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What is 1 HP of damage in real life?


Well-Known Member
The r/AskReddit community asked this one a week ago.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/16afgfw/what_is_1_hp_of_damage_in_real_life/

Some of the better responses:

  • When you eat a chip, and it hits the roof of your mouth sharp corner up.
  • Dropping your phone on your face
  • static shock
  • Saying bye to someone & walking the same way
  • When you pull a pizza out of the oven and take a bite without waiting for it it cool down and burn the roof of your mouth. You lose 1 hit point from the pain but you also lose 5 intelligence points because you should have known better and will probably do it again at some point like I always do.
  • When a server says "enjoy your meal" and you respond "thank you, you too". Emotional damage is still damage right?
  • Brain freeze
  • Biting your tongue when you sneeze
  • walking on a piece of Lego
  • Hearing someone chew their food loudly.
  • Walking up or down a step that isn't there
  • Biting the inside of your cheek.
Need to establish some ground rules first. Like first it should represent actual damage, not just pain. Second emotional damage doesn't count, infinite emotional damage won't result in death. Third, it should require some level of "healing" to recover from it. Others?
Need to establish some ground rules first. Like first it should represent actual damage, not just pain. Second emotional damage doesn't count, infinite emotional damage won't result in death. Third, it should require some level of "healing" to recover from it. Others?
What's max HP? In Paper Mario, it's like 30 HP. In some Final Fantasy games, it's 10,000 HP. Quite a difference in percentage of MP lost.
I have a healthy respect/fear of horses. And I could go on for a while about what 50-60 HP can do in terms of damage. Currently suffering some effects in fact. I somehow opened a 1 inch cut on top of my head through my helmet a few days ago, among other injuries. Realistically 1 HP could rip your head off under the wrong circumstances. Respect the HP wherever it may be.
Reminds me of the saying if you're going to be dumb you gotta be tough.

And if you get after it in the outdoors you gotta be ready for a lot of pain.
Realistically it would represent a certain percentage of HP, but since HP can vary wildly we should take a given baseline. For simplicity I'd say take 100 HP. Therefore 1 HP is 1% of total damage possible.
I have a healthy respect/fear of horses. And I could go on for a while about what 50-60 HP can do in terms of damage. Currently suffering some effects in fact. I somehow opened a 1 inch cut on top of my head through my helmet a few days ago, among other injuries. Realistically 1 HP could rip your head off under the wrong circumstances. Respect the HP wherever it may be.
Ouch, hope you are ok.
What's max HP? In Paper Mario, it's like 30 HP. In some Final Fantasy games, it's 10,000 HP. Quite a difference in percentage of MP lost.
I addressed this in the post just above.
Ouch, hope you are ok.

Thanks man, all good. I push the limits often, probably too often. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Anyone who rides dirt a lot knows that there is another wreck coming, you just hope it won't be too bad. Recovery takes longer the older you get but at the same time at 50+ years you see that window getting smaller and don't want to miss out on anything while you can still get after it. Getting old is crappy for anyone but especially for those who live for that adrenaline. I've gotten used to living with minor pain almost always and serious pain seemingly 2-5 times/year. Coughing or sneezing with broken ribs has a special place on the HP scale. Mind tricks can help a lot; when suffering I think of Travis Pastrana and it makes me feel a little better.
Need to establish some ground rules first. Like first it should represent actual damage, not just pain. Second emotional damage doesn't count, infinite emotional damage won't result in death. Third, it should require some level of "healing" to recover from it. Others?
I disagree on the emotional damage. There are many damage types out there, just as our health points factor in emotional, mental, spiritual, and other factors to get our overall health point number.

I like all of the options from the OP.
I like the stubbed toe and the zipper damage too.
All valid.

To me the thing that characterizes 1hp of dmg is a whack to the knuckles from a wooden spoon on a failed attempt to sneak into food.
I disagree on the emotional damage. There are many damage types out there, just as our health points factor in emotional, mental, spiritual, and other factors to get our overall health point number.

I like all of the options from the OP.
I like the stubbed toe and the zipper damage too.
All valid.

To me the thing that characterizes 1hp of dmg is a whack to the knuckles from a wooden spoon on a failed attempt to sneak into food.
Well the only way emotional damage ends in death is if it leads to self-harm that causes it. Just emotional damage by itself cannot kill you.
You’ve never seen what Steven He’s dad can do with emotional damage.

That’s just like your opinion man.
Trust me, I've been married for 31 years and we are both still alive. It's impossible.
You CAN take damage and not die.
I refuse to budge.
Yes, as long as it's emotional damage you can take infinite damage and not die. That's the salient point. I'm glad to see you agree with me!