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PoS fan who harassed Westbrook

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It happened:

The Jazz did a great job. I am very satisfied with what the organization did if they received more evidence proving racist treatment of a player.

The NBA has completely failed. Westbrook gets fined what he makes in a quarter of play. The guy threatened a female fan numerous times. He threatened a male fan even more. He used profanity throughout the entire game. What a joke.
Organization is class. Feels like the right thing to do... security needs to be a bit more proactive.
yeah, I wonder if Westbrook wouldn't have pitched a fit if this guy would have been banned, or even thrown out of the arena...if that's what it takes then security needs to step up its game...
For as disgusting as this fan was and is, what Westbrook did was still as bad. There is no place in the world for racism. There is also no place in this world for threatening to do someone harm.
For as disgusting as this fan was and is, what Westbrook did was still as bad. There is no place in the world for racism. There is also no place in this world for threatening to do someone harm.

Prolly should have received a bigger fine but players union gonna fight back if it gets excessive.

Russ should have said what Felton did. His comments were spot on. Said in the heat of the moment we say things we don’t want to come out. Russ is pissy for sure but if it’s 25k or 100k I don’t really care... I’d just like to hear a little remorse for crossing a line he knows is wrong... remorse ain’t on brand for him though.
I don't know if the fan said what he said or not. The Jazz should interview everyone around and find out. If he said anything out of line then ban him. but Westbrook was out of line as well. There is NOTHING racist about what was said, and he hid behind the race card to deflect from the fact that he has thin skin and overreacted. He hears something wrong, then tell the security and have them deal with it.

Does something give you any indication they won’t do just that?
I know what Russ said he heard, and there is nothing racist about that

Again. Thats not how racism works.

These comments are really disappointing,
Only if the black man was looking hard to find something racist about it. It is much more of a sexual comment to anyone that is reasonable.
What a moron, a dead set ****ing idiot, what an ignorant ****ing *******! You and the majority of this fan base have no ****ing idea. Yall are all literally too white, zero idea reagarding cutural sensitivity
Again. Thats not how racism works.

These comments are really disappointing,

What a moron, a dead set ****ing idiot, what an ignorant ****ing *******! You and the majority of this fan base have no ****ing idea. Yall are all literally too white, zero idea reagarding cutural sensitivity

Jesus. Way to lose any point you were trying to make.
Again. Thats not how racism works.

These comments are really disappointing,

What a moron, a dead set ****ing idiot, what an ignorant ****ing *******! You and the majority of this fan base have no ****ing idea. Yall are all literally too white, zero idea reagarding cutural sensitivity
It's really incredible to see. Some white people just can't imagine that other people might have a better understanding of certain things based on their daily lives in an apparently still pretty racist society.
reading alot of statements in here makes me realize just how isolated/sheltered/ignorant (and I don't mean that necessarily in a negative way) alot of white people are (especially in a state like utah) when it comes to living in America as a black man.
reading alot of statements in here makes me realize just how isolated/sheltered/ignorant (and I don't mean that necessarily in a negative way) alot of white people are (especially in a state like utah) when it comes to living in America as a black man.

There are literally people on this forum who think racism is a resolved issue that keeps being brought up because of "fake media" that likes to rile people up. I'm not kidding. On this very forum.
Glad to see that the organization is quickly getting on top of this situation in Utah.

Have been to SLC many times in Thunder gear (yes, I'm Black & Latino); occasionally gotten some playful remarks; for the most part a welcoming & willingness to help if needed.

Westbrook does need to focus his attention on his play; he loves to joke around with fan bases of opposing teams. He needs to discontinue this behavior as well because you never know where lines are drawn and things are taken out-of-content.

The 'getting on your knees' comment, IIRC from history had a lot to do with slave owners & traffickers' sexual abuse of victims (female & male) being dominant demanding oral copulation from their victims--ole 'slob-on-my-knob' cliche.

Have an enjoyable season--this too shall pass...
There are literally people on this forum who think racism is a resolved issue that keeps being brought up because of "fake media" that likes to rile people up. I'm not kidding. On this very forum.

it's absurd that a white man or woman can think they can tell a black person what may or may not be considered racist to them. there is a world existing and going on outside of the lily-white bubble that the rest of us (and by us, I mean african-americans) have to live in where we are still seen as less than human or our lives less valuable.
The penny dropped for me yesterday.

Utah cant win a Championship while this stigma exists.

I don't agree with that at all. We can win a title here.

In a messed up way, this incident will make us stronger. The Jazz organization has done a great job permanently banning this guy since their investigation confirmed racist behavior. Our organization will put things in place which will make the experience better/stronger.

Westbrook is getting off easy, but this behavior will come back to haunt him. The next time he throws a tantrum, this will be part of his legacy. He will never be able to avoid the fact that he threatened a woman no matter what the excuse might be. Regardless, this wasn't like some incident where only Utah looks terrible.
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