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Who is the biggest troll around here?

time to unveil myself:
I was milsap2short4ballzlolz

Franklin knew.
Numberica should know.
Well now that the mods banned the only guy on my friends list (bluesrocker) I think Jerry has had his status cemented.
^ bygones ^

I see no reason why I cannot oppose Jerry, sometimes vehemetly so, and still not be friends. Just becasue we hold different views (and I think the ones he professes are for show or worded for show) does not mean we cannot be friends.

That is one of the great lies.
I do not consider him a troll. I see him as that little kid that makes up huge stories and lies so others will notice him.
I have never told a story here so I cant make any up, and I dont lie.
At least hate me for a real reason, like being a moron like Naos does. Although it is a little disappointing to know he has missed out on some of my masterpieces /cry
I will try to not be such a dick in the future. It might be tough, but I will attempt it. People still actually support Obamma so anything is possible.
I have never told a story here so I cant make any up, and I dont lie.
At least hate me for a real reason, like being a moron like Naos does. Although it is a little disappointing to know he has missed out on some of my masterpieces /cry
I will try to not be such a dick in the future. It might be tough, but I will attempt it. People still actually support Obamma so anything is possible.

I was to busy watching you dance to my tune to pay attention to anything you said.