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Roy Moore justifications

"sexual misconduct" hate it

Pretty sure he was accused of statutory rape. Having sex with a child. That ain't misconduct. Having sex with an employee or cheating on your spouse is sexual misconduct. Rape is not. I think using these kind of euphemisms is counterproductive.
what is your definition of rape. according to certain studies regret sex and drunken sex is rape
Once in a while I run into someone I could without much stretch call a "Christian Sharia" sort, but I don't see them as real Christians, considering the teachings of Christ which pretty much lay it all in the person's own decisions. Jesus would've used the term "hypocrite" on them when they get Pharasaical about regulating others' behavior.

Roy Moore considered it his duty to impose regulations on judges seeking to drive Christian values out of the public square.

Freedom to express religious views on public property is one thing. Sharia law imposing punishments against infidels who disregard Islamic law is another.

"Christian" values are for the most part borrowed from earlier laws in other places where society had the luxury of taking concern about individual acts which violated fundamental rights of others...... theft, assault, murder.... well actually I'd join you in your fears about guvmints punishing individuals for not being sufficiently compliant to various laws dealing with the interests of the State or King more than with protecting individual rights.

I think a sharp divide in our age is the issue of defining the humanity of the unborn or the infirm/aged and attempting to protect them.

In older, successful cultures there just wasn't any real factual database on maternity or family decisions. In the Pacific Islands, it was commonplace to resort to infanticide in times of famine.....

I don't think the guvmint, particularly at the federal level, is really competent to deal with those issues..... much, in my mind, like issues of women being abused somehow.....

My own views were forever solidified when ultrasound became a routine pregnancy check.

The value we individually choose to place on others' lives will be, imo. a huge issue personally, guvmint or no guvmint. I'd rather see it be a religious issue than a legal one. But all those old radio AdCouncil ads KSL has run with the gunshot and the immediate moral injunction against letting kids shoot themselves dead, aimed at banning guns.....really do stick in my craw. I really think someone should run an ad around the sound of an infant's brains being aspirated into a garbage sack, with the same moral injunction. "Not one more child" should be killed in this manner.

So, hey, I'm human. I just can't stand some specific acts of cruelty and abuse against the innocent and helpless.......

I really don't think we're that far apart. You wanna run the predatory womanizers who are irresponsibly abusing innocent and helpless women outta town, while I'm thinking we oughtta let pregnant women have a certain positive choice when they really need some help to do it. Adoption can be a wonderful thing for some folks......

same can be said for Judaism, the more "extreme" a jew is in Judaism beliefs. the more they leave you alone. we believe in "taxes" but they are wholy voluntary we cant force others into taxes

I voted for Dole (veteran, not overtly religious) over Bill Clinton.

I voted for McCain (veteran, not overtly religious) over Obama.

I voted "none of the above" between Romney and Obama.

You can tell me I'm a democrat over and over. Heck, maybe I'll start believing you eventually.

But you put Colin Powell on the ticket, I'll most likely vote for Powell. I'd vote for Condalisa Rice, too.

There are many Republicans I could support. Just not ones who campaign on enacting Christian Sharia law in the U.S. and excluding black people and hispanics from "our" prosperity.

you are a supporter of big government rinos!
Roy Moore denying the results of the election only serve to prove how correct those accusations were by those women.

The Dude lives in a narcissistic fantasy land. He refuses to face reality and conduct himself in a classy, respectful, and honest manner.

Just a few days ago he posted on his Facebook wall an anti LGBT video on a Jones family member who’s gay.


Hope this guy keeps making headlines. He’s going to do the GOP wonders for the upcoming midterms.
Babe acting a fool again?
Gotta love the new ignore.

It's marvelous. Before, their posts were sitting there, DARING you to click on it. I must confess, I was weak a few times. Now, I can't even tell that the trolls and troglodytes are around.
between you and Red, I doubt there is anyone in here who is more consumed by the hope that the last election can be just overturned by some establishment political hacks who really don't get it that people voted against the way things were.

I believe you would be very hard pressed to find a single comment by me in any of the Trump-themed threads in which I have said I believe Trump will be impeached. It takes a 2/3 majority in the Senate, after all, and even if the Democrats won the House and squeaked out a majority in the Senate, that would be hard to do.

On the other hand, I pretty much am disgusted by the guy for reasons very similar to those Bulletproof had expressed. And I'm dismayed by the actions of his henchmen in the EPA, the Interior, Education, and the State Department. I'm dismayed by the anti-science mind set of Trump and several of his cabinet appointments. Dismayed that while the rest of the world seems at least somewhat prepared to face global problems in a cooperative spirit, and with respect for Science, Trump seems intent on overturning any and all regulations of his predecessor, for the sake of just acting spiteful toward the man he still considers to have been born in Kenya.

