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Who are the 10 greatest NBA Players of all Time?

You take one of the best players off a team and that team isn't as good? Woah, no way. This is a top 10 of all-time discussion and Allen Iverson doesn't belong anywhere near it. You could replace him with so many other players from throughout history and have equal or greater success it's not even funny (just from 2001 you could stick in Kobe, Vince, or Ray).

Remember when MJ left the Bulls the first time. That was still a 50 win season for the Bulls. That's a bs argument and u know it. Lot of people don't like Iverson because they don't agree with how he did things off the court. Doesn't change the fact that he's a great player. One of the greats.

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Lance Armstrong beat the previous total for TdF victories by one. He didn't obliterate anything. By any other cycling measure, even if you don't consider the fact that he was stripped of all of his TdF victories, he is nowhere close to the best cyclist of all time. Eddy Merckx is the greatest cyclist of all time in a landslide.

Do you see anyone coming close to Armstrong's (now not official) TDF record who is currently in the sport?
There is definitely a little too much discrediting of Iverson in this thread. What he was able to do at his size was incredible and his efficiency is being attacked a little too much. He wasn't ultra efficient, but reading some posters here you would think he barely scored a point per shot most seasons.

Also, if you were doing a top 10 players who where 6'1 or under, Iverson would be in the top 5.
Take Iverson off that 6ers team and they lose to this 6ers team. Your spinning so much garbage right now. I used to like your posts. May have to rethink. Iverson is a great player. Sorry u can't recognize that.

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Sorry you disagree. I will never agree that he was a great player, good yes but not great. I don't give a rats *** about his off the court issues. I didn't like him as a player on the court. Too selfish, too inefficient, and far too over rated. That team would not lose to this sixers team, that team played very good defense and had shooters to go around Iverson. They would not have made the finals but that is irrelevant to a top 10 players of all time thread. Iverson is not close to this list. If Iverson was so great how come he could only drag that team to the finals one time? The east was so bad during a lot of that stretch, yet he made one finals run.
And his MVP is still the biggest joke that award has ever seen. Closely followed by Rose.
When players got off of his teams they played better than when on his teams. Great players make teammates better not worse.
There is definitely a little too much discrediting of Iverson in this thread. What he was able to do at his size was incredible and his efficiency is being attacked a little too much. He wasn't ultra efficient, but reading some posters here you would think he barely scored a point per shot most seasons.

Also, if you were doing a top 10 players who where 6'1 or under, Iverson would be in the top 5.
Maybe he makes that list, I don't know who in the history is under that height. But would not be in my top 10 PG of all time list either.
Maybe he makes that list, I don't know who in the history is under that height. But would not be in my top 10 PG of all time list either.

Just some quick names: Isiah Thomas, John Stockton, Chris Paul, Allen Iverson, and Nate Archibald are the 5 names that come to mind.
Iverson averaged lots of assists per game. I think people tend to ignore that fact
Maybe if he had not been a ball hog chucker the defense would not have been able to do that.

He averaged over 5 assists per game in 13 of his seasons (8 seasons he was over 7 assists per game)


Lance Armstrong beat the previous total for TdF victories by one. He didn't obliterate anything. By any other cycling measure, even if you don't consider the fact that he was stripped of all of his TdF victories, he is nowhere close to the best cyclist of all time. Eddy Merckx is the greatest cyclist of all time in a landslide.

I love me some Eddy Merckx
Btw I'm not an Iverson fan and have him nowhere close to my top ten but the way some are talking about him is not giving him enough credit
Fwiw Bill Simmons book of basketball has Iverson ranked 29th all time.

Some notable names around him.... Stockton at 25, David Robinson 28, mchale 35th, nash 38th, payton 40th, wade 53rd, paul pierce 54th
Three Saturdays ago, I watched Iverson finish 12-for-31 in an overtime loss to the Clips, hampered by Quinton Ross' defense and an atrocious group of teammates who couldn't assume any of the scoring burden.
Know what? He still played his *** off. Breathtaking to watch as always, Iverson remains the quickest guard on the planet, one of the few who routinely draws "oohs and ahhs" from the Staples Center crowd. Although he's noticeably smaller in person (no taller than 5-foot-11), Iverson attacks the basket in waves, almost like an undersized running back ramming into the line of scrimmage for four or five yards a pop (think Emmitt Smith). He takes implausible angles on his drives -- angles that can't be seen as they're unfolding, even if you've been watching him for 10 years -- and drains an obscene number of layups and floaters in traffic. And he still plays with a "f--- you!" intensity that only KG and Kobe can match (although MJ remains the king of this category). There isn't a more intimidating player in the league.
Yup, even after 10 punishing seasons, even on an off-night slumming for a crappy team, Allen Iverson is still worth seeing.

I've been astonished by the lack of respect for his abilities in so many written and spoken reports.
Well, ask yourself one question: How could a coach-killer who allegedly monopolizes the ball, hates to practice and can't sublimate his game double as one of the most revered, respected players in the league? Why did the ex-players on "NBA Coast To Coast" (Anthony, Legler and Barry) trade Iverson war stories last night like they were trading stories about Keyser Söze? Why are Philly fans overwhelmingly heartbroken that he's leaving town? How can anyone blame Iverson for anything when he's been saddled with an incompetent front office and decidedly mediocre supporting cast for the past decade?

Consider the following:

Fact: He played with only two All-Stars in Philly (Theo Ratliff in 2001 and the soon-to-be-decrepit Dikembe Mutombo in 2002), as well as a host of overpaid role players (Eric Snow, Aaron McKie, Kyle Korver, Kenny Thomas, Marc Jackson, Brian Skinner, Greg Buckner, Tyrone Hill, George Lynch, Corliss Williamson), overpaid underachievers (Derrick Coleman, Keith Van Horn, Sam Dalembert, Joe Smith), overpaid and washed-up veterans (Todd MacCulloch, Toni Kukoc, Chris Webber, Glenn Robinson, Matt Geiger, Billy Owens), and underachieving lottery picks (Jerry Stackhouse, Tim Thomas, Larry Hughes).
Just some quick names: Isiah Thomas, John Stockton, Chris Paul, Allen Iverson, and Nate Archibald are the 5 names that come to mind.

Good picks, I'd throw Kevin Johnson(one of the most underrated players ever) and Bob Cousy in there as well.
Fwiw Bill Simmons book of basketball has Iverson ranked 29th all time.

Some notable names around him.... Stockton at 25, David Robinson 28, mchale 35th, nash 38th, payton 40th, wade 53rd, paul pierce 54th

Simmons is a fool.
Simmons is a fool.
Maybe, but I'm certain he watches/watched more basketball than any of us, did tons and tons of research for his book and talked to lots of players, coaches, gm's, announcers, etc to come to his conclusions

Allot better than jazz fanz posters simply saying iverson was a ball hog
Give me a list of all the mvp winners who were not very good
Alan Iverson

My point is that when someone says a player is overrated it's because they believe people rate him higher than he deserved, and since MVP is a rating it can actually be used as proof that he was overrated, but I don't see how it can be used as proof that he wasn't overrated.