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Roy Moore justifications

Trump can be impeached for whatever congress decides to impeach him for. You get that impeachment is a political process, not a legal one, right?

you're hanging your hopes on some kind of significant reversal of things as they are. Yes, there is a Congress. And yes, Congress historically ignores the actual words of our Constitution. I was referring to the actual provision of the Constitution.
you're hanging your hopes on some kind of significant reversal of things as they are. Yes, there is a Congress. And yes, Congress historically ignores the actual words of our Constitution. I was referring to the actual provision of the Constitution.
That post was not related to my hopes.
Trump can be impeached for whatever congress decides to impeach him for. You get that impeachment is a political process, not a legal one, right?

you're hanging your hopes on some kind of significant reversal of things as they are. Yes, there is a Congress. And yes, Congress historically ignores the actual words of our Constitution. I was referring to the actual provision of the Constitution.
Well, more precisely, I was referring to some boilerplate legalese Hannity read out on air the other day/ Probably some legal scholar's interpretation.....

Unless you want to give such latitude to Congress to go through some objectionable Presidents whole life, oh say like a Mueller sort of unlimited investigation..... well, most people don't care about what happened forty years ago, or ten. Impeachment would become a great method for skating around any elected or hired government official, capable of totally removing public elections from the people's grasp as a restraint on government.

I looked at the Senate rules, and the House rules, and it appears there is no time restrictive clause anywhere, nor in the Constitution itself. Impeachment is entirely in the hands of the House for bringing charges, and then in the Senate for trying the case.

I'll stand by my case that impeachment should be a rarely used thing. I mean, election results should outrank it. If someone gets impeached in a highly vindictive political partisan pissing match, the people can just re-elect the offending, non-conforming person the next election.

The whole idea of national interests pouring tens of millions of dollars into a state race for the US Senate just stinks to me. Who do you people think you are, anyway? If you don't live in Alabama, you're assholes for getting into the politics there.

Same thing for all the DumpTrumpsters. You don't get it that we have elections for a reason, really.
That post was not related to my hopes.

Well, what you said was good enough for "fact" in my book. But thinking the Trump impeachment is a viable hope is something else.

You will need to pick up quite a few House and a few Senate seats, I think, in the next election. The Hannities on the hot airwaves are saying a significant movement in the next election will certainly lead to a Trump impeachment. If that happens, it will still take time. And you will get Pence if you win. really. What difference would that make.

I don't think very many Americans really want it, just the diehard losers who can't accept a simple electoral process as the basis enabling people to change the directions/personnel of their government. If you don't believe in, or have any kind of commitment to, electoral process, I don't think you're credible as a person committed to democracy.
Well, what you said was good enough for "fact" in my book. But thinking the Trump impeachment is a viable hope is something else.

You will need to pick up quite a few House and a few Senate seats, I think, in the next election. The Hannities on the hot airwaves are saying a significant movement in the next election will certainly lead to a Trump impeachment. If that happens, it will still take time. And you will get Pence if you win. really. What difference would that make.

I don't think very many Americans really want it, just the diehard losers who can't accept a simple electoral process as the basis enabling people to change the directions/personnel of their government. If you don't believe in, or have any kind of commitment to, electoral process, I don't think you're credible as a person committed to democracy.
I don't need to pick up any seats. I'm not a politician. Nor am I a Democrat. Not sure if saying it 100 times or 1000 will ever be enough for you.
I don't need to pick up any seats. I'm not a politician. Nor am I a Democrat. Not sure if saying it 100 times or 1000 will ever be enough for you.

you're one of the most predictable supporters of progressive liberal politics and democrat partisan issues. Good enough for guvmint work in my estimation. I don't care to try to dance to your unrealistic self-appraisals. If you walk like a duck, quack like a duck, waddle like a duck, suck mud like a duck, swim like a duck, have feathers that look like a duck, have webbed feet like a duck, eyes like a duck, shape like a duck, "Duck" is a fair enough term for you even if you have a sticker that says "Bulletproof".

How many people are there who somehow have one nonstandard idea that doesn't fit the simplest generalization?

between you and Red, I doubt there is anyone in here who is more consumed by the hope that the last election can be just overturned by some establishment political hacks who really don't get it that people voted against the way things were.
Trumpsters are presently almost giddy with the notion that the tax scrambling bill they passed will convince a lot of people.... when they look at their paystubs or file their taxes....will show up in the 2018 voting booths just asking for more Rs and hurrahs for Trump.

historically, there is almost always a retrenchment following a shift in the Presidency towards balance. Americans havenever really liked the progressive governance and fight it by voting for gridlock. Hillary was just too damn much of the establishment. The less Trump does, and the more his critics howl at him, the better he will do in 2020.

