contract is shorter
If we got Al Harrington and Shannon Brown, I would **** myself. Even if we got either one of them, I would start an internet petition to build a KOC statue next to Stock and Malone. Not really, but yeah.
Props again to Greg Miller by using the MLE to sign Bell. We still need one more guy with the rest of it though; i'm being greedy.
Davidson and Benson from Summer League can be signed at minimum wage. Bring Kevin Kruger or the guy from Nova in to play the point and waive Gaines and Jeffers.
Davidson and Benson from Summer League can be signed at minimum wage. Bring Kevin Kruger or the guy from Nova in to play the point and waive Gaines and Jeffers.

Benson sucked, no way. I think we add another wing, cause I think we are going to try and dump AK later in the season.
Bring on Brewer. It'll make Deron happy and give us two deep at every position AND make for some terrific match-ups (I'm not necessarily referring to the Brewer signing with that one, though I do think his steals compliment AK and Deron on the defensive end).

Hayward/AK (yes, the rookie starts!)
Big Al (yes, as a center, except when playing the likes of Dwight Howard (that son of a bitch))/Fes

Throw in some practice meat and we're good. Jeffers, Brown, and mystery meat. Mmm... good.