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Mark Bartlestein (Hayward's agent) to be on 97.5/1280 The Zone in 15 minutes

Not cause we give a **** what they make though.
We complain about contracts cause they affect how good the team is.

If we are winning championships and the Millers want to pay withey 50 million per year then I have no problem with it.

No, a lot of people complain about how much NBA players make. Dont act like that isnt a thing.
In hindsight, I wonder if Hayward requested they all come to San Diego because they were his last visit and he did not want to be in Utah when his decision was finalized because, well, he knew what his decision was (going to be) and didn't want the obligation to tell them in person. Staying in San Diego was his cute little way to avoid all adult responsibility and fan hatred.
I just compare with cp3 who didn't get along with the coach, but did the clippers a solid.

I look back and think, you know at 27 I wasn't viewing the world through others parties lenses, so perhaps it's naive.

I can't give the agent the same benefit of the doubt.

There is also a part of me that feels like there is evidence (not proof) to suggest it may well have been with malice.

Right now we are morning a loss. This place is going to have a lot of emotions until another story takes root. I feel like it's healthy to get it out of our systems. It's clear the organization from players to management is doing the same. Pretty cool there are that many people that care about the team.

On another note I have a feeling the DL Gobera is just beginning.

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I think the other part that stings is that I felt Hayward was a different person than his recent actions suggest and that's hard to reconcile.

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No, a lot of people complain about how much NBA players make. Dont act like that isnt a thing.
Not particular to our team though. People think nba basketball players are overpaid but that isn't why we bitch about contracts for our players. We bitch about it cause their salaries often play a part in how good the team can/will be.
I thought it was funny when Checketts, who's straight pissed at this whole thing, mentioned to the agent that Hayward didn't call Gail or DL. Bartelstein's spin cycle skipped a beat when he found that was something that wasn't known before.

Why is this such a big deal?

Did Gail call Hayward when the Jazz told him to pound sand and he wasn't worth a max deal?

This is nothing more than a lame excuse to vent.

Why is Hayward not allowed to be pissed at Utah?

Their lottery drafting sucked while he was here. No major trades. No major free agents. They didn't max him three years ago. Booed when he was picked.

I'd be pissed if I was Hayward. Why does he owe anyone anything here.

The entitled baby isn't Hayward. He worked his *** off and did his job.

The entitled babies are Jazz fans. If you are angry, look in the mirror. Demand more from the Jazz Organization.
Get over yourself.

It's his life, his decision.

It is a business. Did you listen to the interview? It had a lot more data than the supposed transcript in this thread.

Let's see your man Rudy when he is a UFA for the 1st time.......I'll lay a bet he walks as well......

The more I listen to what has come out, it feels to me DL's decision to make Hayward look during RFA is a big factor. Just my gut feel.

He texted DL, He talked to Quin immediately with the decision.

None of us know what was said at that time but some people hold a grudge.

That's funny. The more I listen to what's come out it confirms that Strayward has no balls.

**** off to the Celtics boards you spineless turncoat
In hindsight, I wonder if Hayward requested they all come to San Diego because they were his last visit and he did not want to be in Utah when his decision was finalized because, well, he knew what his decision was (going to be) and didn't want the obligation to tell them in person. Staying in San Diego was his cute little way to avoid all adult responsibility and fan hatred.

I honestly think this is the best explanation I've heard.
He should have asked him when he notified the editor at the Player's Tribune? How long after that did he inform DL? Does he think that Gordon's choice to announce his decision this way was a good idea, if so why? Explain the thinking there because it looks like an extremely narcissistic thing to do.
I just compare with cp3 who didn't get along with the coach, but did the clippers a solid.

I look back and think, you know at 27 I wasn't viewing the world through others parties lenses, so perhaps it's naive.

I can't give the agent the same benefit of the doubt.

There is also a part of me that feels like there is evidence (not proof) to suggest it may well have been with malice.

Right now we are morning a loss. This place is going to have a lot of emotions until another story takes root. I feel like it's healthy to get it out of our systems. It's clear the organization from players to management is doing the same. Pretty cool there are that many people that care about the team.

On another note I have a feeling the DL Gobera is just beginning.

Sent from my SM-G930P using JazzFanz mobile app

Why does Hayward owe the Jazz a "solid"?