It stuns me that Trump treats Science as a political conspiracy rather then as a path to knowledge. I'm really not keen on his effort to return to the Middle Ages. In Trump world, conspiracy theory trumps science. He did not invent that mind set, but he's leading it. I simply respect science over conspiracy theory and irrational thought. Not Scientism, mind you, not science as religion, but science as a method and pathway to knowledge. We have never had such an anti-science President. In the 21st century.

As far as removal, removing him in a straight jacket would seem more appropriate then any other method. But I'll take the ballot box in 2020, barring any findings by Mueller that would at least make impeachment proceedings the next step. But I think that would be one tough hill to climb. In 1973-4, the Republicans were able and willing to put country above party. That is very, very unlikely to be the case anytime soon where the current GOP is concerned....
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Please at least try the blinders on for size, and get back to me if your brain can still function without all the contemporary media inputs. Enquiring minds want to know.

I remember Nixon as The Man. After losing to JFK he was for eight years holed up in a NYC Rockefeller pad, and when the Rocks got their Man in 1968, he was the RINO to beat all RINOs. Price controls, currency manipulations that gave us 17% real estate interest rates in the seventies. Every issue of Time, Newsweek.... Walter Cronkite.... were in the bag for Nixon. The Constitution had never been trashed so badly.

The Rocks also got their Man, Marcos, in the Philippines. Talk about one-Man rule.

Trump is still not a Rock Man. Until he caves and kisses the Rock Ring, the fake press and whoever believes the news will still be on MK-Ultra meds with deep wishes for murder.
Go Roy? Nice, babe. Go Weinstein! Go Hitler! Go Ted Bundy! Really nice, babe.

And Soros just transports 20k+ people to vote illegally? To districts where they are registered?

Yep, fantasyland, confirmed. Population = babe

There is absolutely no way to take you seriously. I'd rather listen to someone who just got kicked in the head by a mule at this point.

you gotta know which polls will take the busload of paid voters with the fake ids matching the fake voter registrations, and pass out a few bills. Not rocket science at all, just one of the traditional voter fraud routines. LBJ studied the Chicago system, so did Obama. It's been part of the way things are for years.

Question is, do we have any prosecutors or government officials will to risk their reputations by talking about it, who are tough enough to stand in there and prove it. The media will not do this. If Moore tries, he will need to be Bulletproof.

Most of the fraud is harder to do out in the sticks, the Hickvilles of the USA, because of people actually knowing the others around them. But in the deep Purple Places, where the voters are allegedly 85% dem, who cares.
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Go Roy? Nice, babe. Go Weinstein! Go Hitler! Go Ted Bundy! Really nice, babe.

And Soros just transports 20k+ people to vote illegally? To districts where they are registered?

Yep, fantasyland, confirmed. Population = babe

There is absolutely no way to take you seriously. I'd rather listen to someone who just got kicked in the head by a mule at this point.
roy is a republican, the others are lefties. why compare em?

i know you read my stuff:D enjoying yourself?
you gotta know which polls will take the busload of paid voters with the fake ids matching the fake voter registrations, and pass out a few bills. Not rocket science at all, just one of the traditional voter fraud routines. LBJ studied the Chicago system, so did Obama. It's been part of the way things are for years.

Question is, do we have any prosecutors or government officials will to risk their reputations by talking about it, who are tough enough to stand in there and prove it. The media will not do this. If Moore tries, he will need to be Bulletproof.

Most of the fraud is harder to do out in the sticks, the Hickvilles of the USA, because of people actually knowing the others around them. But in the deep Purple Places, where the voters are allegedly 85% dem, who cares.
The creation of this alternate reality for political purposes is legitimately dangerous. There is no actual evidence of voter fraud, especially not to the extent necessary to turn this particular election.

Before people make claims like this they should have some actual evidence. Before people believe claims like this they should demand actual evidence. Not just creating a story that makes you feel better about your point of view and jumping in with both feet. Absolutely insane.
A bit more about Nixon. And Marcos. The political activists had a little window around 1972-3 where people who cared actually made a difference. Nixon and Marcos were actually toppled from their power by the activists of their day. A little victory of sorts for the common man.

We got Ford the bumbler, who did nothing but serve the Rocks obsequiously, then Carter. That is when the Rocks took on the dems, as in taking the dems under their wings. Jay Rockefeller went down to Arkansas, and made pets of Bill and Hillary. When Bill got the Pres, he made the dem party the pocket plaything of the Rock interests. Rocks never had it so good.

I've kept track of the Philippine events as well. The Aquinos were dems, and tried to keep Marcos' heirs on a leash, trying to pry every asset they could legally seize outta their greedy little hands. But they're still there, and still financially strong, and still R assets. Back in the day when I was there, drive-by assassinations were small news in the bundoks. Pretty sure Forbes Park is a still a safe place.

Political corruption always takes a toll on actual human rights, interests, and hopes, even when the dems run it. Lawyer a Lawyer court chess matches always take a toll on the pawns. That's why people like Red are just silly wanting to be in the game.
The creation of this alternate reality for political purposes is legitimately dangerous. There is no actual evidence of voter fraud, especially not to the extent necessary to turn this particular election.

