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Who is the best dunker of all time?

Dr. J soared in from above like an eagle approaching it's prey, talons extended. His hang time and full extension were jaw-dropping.
And if you are not old enough to know, you just don't know.

I AM old enough, and no.
DR J was awesome and compared to his peers at the time, UNREAL. Put him in there today and his hang time and style would make for good highlights like the others.
I understand the need to go with the "back in the day...." but come on. I know the "purists" will lament how DR J would still be the show stopper now, but he wouldnt. He would be very good, obviously, but please. Compared to Vince and Griffin, no. DR J WAS a far better over all player than either of them however..
Anyone who says Dr J. or anyone from the 70's or even 80's is crazy. He was ahead of his time but he never did anything remotely close to what is happening today. Vince Carter is the best in game dunker ever in my opinion. As far as dunk contest stuff goes the AND 1 guys pull off some pretty ridiculous stuff that Ive never seen in NBA contests.

I vote for Connie Hawkins....who was doing some classic dunks....when your head was the size of a grape!
Who do you all think is the best dunker of all time? I know this isn't specifically a Jazz question but I think it's interesting to see what others think. My opinion is Vince Carter. His ingame dunks and the dunk contest he won really changed the game from a dunking standpoint. I know the MJ is the best PLAYER of all time but I feel that VC was a better in-game dunker as this video shows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHG1g8IFbQk

The best dunkers of all time don't and haven't played in the NBA. The best professional dunker of all-time, imo, is VC.
Jordan was probably the best in-game dunker. As far as dunk contests, the MJ/Dominique contests were a little before my time but I will say Vince's performance in the 2000 dunk contest was the greatest dunking performance I've ever seen - because the hype leading up to that event was off the charts (dunk contest had taken a 2 year hiatis) and Vince not only lived up to the hype - he exceeded everyone's expectations.

MJ, Dominique, Dr. J, Vince...really no right answer but those guys are at the top of the list for me.