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Woman caught on camera trying to frame Police Officer

I thought that was going to be more difficult and I was going to have to expose my more loony side than I ended up doing.

Try harder next time.
Great Ceasar's Ghost, look at you go!

At this point, I think it just boils down to a few technicalities in certain laws, assumptions, and mostly, you know, like, opinions, man.

It just so happens yours is wrong this time. It happened to me once too, and it sucked. Learn from this one and move onward and upward, friend.

:^0 ?
How hard is it to show your ID and receipt?

I'd also multiquote with many of EJ Wells' responses but they are too numerous. But great post, EJ.

Seriously, any of you who have ever worked retail know that shrinkage (i.e theft) is a huge cost to businesses. I shop at Costco all the time and occasionally I have go to WalMart. It takes just a few seconds to have the receipt marked. As EJ so intelligently pointed out, they do this to prevent someone coming back and getting the merchandise again with the same receipt. The next step is usually to go to the return counter and take back one set of merchandise. So you get your stuff for free.

The fact the man knew the officer indicates some prior history. And I'll bet they're not in the same bowling league together. It was the WM employee who requested intervention and, IINM, the police officer asked a couple of times whether he is satisfied.

Simply showing the receipt would have ended the incident in a few seconds. WM is completely within their rights to make this a policy of shopping at their stores. The man has other choices if he feels his "rights" are being violated by WM - simply go to KMart, Target or some other retailer.

Not a police but another person stealing and refusing to return it.

there happens some dude says "just give her phone back, everyone here is a witness. Do you really wanna end up in jail?" She replies, "they are witnesses that you tried to touch my boobs"

The way she threw the phone on the ground with no remorse. Stuff like this makes me wish hell exists just for people like her.