Before people make claims like this they should have some actual evidence. Before people believe claims like this they should demand actual evidence. Not just creating a story that makes you feel better about your point of view and jumping in with both feet. Absolutely insane.


the alternate reality is what you see on TV, in the papers and mags.

people on the street might see the facts firsthand, but there is no way anyone will give this mass circulation.

people who know just have to accept it, cope with it, find some way to live with it.

It is what it is.

the alternate reality is what you see on TV, in the papers and mags.

people on the street might see the facts firsthand, but there is no way anyone will give this mass circulation.

people who know just have to accept it, cope with it, find some way to live with it.

It is what it is.

The creation of this alternate reality for political purposes is legitimately dangerous. There is no actual evidence of voter fraud, especially not to the extent necessary to turn this particular election.

Before people make claims like this they should have some actual evidence. Before people believe claims like this they should demand actual evidence. Not just creating a story that makes you feel better about your point of view and jumping in with both feet. Absolutely insane.

In your formula, you think people have to prove it in court of law before speaking about it.

I have objected to your credulity about women's allegations, demanding that society should roll over and believe whatever an accusing woman says instantaneously. Don't you think it is a bit of hypocrisy now for you to deny any allegation of voter fraud unless it's proven in court????

Pretty sure a lot of people sitting at the little poll tables handing out ballots don't really check the rolls accurately and will roll over to let anyone vote who shows up. It's the attitude of our times. Politically interested people have their ways of getting things done.

In the Philippines, little barrio captains could, for a price, turn out more voters than lived in the next three precincts. Pretty sure Duarte knows all the ways.
roy is a republican, the others are lefties. why compare em?

i know you read my stuff:D enjoying yourself?

partisans pretty much, howling for whatever it's worth, whatever it takes. I don't even try to line up their talking points. I know there is no consistency in facts or principle behind their views.

Well, it looks like the Bigs at Google, Facebook, and Twitter are seriously mining out conservative voices in this country. I don't know if JFC will buck the trend after all or not. But it is pretty significant. So long as people accept that sites like this are "private property" where the owners get to pick their side and silence others, the whole idea of freedom of speech being a personal right is in jeopardy.

We used to have public spaces in our communities, streets, squares, parks.... schools even, where it was recognized that the right of speaking, or assembling was a fundamental human right. Fascists have always attacked these rights. Too damn inconvenient for Management.
Pet peeve thread - People seem to think this is only a Southern Evangelical problem because it's convenient demagoguery (Catholics aren't the poor voting block) and also easily tied to the Bush/Cheney/Rove election (all true, but...). I experience the same thing on a daily basis from fundamental Catholics, who are one of the two largest voting blocks in the world. Their is a reason it took 150 years in America before JFK.

I had one apologist the other day preaching that Puritans wanted to be Catholic and came here to get away from the Anglican church (history lesson we all learned: they revolted against the king not being less Catholic), then he claimed that Christmas wasn't originally a pagan holiday co-opted by Christians as a missionary effort. LOL. Not taking anything from any Christian about Christmas - you worship the day for your own reasons and it doesn't matter the origination date reasoning - but claiming the "pagans", as called by early Christians, didn't celebrate 12/21 way, way, way before 0 A.D. is purely delusional. How absurd is it to think that early Christian missionaries, who were very interested and reverent to all the "Pagan" tribes' traditions and spirituality, to mysteriously come up with the Spring Equinox as the date of immaculate conception? Add on 40 weeks and voila! December 25 according to the Roman church (and January 6 according to the Eastern Orthodox hence the 12 days of Christmas that you all are celebrating incorrectly).

The Puritans were interesting. The time spent as refugees in Amsterdam opened their eyes a bit. They were actually communists, anti-royalists. It was a smart thing to just get them outta England.

They learned a little pragmatism from the mercantile Dutch, just enough that when their communist "Christianity" failed outright, they gave it up outright.

Trump is the same kind of pragmatist. Nobody knows what he will do to get results. He scares the crap outta hardline believers in anything.
partisans pretty much, howling for whatever it's worth, whatever it takes. I don't even try to line up their talking points. I know there is no consistency in facts or principle behind their views.

Well, it looks like the Bigs at Google, Facebook, and Twitter are seriously mining out conservative voices in this country. I don't know if JFC will buck the trend after all or not. But it is pretty significant. So long as people accept that sites like this are "private property" where the owners get to pick their side and silence others, the whole idea of freedom of speech being a personal right is in jeopardy.

We used to have public spaces in our communities, streets, squares, parks.... schools even, where it was recognized that the right of speaking, or assembling was a fundamental human right. Fascists have always attacked these rights. Too damn inconvenient for Management.

so far jfc is not bucking the trend i got banned for stating offensive "islamophobic" facts!

i am not Islamophobic i do not FEAR THEM! phobia is fear. I DO NOT FEAR any of em!

Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone.