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WHOLE TEAM....caught using steroids!!!

Come on now CJ. The article never says any such thing!

McMinnville School District Superintendent Maryalice Russell said at a news conference Friday there was nothing that pointed to performance-enhancing drugs or supplements as the root of the outbreak.

"I don't have any information at this time that would indicate that's the case," she said. "I'm continuing to look at additional information as it may come my way."
...huh? The stuff they all had in them was a roid! It will be all over PTI, Around the Horn, Rome is Burning....etc, etc. etc. tomorrow! He says all 19 players had high levels of creatine kinase, or CK.
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...huh? The stuff they all had in them was a roid! It will be all over PTI, Around the Horn, Rome is Burning....etc, etc. etc. tomorrow! He says all 19 players had high levels of creatine kinase, or CK.

Which they went on to explain can be caused by intense workouts.

Officials said the cause was still a mystery, but high CK levels can result from vigorous exercise or the use of certain medications or food supplements.
Which they went on to explain can be caused by intense workouts.

...yeah, well I suppose there the only athletes who have "intense" workouts? Get your head out of the sand, bubba! They were taking some type of illegal substances....and it will come out shortly....probably by 5 pm tonight!
This thread is all about fail.

CK (creatine kinase) is released when you excercize. The less "in shape" you are, the more is released. Heat stroke and lack of hydration will add to the CK levels. Here we have a group of high school athletes that have probably been sitting on their asses most of the summer all of the sudden diving into a week long intensive training camp. Looking at temps in August, not paying attention to your fluid intake and working out more strenuously than you have for 2-3 months is a recidpe for increasing your CK levels to very dangerous levels.
....if it was only a couple of players, I'd agree with you. BUt when the WHOLE team has the SAME condition? I think it's more than coincidence!
....if it was only a couple of players, I'd agree with you. BUt when the WHOLE team has the SAME condition? I think it's more than coincidence!

Last I checked it takes more than 19 players to have a football team. Another gross exaggeration on your part.
Its not steroids. Its Creatine. Creatine is dangerous. Steroids do cause dehydration.

"Winkler said blood test results expected Tuesday could show whether the athletes ingested creatine, which is found in legal high-powered protein supplements."

Most high school kids take creatine. Its very common but its also very dangerous on your kidney. They probably took too much. They probably all took those stupid energy drinks for workouts. Those cause dehydration.
Not in high school it doesn't when a ton of kids play both ways.

Last I checked.

If they were in Podunk, WV I might buy it. The official McMinnville High report says that several of the teams players were hospitalized. Not all.

EDIT: Here's a pic of the McMinnville Football team with their new head coach. Do you still want to argue that the whole team was afflicted?



“The younger class, from what I’m told, has some ability and I really like what I’ve seen in the junior and seniors,” he said. “We had 60 of them out here yesterday, which is close to double what they had at the end of the year. So there’s a really interesting dynamic going on, and I’m excited about it. It’s a great opportunity, both for my family and for football.”
.....NOW the truth be known! "Some have speculated that a workout that targeted the triceps, in a hot wrestling room at the school Sunday, could be the cause." Everybody in town knows that "wrestlers" both Pro and Amateur....love to use tons of roids....to build those muscles up! I think "hopper" needs to enter this discussion....and give us his "expert" opinion!
.....NOW the truth be known! "Some have speculated that a workout that targeted the triceps, in a hot wrestling room at the school Sunday, could be the cause." Everybody in town knows that "wrestlers" both Pro and Amateur....love to use tons of roids....to build those muscles up! I think "hopper" needs to enter this discussion....and give us his "expert" opinion!

Well you've proved it! Congratulations.
.....NOW the truth be known! "Some have speculated that a workout that targeted the triceps, in a hot wrestling room at the school Sunday, could be the cause." Everybody in town knows that "wrestlers" both Pro and Amateur....love to use tons of roids....to build those muscles up! I think "hopper" needs to enter this discussion....and give us his "expert" opinion!

