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Trump’s Dividing of America

The pattern continues to mimic Hitlers rise. Hitler was a master at "otherizing". Germans are still befuddled and embarrassed that it could happen to them.

One interesting contrast is that Germany was dealing with post WW1 humiliation and economic collapse(starvation, disease), which sowed the seeds of nationalism. We have nothing close to that to blame. One of the important seeds to Trump was our election of a black President.
The anti-Trump brigade continues to be completely unhinged. Everyone seems to be trying to win the contest to come up with the most ridiculously extreme analysis of what is going on and why. They are creating a crazy narrative and then acting like the things they are saying to each other are reality. Unplug from the hate machine. They are poisoning your mind.
The anti-Trump brigade continues to be completely unhinged. Everyone seems to be trying to win the contest to come up with the most ridiculously extreme analysis of what is going on and why. They are creating a crazy narrative and then acting like the things they are saying to each other are reality. Unplug from the hate machine. They are poisoning your mind.

Anti-Trump brigade? WTF is wrong with you? You can't see the man for what he is? I'm very interested to know what goes on on the minds of people like you. Did you grow up in a cult?
Anti-Trump brigade? WTF is wrong with you? You can't see the man for what he is? I'm very interested to know what goes on on the minds of people like you. Did you grow up in a cult?
What's been puzzling to me is why people have to come up with theories about why others don't like Trump. The dude has been a known quantity for 30 odd years now. I formed an opinion about him as a teenager when he had fairly regular appearances on the Howard Stern show. Like, the dude was a POS then and nothing has changed.
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What's been puzzling to me is why people have to come up with theories about why others don't like Trump. The dude has been a known quantity for 30 odd years now. I formed an opinion about him as a teenager when he was had fairly regular appearances on the Howard Stern show. Like, the dude was a POS then and nothing has changed.

Very good post
Anti-Trump brigade? WTF is wrong with you? You can't see the man for what he is? I'm very interested to know what goes on on the minds of people like you. Did you grow up in a cult?

You bring up good questions.

I think a big part of this is that 35 percent of the country WANTS to be counter the mainstream. Whether they be racist, misogynistic, or bitter at modern-day economics, they want to be counter the mainstream. They’d prefer to burn down our democracy than continue to live in it. They see trump as the chaos vehicle to accomplish this.

What do you think?
The administration adamantly refuses to recognize Congressional oversight over the Executive branch of the federal government, a "check and balance" granted by the Constitution. The administration is instructing everyone to ignore Congressional supoenas. In due time, the courts may side with Congress. They should, Congressional oversight is granted by the Constitution, but the authoritarian nature of this president is reflected by its effort to deny Congressional oversight.

We have had 4, count them, investigation there is no there there. Sound familiar? Oversight is not a license for harassment.
Anti-Trump brigade? WTF is wrong with you? You can't see the man for what he is? I'm very interested to know what goes on on the minds of people like you. Did you grow up in a cult?

At least he grew up, which is more than we can say for you. Can't you see what the democratic party of today is? Keep backing the squad and some of your president hopefuls that wants to get rid of Ice and the protesters of Ice that hung our flag upside down. What do you have a mind for if you refuse to use it?
At least he grew up, which is more than we can say for you. Can't you see what the democratic party of today is? Keep backing the squad and some of your president hopefuls that wants to get rid of Ice and the protesters of Ice that hung our flag upside down. What do you have a mind for if you refuse to use it?

Dude, did you verify it was ok to say this with the yahoo comments section before you came here? I doubt it sir.
At least he grew up, which is more than we can say for you. Can't you see what the democratic party of today is? Keep backing the squad and some of your president hopefuls that wants to get rid of Ice and the protesters of Ice that hung our flag upside down. What do you have a mind for if you refuse to use it?
At least "he" grew up?

Did you understand the post you responded to?
The civil discourse in our country... oof...

Again, Trump is dividing America because his own party is too chicken to rebuke this racist ****. Self-preservation, Tax cuts, and judges are too important.

Again, Obama divided this country, and Trump is bringing you anti-Americans out into the open. Back the ones against Ice and that hang our flag upside down...that would be you Thriller.
Again, Obama divided this country, and Trump is bringing you anti-Americans out into the open. Back the ones against Ice and that hang our flag upside down...that would be you Thriller.
One of my neighbors had his flag hanging upside down. What do you think of that?
Again, Obama divided this country, and Trump is bringing you anti-Americans out into the open.

Standard far-right playbook stuff. You hate American traditions, and so accuse those who love these traditions as being anti-American.
You bring up good questions.

I think a big part of this is that 35 percent of the country WANTS to be counter the mainstream. Whether they be racist, misogynistic, or bitter at modern-day economics, they want to be counter the mainstream. They’d prefer to burn down our democracy than continue to live in it. They see trump as the chaos vehicle to accomplish this.

What do you think?
I think you have rocks in your head. You think that groups like Antifa who want to burn down democracy are the supporters of Trump? Very very few Trump supporters are anti-democracy. Do you have any actual examples of that sort of a person (an American citizen who is an anti-democracy Trump supporter)?
Again, Obama divided this country, and Trump is bringing you anti-Americans out into the open. Back the ones against Ice and that hang our flag upside down...that would be you Thriller.

No single person is dividing this country. Not Obama and not Trump. It takes the words and actions of lots of people on a continual basis over years.
Anti-Trump brigade? WTF is wrong with you? You can't see the man for what he is? I'm very interested to know what goes on on the minds of people like you. Did you grow up in a cult?
Trump is not the best of America. I wish we had a president that I felt more proud of. But he's not Hitler nor anything even remotely close. I think you are allowing the political left to poison your mind because the things you are saying are way out of whack with the things that are happening.
Trump is not the best of America. I wish we had a president that I felt more proud of. But he's not Hitler nor anything even remotely close. I think you are allowing the political left to poison your mind because the things you are saying are way out of whack with the things that are happening.

Did you read Colton's list? And that's just the Cliff Notes.

I don't give a **** about the Left other than as it pertains to taking out Trump.

Trump is exactly like Hitler. Hitler was in power from 1933-1945. Trump's Hitler starter kit is only 2.5 years old.