Why does he need to weaken his new team to say "thanks for paying me what we agreed to, even though you didn't think I was worth it."?

He'd be dumb to do Utah a "solid".
He should have asked him when he notified the editor at the Player's Tribune? How long after that did he inform DL? Does he think that Gordon's choice to announce his decision this way was a good idea, if so why?

MB-You'd have to ask Gordon that. I'm not exactly sure.
I found it odd that Hayward texted Lindsey instead of calling. I know it's not quite the same thing but I'd be pretty annoyed if one of my most valuable employees quit and sent me a text instead of a phone call. Seems rather unprofessional.

He didn't quit. DL signed him to this deal. This contract and FA mess is Lindsey's fault.

If Lindsey is pissed he shouldn't send his best player out to find his own deal.
The two takeaways for me that tell me everything I need to know. All in this excerpt:

Spence: Why didn't your client call Gail Miller/Dennis Lindsay/Quin Snyder? Why was it you? The Jazz gave him so much, why wouldn't he himself pick up the phone?

Mark: Who's told you he didn't pick up the phone? I don't believe that is accurate.

Spence: Dennis himself told me.

Mark: Gordon has definitely spoken with Quin. Probably not Dennis yet, but he texted him. He will certainly talk to the Miller family when the time is right.

1) HE DIDN'T/WOULDN'T CALL ANY OF THESE PEOPLE HIMSELF? WTF. Seriously. Sorry, that's not that hard to do. In fact, if it was that hard to pass on the Jazz, I would imagine calling would be less of an obligation to what's right than being a necessity FOR GORDON.

2) Spence busted Bartlestein's *** being dishonest, point blank. Undermines whatever credibility they might've had left.

I'm pretty convinced Hayward had his mind more-or-less made up all year, maybe even longer. He's a ****ing weenie. He ****ed us, he doesn't deserve our understanding or appreciation. He ****ed us. The BEST case scenario here as far as Hayward's character is concerned is that he's a total ****ing coward and just couldn't face talking to the Jazz to inform them what was up.
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If you believe Hayward had his mind made up a year ago, then why doesn't anyone believe he told DL last year that he wanted to be traded to Boston?
I honestly think this is the best explanation I've heard.

This needs to be broached with DL in an interview too. If I'm the person asking the questions, I would first ask, "Was the order that Benedict met with the three teams the originally scheduled order?" I would assume his response would be a yes. I can't imagine there was a bunch of flipping and flopping of schedules. Given the assumed affirmative response, I would then ask, "Why did the organization fly out to San Diego to meet with Benedict rather than do it in Utah?"

It's as simple as that. Now, DL may very well know where the question is going and be politically correct and not throw Benedict under the bus, but the question still should be asked. Because let's face it. Utah is closer to his previous two meetings than San Diego. And if DL ever says Benedict requested it be there, well, that opens up a can of worms.

That said, it is the wise location. If he stays, no harm. If he leaves, he's not in Utah. Still though, it perhaps was an indicator that he was leaving. I think so.
I look back and think, you know at 27 I wasn't viewing the world through others parties lenses, so perhaps it's naive.
Maybe you were just immature like Heywood? At 27, I quit the company that hired me out of college. The first thing I did was tell the person that hired me (the VP of the company) face to face. Then I told my other managers that trained and mentored me for 5 years. Six years later, I ended up going back to that same company. They welcomed me back with open arms. It's important not to burn bridges, regardless if your job earns you $75K/year or $30,000,000 a year.

Nobody "taught" me how to properly end my employment with a company, it just felt like the right thing to do. If you're an adult and you are clueless (or afraid) of doing the right thing, you probably weren't raised with good values from your parents. Just my 2 cents...
In hindsight, I wonder if Hayward requested they all come to San Diego because they were his last visit and he did not want to be in Utah when his decision was finalized because, well, he knew what his decision was (going to be) and didn't want the obligation to tell them in person. Staying in San Diego was his cute little way to avoid all adult responsibility and fan hatred.
That's a good theory...my theory is that the whole San Diego thing was orchestrated by the Jazz. Since the Celtic's brass were in SLC for the summer league game on Monday, having the Jazz's "pitch day" would be better off taking place away from SLC. The idea of that slimeball Ainge being in the same city while you're meeting with Heywood would make me uneasy.