For years I've seen people refer to you as a racist idiot but I've reserved judgement. This thread has proven them right at least partially... you're an idiot!
For years I've seen people refer to you as a racist idiot but I've reserved judgement. This thread has proven them right at least partially... you're an idiot!

...hey, lighten up, will ya! I'm just pulling your chain, that's all! It's the off season and we've got to talk about something, right? I know these guys are completely innocent of any wrong doing whatsoever. They are the victims, not the perpetrators! No need to soil there good names and reputations any further....so I'll stop right now!
Its not steroids. Its Creatine. Creatine is dangerous. Steroids do cause dehydration.

"Winkler said blood test results expected Tuesday could show whether the athletes ingested creatine, which is found in legal high-powered protein supplements."

Most high school kids take creatine. Its very common but its also very dangerous on your kidney. They probably took too much. They probably all took those stupid energy drinks for workouts. Those cause dehydration.

Old wive's tale. Creatine has been shown to be perfectly safe.

Researchers from Truman State University also report that long-term creatine use appears to be safe [7].

Twenty-three members of an NCAA Division II American football team were divided into a creatine group and a control group who took no supplements.

Subjects in the creatine group averaged 14 grams of creatine a day for three years. However, the researchers could find no detrimental effects on either kidney or liver function.

7. Mayhew, D.L., Mayhew, J.L., & Ware, J.S. (2002). Effects of long-term creatine supplementation on liver and kidney functions in American college football players. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 12, 453-460

In fact, creatine has numerous health benefits.

Most people aren't aware that creatine has protective effects in heart, muscle and neurological diseases. In fact, several months of creatine supplementation in men and women with borderline high cholesterol levels reduces very-low-density lipoprotein levels (the so-called "bad" cholesterol) by almost one-third [1].

Similar findings are reported in the journal Metabolism. Twenty-eight days of creatine supplementation and resistance exercise lowered total cholesterol levels to a greater extent than resistance exercise alone [10].

1. Earnest, C., Almada, A., & Mitchell, T. (1996). High-performance capillary electrophoresis-pure creatine monohydrate reduces blood lipids in men and women. Clinical Science, 91, 113-118

10. Arciero, P.J., Hannibal, N.S. 3rd, Nindl, B.C., Gentile, C.L., Hamed, J., & Vukovich, M.D. (2001). Comparison of creatine ingestion and resistance training on energy expenditure and limb blood flow. Metabolism, 50, 1429-1434
Old wive's tale. Creatine has been shown to be perfectly safe.

In fact, creatine has numerous health benefits.


While using creatine and glutamine, water is dawn into the muscles than is normal. This may result in dehydration as a side effect of using these supplements. When using these supplements you should increase your water intake to counteract this effect.

Water Retention
Increase in water retention in the muscles can make them look fuller and shapelier. However some individuals’ body shape means that they will look fatter around the waste which they may find undesirable. Muscles may lose shape when individuals stop taking the supplements.

Upset Stomach
Bloating and stomach upsets are associated side effects with both glutamine and creatine.

Kidneys Problems
No conclusive evidence exists to show that creatine causes problems in the kidneys. However there is significant anecdotal evidence from users linking creatine to kidney problems and specifically to the development of kidney stones. Users should take into account that the likelihood of kidney stones is increased by having a high protein diet, a common habit of bodybuilders. Lack of fluid in the body also increases the chance of kidney stones. Creatine side effects negative impact can include dehydration so it is logical that the creatine could indirectly lead to kidney stones if users do not rehydrate themselves. It is recommended that you contact a medical professional if you have kidney problems.

Creatine can be dangerous is what I meant. Most people think because its legal they can take whatever they want. Most people take too much and get too dehydrated. Its dangerous for this reason. If used properly it is fine.
But any drug can be healthy in some ways but hurt you in others.

Steroids even has many health benefits but there is also side effects if not used properly.

Its the same for any synthetic product. Most people don't drink enough water. And that creates a lot of problems on your kidneys and with dehydration. Combine Creatine with those energy drinks it can cause a lot of problems.

The side effects they listed are not side effects of the steroids. Unless there is a kind I am not familiar with (there are probably over 50 types so its possible but highly unlikely from my research).