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Who will replace Biden?

Who will replace Biden as candidate for POTUS

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Could you imagine being surprised to find out just a few days ago that Joe Biden is brain dead? Haha… How brainwashed do you need to be? The media is now finally telling me after years of denying it, so it now must finally be true… er no it practically happened overnight. Which is it? I’m not sure the media hasn’t told me that part yet.
You seem to be posting a bunch of other people's tweets, people who either don't understand the words they use or assume that the "huddled masses" don't understand them. But, to follow your instruction to never trust the propagandists again, I'll be putting you on ignore.

Yes, bury your head in the sand, bud.

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Biden went from taking PEDs to senile old man without a voice in no time. And when Trump is sentenced in the next week or two, Biden will return to being the criminal mastermind who has weaponized the DOJ. Yawn. Do we ever get tired of the Fox News whack a mole spin? Like most democracies aren’t dealing with reality and alt reality. Why does our society continue to indulge in one? Racism? Boredom? Grievance? What makes Fox News so appealing?
Excess prosperity. There is no other existential threat to rage against.
You are the sand.
Going back to the topic at hand, here's the big problem: At this point, if Biden stepped down (or was pushed down a flight of stairs), it is unlikely that the choice to replace him would be anyone but Kamala Harris. I think there are a ton of people who would vote against her just because she's a woman, and another ton who would vote against her because she's black - as well as a smaller amount who would vote against her because she's Indian. Sure, a lot of those people are in Trump's pocket anyway, but there might well be enough people like that to counter the people who would turn out to vote for her just because she's those things. Combine that with her nearly invisible term as VP, and her record of being basically a ****, and I don't like her chances.
Going back to the topic at hand, here's the big problem: At this point, if Biden stepped down (or was pushed down a flight of stairs), it is unlikely that the choice to replace him would be anyone but Kamala Harris. I think there are a ton of people who would vote against her just because she's a woman, and another ton who would vote against her because she's black - as well as a smaller amount who would vote against her because she's Indian. Sure, a lot of those people are in Trump's pocket anyway, but there might well be enough people like that to counter the people who would turn out to vote for her just because she's those things. Combine that with her nearly invisible term as VP, and her record of being basically a ****, and I don't like her chances.
I honestly think she has been the least visible VP in my lifetime. I don't know why, but she is not an active part of the administration as far as I can tell. She doesn't even have any high visibility side projects or anything.
Projection. These are some global claims you’re making, without evidence to back it up. Many on the left are guilty of the vary claims they lob at MAGA and demonize them rather than take their pov seriously.
You’ve been gaslit. And any critique is reflexively projected on your perceived opponent “tribe.”

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You seem to suffer from the same unfortunate weakness present in humans throughout history: the inability to recognize what’s happening while it’s happening. This was the situation that existed throughout he 1930’s in Germany. And it’s the same amnesia present in folks like yourself, and sadly, millions of others, in America today. One cure for that, not 100%, but man does it help, is to simply understand a very simple formula: the past INFORMS the present. It becomes much easier to understand present circumstances when one’s knowledge of history is strong. Certainly, one of the great failings of the supporters of the MAGA movement is their woefully weak knowledge of the past. Without it, you will miss a great deal, and you are clearly in that position.

Let me tell you something: when Trump and his wife descended Trump Tower in 2015, I recognized immediately, on that day, in that moment, who Trump was, and what he represented. And while some of that recognition might have been inborn and instinctual, basically it was my understanding of history that underpinned the ease with which that recognition on my part was right there.

You likely understand none of this. In fact, I do understand many of the gripes and anger underpinning MAGA are in fact genuine! I do not, as you claim, demonize Americans that have been caught up by MAGA. Demonize them? I feel sorry for them! I don’t dismiss their concerns. And something else history teaches me: when a society like our own is undergoing stress resulting from cultural and social change, that is the very time a demagogue like Trump is likely to appear in that society. And like such manipulative and supremely cynical demagogues elsewhere in history, to announce that only he can solve our problems. And, like most demagogues, he identified “the other” to his soon to be rabbid cult: migrants. That understanding on my part is why I say history INFORMS the present. And this is why your lame and foolish claim that this is all “projection” on my part proves how your opinion is itself born of supreme ignorance. Of course I understand many in America feel left out, forgotten, etc. Not dismissing at all. I just happen to know that just as Hitler was not the answer he claimed he was for Germany, so Trump is not the answer for America. The past informs the present.

Learning from history is not projection. It adds context. We want context.

Everything you said in reply to me reflects your own woeful lack of understanding of history, and our present time. That’s on you. Your’s is a woefully shallow perspective, and claiming I’m projecting is comical.