The one thing Trump can do that will really win him votes is just what he has been doing nonstop.... eliminating more and more federal regulations that were cooked up by the progressive statist civil service folks who get better job benefits and better wages by far than their peers in the competitive workplace. It's pretty certain the way you get those cush guv jobs is by being somebody's patsy. I mean, some establishment somebody's patsy.

I think we need a civil service lottery that is set up to fire 10% of the fed employees every year, without replacement. That's the only way we will ever really get less of those crooks.
you're one of the most predictable supporters of progressive liberal politics and democrat partisan issues. Good enough for guvmint work in my estimation. I don't care to try to dance to your unrealistic self-appraisals. If you walk like a duck, quack like a duck, waddle like a duck, suck mud like a duck, swim like a duck, have feathers that look like a duck, have webbed feet like a duck, eyes like a duck, shape like a duck, "Duck" is a fair enough term for you even if you have a sticker that says "Bulletproof".

How many people are there who somehow have one nonstandard idea that doesn't fit the simplest generalization?

between you and Red, I doubt there is anyone in here who is more consumed by the hope that the last election can be just overturned by some establishment political hacks who really don't get it that people voted against the way things were.

I don't want the election overturned. If Mueller's investigation shows that Trump engaged in activity that justifies impeachment I'd certainly hope there would be a bipartisan effort for impeachment. But I would hope Trump, at that point, would have the dignity to step down.

If the sexual assault allegations against him are deemed significant enough for him to be removed, I'd hope he'd be removed.

If his undignified conduct is deemed too much, I'd hope there would be a bipartisan effort to condemn his conduct and that it could potentially lead to his removal.

There are a lot of reasons I could imagine for Trump to be removed FOR CAUSE, not because I want the election undone. The election is DONE. Now Trump is accountable for his actions and should be held by both major parties to the standards we should all want for the President of the United States.

For you to expect me or anyone else to take seriously the idea that Trump is acting in a normal, rational, dignified manner as our President, we'll you're back in fantasyland. Trump is an embarrassment. He has been called by those in his own cabinet, and now even Bannon himself, a child.

I didn't move away from the Republican party, the Republican party moved away from me. If they could separate their Christian fundamentalism from politics and public policy, and if they could abandon their appeal to old white racists, and if they could see ending the war on drugs as the ultimate libertarian small government act that it would be, I'd be right back there voting for Republicans, as I have done several times. The only two Democrats I've ever voted for are Kerry (a military veteran) and Hillary Clinton (who was an acceptable alternative to Trump).

I voted for Dole (veteran, not overtly religious) over Bill Clinton.

I voted for McCain (veteran, not overtly religious) over Obama.

I voted "none of the above" between Romney and Obama.

You can tell me I'm a democrat over and over. Heck, maybe I'll start believing you eventually.

But you put Colin Powell on the ticket, I'll most likely vote for Powell. I'd vote for Condalisa Rice, too.

There are many Republicans I could support. Just not ones who campaign on enacting Christian Sharia law in the U.S. and excluding black people and hispanics from "our" prosperity.
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Well, you've said some of this before. Makes a good example of human self-images being pretty much inexplicable. OK, fair enough.

I liked "Ike" until I found out that historically, he was the equivalent of a Mitt, more or less.
I liked JFK. Something about charisma, hope, clear ideals....at least rhetorically... what was that book "Profiles in Courage..... until I found out, historically, that he was hooked on pain meds and probably the most open to Russian influence via embedded agents we've ever had. Still, they had to realize he was simply not manipulable. And the Marilyn Monroe thing and all the other quickie girls. However, all that doesn't register next to his recognition of the central issues of his time, and his intention to return the levers of government power back to the people, as in take them away from the post-war establishment bankers. I think he makes Trump look like an old fogey. But the reasons people respond to him generally quite radically more positive than the media or his critics like you will admit are pretty equivalent. He is his own man. Really. Presidents should really be originals.

