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Un-Liking Posts


First BF League CHAMP
zman1527 brought up that he "liked" a post that he really doesn't like. Would it be possible to allow us to "un-like" posts we may have "liked" by accident. I know it's not a big deal, but it would be a nice improvement.
Can we add a "loathe" button?
If you're stupid enough to have "liked" a post by accident (sorry zman1527), then you're just gonna have to live with the consequences IMO.
If you're stupid enough to have "liked" a post by accident (sorry zman1527), then you're just gonna have to live with the consequences IMO.

consequences, ha
Why don't we get rid of like anyway? I miss getting reps.
Looks to me like your rep is 71318.

Oh, you must be talking about your RAP,* not your rep!

* Rep Adjustment Power

Just to help people understand, it's like if you had a bank account with $1,000,000 in it but the bank limited withdrawals to $100 per transaction.

...and a max of 5 transactions a day.