You may be satisfied with shallow thinking where our present moment is concerned. I’m not shallow. I analyze, I use my own intelligence and education and bring it to bear to understand this present moment. Searching for historical context is not projection. It’s called researching our present moment.
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You seem to suffer from the same unfortunate weakness present in humans throughout history: the inability to recognize what’s happening while it’s happening. This was the situation that existed throughout he 1930’s in Germany. And it’s the same amnesia present in folks like yourself, and sadly, millions of others, in America today. One cure for that, not 100%, but man does it help, is to simply understand a very simple formula: the past INFORMS the present. It becomes much easier to understand present circumstances when one’s knowledge of history is strong. Certainly, one of the great failings of the supporters of the MAGA movement is their woefully weak knowledge of the past. Without it, you will miss a great deal, and you are clearly in that position.

Let me tell you something: when Trump and his wife descended Trump Tower in 2015, I recognized immediately, on that day, in that moment, who Trump was, and what he represented. And while some of that recognition might have been inborn and instinctual, basically it was my understanding of history that underpinned the ease with which that recognition on my part was right there.

You likely understand none of this. In fact, I do understand many of the gripes and anger underpinning MAGA are in fact genuine! I do not, as you claim, demonize Americans that have been caught up by MAGA. Demonize them? I feel sorry for them! I don’t dismiss their concerns. And something else history teaches me: when a society like our own is undergoing stress resulting from cultural and social change, that is the very time a demagogue like Trump is likely to appear in that society. And like such manipulative and supremely cynical demagogues elsewhere in history, to announce that only he can solve our problems. And, like most demagogues, he identified “the other” to his soon to be rabbid cult: migrants. That understanding on my part is why I say history INFORMS the present. And this is why your lame and foolish claim that this is all “projection” on my part proves how your opinion is itself born of supreme ignorance. Of course I understand many in America feel left out, forgotten, etc. Not dismissing at all. I just happen to know that just as Hitler was not the answer he claimed he was for Germany, so Trump is not the answer for America. The past informs the present.

Learning from history is not projection. It adds context. We want context.

Everything you said in reply to me reflects your own woeful lack of understanding of history, and our present time. That’s on you. Your’s is a woefully shallow perspective, and claiming I’m projecting is comical.

You may be satisfied with shallow thinking where our present moment is concerned. I’m not shallow. I analyze, I use my own intelligence and education and bring it to bear to understand this present moment. Searching for historical context is not projection. It’s called researching our present moment.

Trump ≠ Hitler
Puhlease!! Your knowledge of history is surface level and regurgitated propaganda. The Hitler comparison is so tired and a lazy dem talking point.

Ok, history buff, do you not see the correlation between all the Black Lives Matter movement and Mao’s struggle sessions?

Your attempt to condescend to me is lazy. Whatever. Jazz message board …I don’t have high expectations for you anyway.

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Trump ≠ Hitler
Puhlease!! Your knowledge of history is surface level and regurgitated propaganda. The Hitler comparison is so tired and a lazy dem talking point.
Yeah, I also have a PhD in History. Never said Trump=Hitler. What a study of history will do is help one understand the type of leaders that appear in societies undergoing intense stress brought about by social, economic, and cultural change. That’s one reason Hitler appeared when he did. Post WWI Germany was as downtrodden as it got. And, as I told you, people seldom see what’s going on while it’s going on. Best exercise I know to counter that is to try hard to think outside one’s own cultural milleau, as if one were from another planet, observing human behavior. Best way to understand one’s own world is to try and see it with fresh eyes. But, none of us can accomplish that perfectly. We are all embedded in our cultural matrix, and the hardest thing in the world can be recognizing what’s happening, while it’s happening. Instead, we repeat similar mistakes, regardless of the place, regardless of the era.

Leaving an understanding of History as our best bet to understanding the present. It’s the style of leadership that bears comparison. Both Hitler and Trump are demagogues. They present as the only one who can solve society’s problems. They introduce “the other”, the all too convenient scape goat that disaffected peoole can focus their anger on. “The other” can be conveniently presented as a punching bag. Or, of course, much worse.

One needs to understand the past well enough to recognize the style of leader that can appear at precisely times like our own moment in history. Nobody is saying Trump is identical to Hitler, nobody is saying Trump will match his crimes against humanity. In my case, I simply knew enough, knew the past informs the present well enough to recognize “uh oh, where have we seen this movie before?” When Trump appeared on our scene. So, of course alarm bells went off. But, little I can do personally to cure Americans of historical amnesia, and we stand an excellent chance of seeing Trump 2.0.
The Biden team knew he wasn't up to the job in February when he couldn't even do a super bowl interview. That's a layup interview and he couldn't even do that. The Democrats have screwed themselves and they have no good plan b.
The weird thing to me is that there were outs that could have nixed any debates. Biden dodging debates would have been less damaging than what happened at this debate. So why did they put him out there?
Only 1 in 4 Americans believe Biden is capable of fulfilling Presidential duties yet the Democrats double down on their support.
If there is one thing old white voting americans hate more than da gays it is flip-flopping. No one can change their mind, change course, or ever be seen to have a single thought different than their already established position. This would mean that the entire democratic party was flip-flopping on their candidate. No way would they take that risk, knowing they themselves used the flip-flopping attack on Romney. They cannot have that label applied to them as a party now.