A lot of people are seeing Trump as normal, rational and dignified. It might be hard to explain his tweets in that vein, but most people who indulge in chitchat of that kind find it helps to clear the air if you can blow off a little steam. It's like an old fogey parent poking at the teenagers to see what they will say. Helps to see the picture, really. One refreshing thing is to see a man who just doesn't care, really, about all the stinkin' SNL "church ladies" with all their nagging complaints.

I think you're seeing bogey men in your closet talkin' 'bout old white male racists. Nobody cares about race. Some care about particular values or ideas. I think the dem demographic models are delusional. A Mexican or a black with real opportunity in life will become R pretty quick. Trump realizes that is the key to winning their votes, and he will get them more and more. The reasons people come here as immigrants are Republican reasons, not Dem values. They want an opportunity and they will realize soon enough who is really giving them the fair shake.

When I see the election results and compare that with what I see makin' my rounds, I really believe.... though I have no real tools to assess the situation factually, that committed Obama-type community organizers with Saul Alinsky "morals" manage, somehow, to stuff the ballot boxes or the count for the dems. I am in San Francisco quite often, and LA, and San Diego. The rest of California is as "Republican" as Iowa. I don't think the cities are really 80% dem. Maybe 60%. An honest vote count in California would make it a red state. Haven't ever been in NYC or Chicago. OK, I do meet a lot of college kids carefully reciting their political correct views like puppets on a string, clearly not thinking it's important to check facts. Most of the people I see are older, maybe 50% plus empty nesters, quite a few are young families with kids around ten. Recent visits have included an editor of a San Fran newspaper, and a dedicated NRA leader, an auto dealer and a real estate developer and a medical appliance designer and a couple of IT whizzes along with quite a few upwardly-mobile first generation immigrants. I think the progressives have missed the boat on the next generation of American voters. There just aren't enough committed ideologues to stuff the ballot boxes between here and ten years out.

The reason is people want a better life than being told to conform to others' views and accept less in life. People are still on a tear to dismantle the old establishment, for at least until they regain their control of their health care.

Being a well-informed political fly-on-the-wall working for old-line establishment sorts, and a genuine American with a heart for actual freedom, I have voted third party most of my life. Well, Nixon and Reagan, but no Bush or Clinton.
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You never talked about my biggest concern, "Christian Sharia," one time.

That's the furthest Republicans get from their small government, libertarian talking points. You can't have small government and use the government to promote religious fundamentalism at the same time. Fatal flaw in the current crop of Republicans, imho. They can be religious fundamentalists all they want, they just need to grant the rest of us our "God given" agency to sin and wallow in our vices without the threat of prison and police thugs beating and killing us.
You never talked about my biggest concern, "Christian Sharia," one time.

That's the furthest Republicans get from their small government, libertarian talking points. You can't have small government and use the government to promote religious fundamentalism at the same time. Fatal flaw in the current crop of Republicans, imho. They can be religious fundamentalists all they want, they just need to grant the rest of us our "God given" agency to sin and wallow in our vices without the threat of prison and police thugs beating and killing us.

Once in a while I run into someone I could without much stretch call a "Christian Sharia" sort, but I don't see them as real Christians, considering the teachings of Christ which pretty much lay it all in the person's own decisions. Jesus would've used the term "hypocrite" on them when they get Pharasaical about regulating others' behavior.

Roy Moore considered it his duty to impose regulations on judges seeking to drive Christian values out of the public square.

Freedom to express religious views on public property is one thing. Sharia law imposing punishments against infidels who disregard Islamic law is another.

"Christian" values are for the most part borrowed from earlier laws in other places where society had the luxury of taking concern about individual acts which violated fundamental rights of others...... theft, assault, murder.... well actually I'd join you in your fears about guvmints punishing individuals for not being sufficiently compliant to various laws dealing with the interests of the State or King more than with protecting individual rights.

I think a sharp divide in our age is the issue of defining the humanity of the unborn or the infirm/aged and attempting to protect them.

In older, successful cultures there just wasn't any real factual database on maternity or family decisions. In the Pacific Islands, it was commonplace to resort to infanticide in times of famine.....

I don't think the guvmint, particularly at the federal level, is really competent to deal with those issues..... much, in my mind, like issues of women being abused somehow.....

My own views were forever solidified when ultrasound became a routine pregnancy check.

