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Reputation Part II

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Staff member
If you could re-architect the way REP works, what would you do?

Items to play with:
  • Low rep could prevent functions (starting threads, posting at all or xx times in xx hours, remove PMs, remove ability to rep, etc.)
  • High rep could allow features (not sure what they'd be but... that's why I'm asking)
  • Like/dislike/thanks could factor into rep
  • Rep can adjust or not adjust based on tenure alone
  • Rep can reset every so often
  • Rep can cap or not cap for an individual
  • Rep can cap or not cap in how you share it (e.g. "must spread around")
  • Rep can just go away altogether
  • Rep can stay the way it is
  • etc.

Be sure to not only state how you'd like it to work but also defend how it makes the community more inclusive and ... shall we say ... inviting. I am NOT committing to making any changes but interested in what comes up here.

I'd do this (assuming we keep rep):

- Negative rep limits posts per hour
- Negative rep prevents creating threads
- Negative rep removes ability to rep others
- Tenure is removed from rep completely
- Likes, Thanks and Dislikes all add, or subtract, a set number of rep points
- No cap
- Must be spread around

But personally I think that rep is redundant with likes and dislikes.
I'd do this (assuming we keep rep):

- Negative rep limits posts per hour
- Negative rep prevents creating threads
- Negative rep removes ability to rep others
- Tenure is removed from rep completely
- Likes, Thanks and Dislikes all add, or subtract, a set number of rep points
- No cap
- Must be spread around

These are all solid ideas, Stoked.
I agree that tenure shouldn't count towards rep.

I agree that being in the negative should prevent a poster from starting threads and limit their posts per hour/day

I think likes and dislikes should add/subtract from rep, but less so than an actual rep.

I think if there is a change it should reset all of our rep and let the fun start. I'd aim for making it happen opening day.
Make it usable in the app.
Make it anonymous again.
Those with a negative can't start threads.
No cap.
Limit how many you can give one poster without giving to others (this may already the case) but no limit on how many you can hand out in a day.
Negative rep should should cause an ignore this user dialog to show up somewhere around their post. A troll post here or there isn't a big deal but a few pages of people feeding the trolls is.
I agree that tenure shouldn't count towards rep.

I agree that being in the negative should prevent a poster from starting threads and limit their posts per hour/day

I think likes and dislikes should add/subtract from rep, but less so than an actual rep.

I think if there is a change it should reset all of our rep and let the fun start. I'd aim for making it happen opening day.

I agree with GF in that if we change this wipe everyone clean and start from scratch.
[MENTION=82]bigb[/MENTION], anonymous works for me.
Cherry picking others ideas: anonymous, different point value for like/rep as well as deducting for neg/dislike. Like a 3:1 kind of point value.
Nothing says easy harassment more than anonymous rep.

Negative rep: no starting threads, sure. Limiting posting otherwise, no. This site is too cliquey to allow the ability to silence unpopular posters. If posts are against rules, up to moderators to do the duty they signed up for.
Anyone who has less than 100 RAP shouldn't be allowed to post unless s/he is sponsored by a 100 RAP member. It's just common sense.
  • Rep can cap or not cap for an individual

I'm not sure if you meant Rep or Rep Adjustment Power for this item, but in case the latter--I feel pretty strongly that the Adjustment Power *should* still be capped, especially if you make Rep actually mean something more than it currently does. Otherwise it just throws too much power to the "popular" board users.
Make it anonymous again.

Over my dead body. Were you a mod back then? Assuming not, I can't tell you how many inter-personal conflicts we had to deal with because people would leave neg rep and sign someone else's name to it. It was horrible.
Negative rep should should cause an ignore this user dialog to show up somewhere around their post.

Interesting idea.

Better still--improve the ignore function so you really can't see that person at all. No evidence that the person you're ignoring has posted.
Interesting idea.

Better still--improve the ignore function so you really can't see that person at all. No evidence that the person you're ignoring has posted.

I'm not sure that would work well. I don't have you on ignore and we probably have different ignore lists. If you were to respond to someone that is on my ignore list and I could not see that I wouldn't understand the context of your post.
I'm not sure that would work well. I don't have you on ignore and we probably have different ignore lists. If you were to respond to someone that is on my ignore list and I could not see that I wouldn't understand the context of your post.

You can make so that you don't see the ignored poster's posts, and have it hidden, the way we do now, inside the quote of another unignored poster.
Over my dead body.
That made me chuckle.
Were you a mod back then? Assuming not, I can't tell you how many inter-personal conflicts we had to deal with because people would leave neg rep and sign someone else's name to it. It was horrible.
Yeah, I was still a mod back then. But you could always create a rule about the signing others names to it. Make it strict enough and it won't happen.
If inclusiveness is really a goal, then I think the following should be considered:
(there'll be some repetition with others' ideas here... just emptying the noggin')

*wipe everybody's rep to zero
*If somebody negs another poster, then they also take a hit (something like 1/3rd of the negative value the negged poster receives is assigned to the poster who gives it). This would tamp down bickering through these channels somewhat. Plus, this idea is also interesting (this rep thing has always been a social experiment... at least make it more interesting, pls).
*remove seniority from the rep equation
*un-cap total rep
*leave in-place the limited number of reps someone can give over a defined window of time.
*make rep anonymous (many will still sign their rep messages, but it's nice to have the option to be anonymous)
*this may sound weird, but I think you should encourage everybody to change their screen names and avatars. I have my reasons for thinking this would help exfoliate things a little bit, but, seriously, just think about it. It creates a little extra work for the mods, but within a couple of days it'll be done.
*I like the idea of "likes" and "thanks" figuring into the rep equation. But, since "dislikes" can be given infinitely, I think they should not count. That'd cause a couple people to explode.
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I would ban the mega-neg reppers. They're the same butt hurt bitches who complain incessantly in thread about a poster's feelings instead of using the ignore function.
Is rep still a thing?
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