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Wrist fracture

I know this isn’t your thing, but I would probably see a doctor/expert over that instead of relying on Internet posters from a message board. Good luck
I know this isn’t your thing, but I would probably see a doctor/expert over that instead of relying on Internet posters from a message board. Good luck
I know this isn’t your thing, but I would probably see a doctor/expert over that instead of relying on Internet posters from a message board. Good luck

thank you for demonstrating what a complete and utter moron you are. Yeah im not consulting doctors at all, just asking peeps online and gonna just go buy me an off the shelf cast thnx for the sage advice as per usual. It really is staggering what a brain dead **** you are
thank you for demonstrating what a complete and utter moron you are. Yeah im not consulting doctors at all, just asking peeps online and gonna just go buy me an off the shelf cast thnx for the sage advice as per usual. It really is staggering what a brain dead **** you are
Like I said in my first post, I already knew you favored the opinions of internet message boards above those with expertise. You can bring the *** to the trough but you can’t force it to drink!
Like I said in my first post, I already knew you favored the opinions of internet message boards above those with expertise. You can bring the *** to the trough but you can’t force it to drink!
@Douchebag K has been a vaccine skeptic in the best possible sense of the word. His objections have been measured and limited (primarily objecting to use in those under 17). IIUC, he supports the regular vaccine schedule fully, and covid19 vaccinations in adults. I think he's being unfairly grouped with those who have irresponsibly talked about covid19.

Hopefully, people will keep this in mind in the future. I don't think anyone else in here has had more back-and-forth with @Douchebag K , and I certainly don't intend to start agreeing with him in areas where we disagree, but I respect his position as defensible, if not fully defended and evidenced.
anyone ever had a fractured wrist and if so any experience on plaster v wrist casts ??
How did you fracture your wrist really though, masturbation jokes aside.
anyone ever had a fractured wrist and if so any experience on plaster v wrist casts ??
Wrist is a general definition... can you be more specific or post xray for example?? I fractured distal part of the radius when I was a teenager...it healed fine with plaster cast.
My 15 year old son has played 4 years of injury free football and had this happen a month into his first lacrosse season.


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My 15 year old son has played 4 years of injury free football and had this happen a month into his first lacrosse season.
Yikes. That sucks. Hope he is ok.
My 15 year old son has played 4 years of injury free football and had this happen a month into his first lacrosse season.
exactly the same type fracture I had, but mine was left hand. As I said mine healed with just a cast and no surgery. But since it happened during growth spurt my left arm is about 1cm shorter now.