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Rate the Jazz Offseason and Discuss

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How can it be anything other than an A?!? Many of us have clamored and cried and argued for the Jazz to make moves and be aggressive and let the chips fall where they may. For the first time in Jazz basketball history, they have swung for the fences as best they could and at the very least, on paper we look like legitimate contenders.

The most intriguing thing to me is that we will still make a few moves for a couple of vets and we get to see which of our draft picks really are good enough to make the team and contribute.

What an exciting time to be a Jazz fan!
It’s been a buncha bad *** big dick swinging for the fences **** while also being shrewd and sharp. Very impressed. A.

If they can in effect trade Exum and Bradley for real NBA players I will get Richard Jefferson’s ****** tattoo right on my stupid greasy face.
It’s been a buncha bad *** big dick swinging for the fences **** while also being shrewd and sharp. Very impressed. A.

If they can in effect trade Exum and Bradley for real NBA players I will get Richard Jefferson’s ****** tattoo right on my stupid greasy face.
Not sure what RJ has to do with it but I like it. I’ll even pay for that tattoo.
Im giving it a D.

I feel bad for Jazz fans when Bojan Bogdanovic is the other half to the best Jazz offseason ever and Ed Davis is the cherry on top. Only in Jazz land. Lmao. What in the ****. Seriously. Can you imagine Lebron all giddy about these moves?

What we gain with the additions of Bojan and Conley we offset that with losses of Favors, Crowder, Rubio, and Allen, and two first round picks. We get better at shooting, but worse in defense, toughness, rebounding, low post scoring, bench play, and team chemistry.

Id bet we are no better than we were before with these moves. They are sideways moves at best. Dont forget, the Jazz were already a good team. Same record and 2nd round exit doesnt count as success. Cant just chalk it up as we tried when me the dumb guy can easily tell you that it wont work.

Just like when everyone thought Korver's shooting would change everything, and it didnt, Bojan will be almost as big of a dud. Everyone wants to conveniently ignore his entire career and hold up his one good year. Or completely ignore the fact he averages 1 assist and 3 rebounds a game. Ya. Superstar. Give him 20% of the cap. Great idea.

Also, we had one chance to get this right and build a contender around Donavan's cheap deal and Rudy's prime before his supermax, and this is what we come up with. SMH.

Flame away. Just have the nuts to face the music when this is bumped in two years.

Conley is a nice player, but overpaid and we overpaid for him too.
So, @Jason @Pastramiking @Pouyan @themanknownassting and @campaignist
Why a B? What is missing for you to consider this at least an A? Where can we improve?
Honest question. Not a trap lol

I think they gave up a tad too much for Conley; Would've liked to keep Allen or Crowder. Crowder would've been tough to keep financially in the trade so I get that, but he brought such toughness. Grayson showed flashes and with 1 year under his belt think he could've been a 15-minute per game back-up at either guard position.

They ultimately got too little for Favors. Pelicans have so many first rounders from the Lakers deal that they should have been able to get a first over 2 seconds, especially since Utah has relinquished two firsts to Memphis. In hindsight, I might have preferred to trade Favors in the Conley deal and kept Crowder and Allen.

The off-season is also not done, so let's see what they do with the bench and minimum contracts before giving the team an A. As is, it is still a thin and inexperienced bench.
Yep, should have gotten more in the Favors deal - SMD. Are you ****ing kidding me? Jazz were going to have to waive him. Zanik must have nude fotos of the Pelicans' FO personnel partying at Mardi Gras? Probably has photo evidence of where they were putting those beads.

To get ANYTHING from a guy who was going to get waived is a bargain. They got back TWO of those picks they had to trade away in other deals.

Not too worried about NPC. He's an outlier. I look forward to bumping his comments at the end of the season. Barring significant injuries, the floor for the Jazz is HC advantage in at least the 1st round.
No, but I could imagine him giddy over JR Smith, Tristan Thompson, and Carmelo Anthony.

Who are players that have more NBA clout than what we got.

Im not even sure how to respond to this actually. It feels like you are trying to say they suck. And they do and did ,but also didnt at some point either. Also Tristan and JR won a championship.
Yep, should have gotten more in the Favors deal - SMD. Are you ****ing kidding me? Jazz were going to have to waive him. Zanik must have nude fotos of the Pelicans' FO personnel partying at Mardi Gras? Probably has photo evidence of where they were putting those beads.

To get ANYTHING from a guy who was going to get waived is a bargain. They got back TWO of those picks they had to trade away in other deals.

Not too worried about NPC. He's an outlier. I look forward to bumping his comments at the end of the season. Barring significant injuries, the floor for the Jazz is HC advantage in at least the 1st round.

I cant wait to get this bumped.

Im sorry, but you cant money ball the NBA 100%. At some point the better players just win out. As good as Donvan and Rudy are they still have a group of players ahead of them. Bojan and Ed Davis arent winning you championships. I dont care what the analytics say. You better pray Conley is better than his underrated tag.

As far as Favors goes they should have traded him last year if they werent committed to him. They keep doing the same thing and letting good players walk for nothing. (2) 2nd rounders is nothing for a guy who was the center piece in the trade for DWill. All said and done we essentially got nothing for DWill. Let Favors go soon as he hits his prime. SMH
Good gawd. How long has DWill been out of the league? Jazz got Bojangles for Derrick. They used that salary slot to bring in a free agent. You hedge your bet. HD they struck out in free agency, Derrick would have been a pretty good consolation piece to hang onto.

Tried to trade Favs last year along with Rubio for Conley. Cant fault Dennis for the Memphis GM getting cold feet and going back on the deal. You saw what happened to him as a result.

Hey, i agree with you....if Utah can't get at least 2 of the top 10 players in the league, they need to just give up. Sell the team to someone in Vegas. All hope is lost. Why even be a fan of any small market team? They dont stand a chance in hell of ever succeeding. Collapse the league into a 6-team champions division and 24 minor league feeder clubs.
I cant wait to get this bumped.

Im sorry, but you cant money ball the NBA 100%. At some point the better players just win out. As good as Donvan and Rudy are they still have a group of players ahead of them. Bojan and Ed Davis arent winning you championships. I dont care what the analytics say. You better pray Conley is better than his underrated tag.

As far as Favors goes they should have traded him last year if they werent committed to him. They keep doing the same thing and letting good players walk for nothing. (2) 2nd rounders is nothing for a guy who was the center piece in the trade for DWill. All said and done we essentially got nothing for DWill. Let Favors go soon as he hits his prime. SMH
I cant wait to get this bumped.

Im sorry, but you cant money ball the NBA 100%. At some point the better players just win out. As good as Donvan and Rudy are they still have a group of players ahead of them. Bojan and Ed Davis arent winning you championships. I dont care what the analytics say. You better pray Conley is better than his underrated tag.

As far as Favors goes they should have traded him last year if they werent committed to him. They keep doing the same thing and letting good players walk for nothing. (2) 2nd rounders is nothing for a guy who was the center piece in the trade for DWill. All said and done we essentially got nothing for DWill. Let Favors go soon as he hits his prime. SMH
I'll refrain from the route I'd like to take and go high road instead. What is your idea of a successful offseason? I fully agree that the Jazz could have got more for Favors. However, I'm glad as hell that they let him pick his destination instead of sending him into a terrible situation for a slightly better pick. Favors will always encompass what a true Jazz man is and I'm glad that he gets to do what's best for him and his family. For the first time in forever the Jazz are going all in and we all hope it pays off. No guarantee, but it's better than being the 5-8 seed for years until Gobert and Mitchell get tired of floating by.