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Who is the best dunker of all time?


New Member
Who do you all think is the best dunker of all time? I know this isn't specifically a Jazz question but I think it's interesting to see what others think. My opinion is Vince Carter. His ingame dunks and the dunk contest he won really changed the game from a dunking standpoint. I know the MJ is the best PLAYER of all time but I feel that VC was a better in-game dunker as this video shows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHG1g8IFbQk
If it's in game, I'm going to lean towards Jordan.
Carter, Griffin, Dominique, and Kemp were great, but the ones I remember most are Jordan.
Didn't we just have a thread on this a short time ago?
Anyway, I'd take Dr. J over anybody I've seen.
I honestly think if Jeremy Evans ever developed into a skilled SF and got decent PT, he'd give all the others a run for their money. His combination of hops and length from toes to extended arm even exceeds Dr. J...
Why do people feel the need to tell mods when to move threads? I dont get why it really bugs some people so much. It's like ..."Damn, I came to this thread thinking it was about the jazz but was fooled!!" I couldnt tell from the title so I had to click on it and yup, I was tricked, damnit!! MODS, fix it...lol


Anyways, I say Vinsanity, but Griffin is catching up fast.
Anyone who says Dr J. or anyone from the 70's or even 80's is crazy. He was ahead of his time but he never did anything remotely close to what is happening today. Vince Carter is the best in game dunker ever in my opinion. As far as dunk contest stuff goes the AND 1 guys pull off some pretty ridiculous stuff that Ive never seen in NBA contests.
As far as dunking in general goes, Vince Carter.

In-game dunks? Michael.

I'm young-blood so I didn't get to see Erving play but I'm sure he's right up there.
Didn't we just have a thread on this a short time ago?
Anyway, I'd take Dr. J over anybody I've seen.
I honestly think if Jeremy Evans ever developed into a skilled SF and got decent PT, he'd give all the others a run for their money. His combination of hops and length from toes to extended arm even exceeds Dr. J...

No chance. Evans simply doesn't have the coordination or strength the top dunkers in the game have had.
Didn't we just have a thread on this a short time ago?
Anyway, I'd take Dr. J over anybody I've seen.
I honestly think if Jeremy Evans ever developed into a skilled SF and got decent PT, he'd give all the others a run for their money. His combination of hops and length from toes to extended arm even exceeds Dr. J...
Vince and it's not even close. If he would have come out 10 years after he did and been on a decent team, he would have crashed twitter on numerous occasions.
I love all the Mr. Do-gooders who are frothing at the mouth because this is not under the General NBA........
It's Carter or Dominique or Kemp or Dr.J or Kobe. Maybe Larry Johnson. Or JR Rider. It could be Michael. It might be David Thompson. I don't know. I'll go with Lebron.
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