The value we individually choose to place on others' lives will be, imo. a huge issue personally, guvmint or no guvmint. I'd rather see it be a religious issue than a legal one. But all those old radio AdCouncil ads KSL has run with the gunshot and the immediate moral injunction against letting kids shoot themselves dead, aimed at banning guns.....really do stick in my craw. I really think someone should run an ad around the sound of an infant's brains being aspirated into a garbage sack, with the same moral injunction. "Not one more child" should be killed in this manner.

So, hey, I'm human. I just can't stand some specific acts of cruelty and abuse against the innocent and helpless.......

I really don't think we're that far apart. You wanna run the predatory womanizers who are irresponsibly abusing innocent and helpless women outta town, while I'm thinking we oughtta let pregnant women have a certain positive choice when they really need some help to do it. Adoption can be a wonderful thing for some folks......
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You never talked about my biggest concern, "Christian Sharia," one time.

That's the furthest Republicans get from their small government, libertarian talking points. You can't have small government and use the government to promote religious fundamentalism at the same time. Fatal flaw in the current crop of Republicans, imho. They can be religious fundamentalists all they want, they just need to grant the rest of us our "God given" agency to sin and wallow in our vices without the threat of prison and police thugs beating and killing us.

Pet peeve thread - People seem to think this is only a Southern Evangelical problem because it's convenient demagoguery (Catholics aren't the poor voting block) and also easily tied to the Bush/Cheney/Rove election (all true, but...). I experience the same thing on a daily basis from fundamental Catholics, who are one of the two largest voting blocks in the world. Their is a reason it took 150 years in America before JFK.

I had one apologist the other day preaching that Puritans wanted to be Catholic and came here to get away from the Anglican church (history lesson we all learned: they revolted against the king not being less Catholic), then he claimed that Christmas wasn't originally a pagan holiday co-opted by Christians as a missionary effort. LOL. Not taking anything from any Christian about Christmas - you worship the day for your own reasons and it doesn't matter the origination date reasoning - but claiming the "pagans", as called by early Christians, didn't celebrate 12/21 way, way, way before 0 A.D. is purely delusional. How absurd is it to think that early Christian missionaries, who were very interested and reverent to all the "Pagan" tribes' traditions and spirituality, to mysteriously come up with the Spring Equinox as the date of immaculate conception? Add on 40 weeks and voila! December 25 according to the Roman church (and January 6 according to the Eastern Orthodox hence the 12 days of Christmas that you all are celebrating incorrectly).
Yeah, Moore believes there’s voter fraud Cuz blacks and women voted in this election.

Personally, I hope he keeps this up until the midterms. These diseases like trump, Steve Bannon, and Roy Moore are the great gifts to the DNC in decades!

We’ll retake the congress easy if Roy Moore can keep making headlines!
/facepalm just go away Roy...

OK, I didn't think he'd do it, really.

But I'm interested to see what he can make of it. Obama the community organizer out with his ACORN types, and a bunch of Soros rogues could surely cram 23,000 fake ballots into the box......

If only we could actually prove anything......

Go, Roy!!!!!

oh, the other day I was driving near Gilroy, CA, and even with the windows rolled up I could smell the garlic. I think the WWII cryptograph "Gilroy was here" was great. "GoRoy" almost has the same sound.
OK, I didn't think he'd do it, really.

But I'm interested to see what he can make of it. Obama the community organizer out with his ACORN types, and a bunch of Soros rogues could surely cram 23,000 fake ballots into the box......

If only we could actually prove anything......

Go, Roy!!!!!

oh, the other day I was driving near Gilroy, CA, and even with the windows rolled up I could smell the garlic. I think the WWII cryptograph "Gilroy was here" was great. "GoRoy" almost has the same sound.

To late, a judge certified the results.
Go Roy? Nice, babe. Go Weinstein! Go Hitler! Go Ted Bundy! Really nice, babe.

And Soros just transports 20k+ people to vote illegally? To districts where they are registered?

Yep, fantasyland, confirmed. Population = babe

There is absolutely no way to take you seriously. I'd rather listen to someone who just got kicked in the head by a mule at this point.
Go Roy? Nice, babe. Go Weinstein! Go Hitler! Go Ted Bundy! Really nice, babe.

And Soros just transports 20k+ people to vote illegally? To districts where they are registered?

Yep, fantasyland, confirmed. Population = babe

There is absolutely no way to take you seriously. I'd rather listen to someone who just got kicked in the head by a mule at this point.

Babe acting a fool again?
Gotta love the new ignore.
This song has a line a little more catchy to my ear than "Go Roy"
