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The Caravan

Trump is showing every sign of being a Hitler-wannabe. We've already got the starving and beating going on. We've got his SS running over people. We've got HIM doing the raping. He threatens killing millions. Just because he's not a fully-evolved Hitler doesn't mean he isn't one.

Let me translate your fantasy land to real life.

Starving and beatings = people voluntarily running to immigrant dentention centers to get free food and shelter.

Ss running people over = old man just wanting to do his job and go home is tired of morons protesting for stupid reasons so he drives up to them and honks so they will get out of the way. They proceed to mob his vehicle like a bunch of wacko children

We got him raping = He grabbed 1 girls vagina one time and she didnt care because she is a gold digger. Now he brags to his friends and embellishes the tuth to make it sound like he does it all the time. To sound cool.

He threaten to kill millions = uh that just didnt happen. Completely made up by straightbitch
How is that racist? Explain. What race is he being racist against?

I never mentioned race at all. Funny thing is, it never even crossed my mind. I was talking about funding caravans to undermine and create dissension with the current administration.

Somehow that is supposed to be racist. Leftist logic in full swing tonight.
I'd say it's pretty bad both ways. Spreading false conspiracies of rich Jews using their money to destabilize other countries is a classic antisemitic trope.

It's almost amazing to see it in a thread alongside a story about Jewish protesters being run over by ICE officials.

Now, I don't think DasJazz is antisemitic himself, but the rumor started in those circles. Now that I think about it, the extreme right's ability to get their talking points and rhetoric to come out of the mouths of otherwise nonracist people is one of their greatest strengths. In that way Trump is a godsend to them.

Spreading false lies and rumors is dumb and pathetic. Agreed
I never mentioned race at all. Funny thing is, it never even crossed my mind. I was talking about funding caravans to undermine and create dissension with the current administration.

Somehow that is supposed to be racist. Leftist logic in full swing tonight.
George Soros is a famously Jewish holocaust survivor. Accusing him of using his money to destabilize America is literally a tactic cribbed from Nazi Germany.

As I said before, I don't think you are antisemitic, but you are spreading their talking points when you do this. And others are not going to be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
I never mentioned race at all. Funny thing is, it never even crossed my mind. I was talking about funding caravans to undermine and create dissension with the current administration.

Somehow that is supposed to be racist. Leftist logic in full swing tonight.
I mean I have no clue if Soros funded these caravans but you said absolutely nothing about race or even Jewish religion.

These guys just went off the deep end dude. As I said I'm I'm awe at how nasty that attack was.
I never mentioned race at all. Funny thing is, it never even crossed my mind. I was talking about funding caravans to undermine and create dissension with the current administration.

Somehow that is supposed to be racist. Leftist logic in full swing tonight.

It’s implied, given its history. So maybe you should open a damn book, read a newspaper, and learn a little bit about the racist conspiracies you copy and paste on the internet? I gave you two links from the wash post to help ya out. The holocaust museum has a wonderful website of sources that can help you become a better informed person so you don’t ignorantly post anti-Semitic conspiracies.
I mean I have no clue if Soros funded these caravans but you said absolutely nothing about race or even Jewish religion.

These guys just went off the deep end dude. As I said I'm I'm awe at how nasty that attack was.

I thought you weren’t posting anymore? Why can’t you just leave?
I mean I have no clue if Soros funded these caravans but you said absolutely nothing about race or even Jewish religion.

These guys just went off the deep end dude. As I said I'm I'm awe at how nasty that attack was.
You realize that you can say something antisemitic without using the words "jew" or "Jewish" right. Really guys, it's been laid out very plainly, this isn't a difficult concept.
Soros is a well-known supporter of progressive and liberal political causes, to which he dispenses donations through his foundation, the Open Society Foundations.[15]Between 1979 and 2011, he donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes;[16][17] by 2017, his donations "on civil initiatives to reduce poverty and increase transparency, and on scholarships and universities around the world" totaled $12 billion.[18]


This is what he was referring to. Nothing to do with race or religion.
Let me translate your fantasy land to real life.

Starving and beatings = people voluntarily running to immigrant dentention centers to get free food and shelter.

Ss running people over = old man just wanting to do his job and go home is tired of morons protesting for stupid reasons so he drives up to them and honks so they will get out of the way. They proceed to mob his vehicle like a bunch of wacko children

We got him raping = He grabbed 1 girls vagina one time and she didnt care because she is a gold digger. Now he brags to his friends and embellishes the tuth to make it sound like he does it all the time. To sound cool.

He threaten to kill millions = uh that just didnt happen. Completely made up by straightbitch

Ummm. No.

His own wife accused him of rape. And probably hundreds of women have been everything from innaproppriately touched to molested by him(look how many have officially come forward).

Old man ran them over because Trump.

People being treated like Jews in WW2. If it were 1943 he could get away with much more.

He mused over killing millions... direct quote.
Soros is a well-known supporter of progressive and liberal political causes, to which he dispenses donations through his foundation, the Open Society Foundations.[15]Between 1979 and 2011, he donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes;[16][17] by 2017, his donations "on civil initiatives to reduce poverty and increase transparency, and on scholarships and universities around the world" totaled $12 billion.[18]


This is what he was referring to. Nothing to do with race or religion.
Oh that's weird because his post had nothing to do with philanthropy and instead accused him of trying to destabilize and undermine the US.
Oh that's weird because his post had nothing to do with philanthropy and instead accused him of trying to destabilize and undermine the US.
Him giving money to the left is well documented... Did he fund the caravans? Hell, even if he did there is nothing racist there.