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The official "let's reelect Trump" thread

Also, this is slightly off topic but over the past few days of discussion here I have to say that I am really impressed with @Stoked in that he sticks to his convictions regardless of political party

I don't think I would have any issues with that depending on the fine print. My main concern being what I previously wrote. Also, Canada taxes the crap out of their people to pay for that, Germany does as well under a similar system.

Universal Heath care can absolutely get away from you in a bad way. See some European nations, like you mentioned.

But I see massive room for improvement in this subject here at home.
Socialist based healthcare scares me. Look no further than some European countries that implement it now. They decide if you're worthy enough to live or die and give the patient and families no say in the matter.

To my knowledge, in every single European country, you are allowed to get private care if you can afford it.

The alternative to allowing the government to decide which treatments to fund (worthy to live or die is not at all accurate) is to allow is allowing private corporations to decide which treatments to fund. I rather trust my life to the government than some random corporation my employer chose because the employer thought they would save the most money.
To my knowledge, in every single European country, you are allowed to get private care if you can afford it.

The alternative to allowing the government to decide which treatments to fund (worthy to live or die is not at all accurate) is to allow is allowing private corporations to decide which treatments to fund. I rather trust my life to the government than some random corporation my employer chose because the employer thought they would save the most money.

I get your point, the idea of losing control of your own life just doesn't sit well with me. I've seen the reports of England not allowing babies to live and most recently telling a man that he would no longer be allowed to be helped for and they literally starved him to death in the hospital. I don't want that here in America.

There is probably a nice middle ground somewhere in between but I seriously doubt that our politicians on either side would come to a realistic solution.
I get that you liberals, anti-trumpers, whatever you call yourselves, want to shame those that disagree with you. It just isn't going to work. Let's stick to the issues and the actual challenges that are facing the country right now. Let's not ignore the terrible policies that most of the democratic presidential candidates want to implement in our country. Let's not ignore the crisis on the border that just 6 months ago was mocked by the left as not a crisis. Let's focus on the 125 or so judges that have been put into place that do not want to "fundamentally change" our country and believe in the Constitution.
you're such a troll.
Sure I don't like the things he says either.. but look at the other side that will be running against him. You could say the same about voting for any democrat at this point.

Then you haven’t been paying attention to all the Ds running.
The Liberal Media Won’t Shame Me Out of Voting Again for Trump


Nor will the liberals, anti-trumpers or whatever you like to call yourselves of jazzfanz.com...

I Know many people who are assumed and have major regrets. People who knew he was immoral and incompetent but voted for him anyway for pro life / Supreme Court for example. Others will never be embarrassed no matter what the facts are.
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“You can’t talk that way about our country. Not while I’m president”.

Anyone here care to endorse this view?

Is there anything anyone can say that flies more in the face of the American ideal? Is there anything less patriotic? Is there anyone who does not see this as antithetical to our values and our Constitution?

Come on people, this is America. We are great. This president is UnAmerican. Plain as the nose on your face. This is historically traitorous talk. Come on people. Please say you understand.