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The 2018 UN Climate Report

Yesterday, 500 Scientist from around the world, sent a declaration to the U.N. stating explicitly that "There is no climate emergency," and called for an open debate in the U.N. based on scientific facts, and participated in by scientist and other professionals in the climate related fields.

Will it be in proportion, so the 500 scientists will need to debate the 500,000 who accept the evidence that there is a climate emergency? Say, one climate denier on the stage with 999 other scientists?
Very interesting piece. I too find it interesting that the same misogynistic commentators from the Daily Wire and Blaze who continuously go after AOC, also went after this young woman. Very interesting the role of white male misogyny has in today’s society:

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Will it be in proportion, so the 500 scientists will need to debate the 500,000 who accept the evidence that there is a climate emergency? Say, one climate denier on the stage with 999 other scientists?

Please give me the names of the 500,000 scientist that believe in climate change. I will wait. Just kidding, but you see how ignorant you statement is?
You don't believe in climate change? How can anyone not unless they are profiting from the fossil fuel industry; then it's not a matter of belief but persuading others not to believe.

Lets be fair here every one should believe in climate change. It has been occurring since the earth was formed. Still puzzled on why they changed from global warming...oh that is right the earth is cooling.
Will it be in proportion, so the 500 scientists will need to debate the 500,000 who accept the evidence that there is a climate emergency? Say, one climate denier on the stage with 999 other scientists?

If it's science, it's not about the numbers of people with views, it's about the facts, and what the facts actually mean.
Question - Do birds fart? This could be a good thing. SAVE THE COWS I SAY! I really like discussing things with you guys and gals.

Birds and bees are having issues. Insecticides.

Whether birds or cows breathe or smell is actually not a valid issue in carbon balance computations. Everything that eats plants, or eats plant-eaters, is a zero issue in terms of natural emissions.

We are merely little storage reservoirs for the carbon in our food, which would otherwise decay, rot, and disintegrate and become oxidized to CO2 a little sooner, most likely. And all our food carbon comes form CO2 in the first place. It's a natural cycle with a some huge permanent sinks..... buried organics headed for future coal and oil deposits, or inorganic carbonate mineralization.
Lets be fair here every one should believe in climate change. It has been occurring since the earth was formed. Still puzzled on why they changed from global warming...oh that is right the earth is cooling.

Climate change is indeed the rule, with drivers other than humans.

I have heard of how the sun will become a red giant and expand to melt us once again into it's mass. A few billion years, that's all we've got.

I have heard of how our heat will radiate away, of how our core will eventually cool, and of how the Sun will burn out.....and our oceans will freeze and everything will starve.

Life is fragile.

Let's just move on to a new planet already, OK?
If it's science, it's not about the numbers of people with views, it's about the facts, and what the facts actually mean.

I agree. The 999 scientists should presents the facts that support their view, and somewhere in the middle, the other guy gets his turn to present the facts that support his view. That seems fair.
Please give me the names of the 500,000 scientist that believe in climate change. I will wait. Just kidding, but you see how ignorant you statement is?

There are millions of scientists in the US, and they overwhelmingly support the science behind climate change. My statement was tongue-in-cheek, yours was ignorant.
Lets be fair here every one should believe in climate change. It has been occurring since the earth was formed. Still puzzled on why they changed from global warming...oh that is right the earth is cooling.

No, it's not. The last 5 years are the 5 of the six warmest, ever.
Whether birds or cows breathe or smell is actually not a valid issue in carbon balance computations. Everything that eats plants, or eats plant-eaters, is a zero issue in terms of natural emissions.

Except, if not all emissions have the same effect, changing the chemical form of the emission into a more efficient greenhouse gas (such as methane) can make the eater into a non-zero issuer.
Very interesting piece. I too find it interesting that the same misogynistic commentators from the Daily Wire and Blaze who continuously go after AOC, also went after this young woman. Very interesting the role of white male misogyny has in today’s society:

Luckily there's a helpline for them to, uh, voice their frustrations.

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For once I agree with Thriller...she is not a "mentally ill Swedish child". She is simply brainwashed by her handlers.

I doubt it. She is someone who sailed across the ocean to deliver that short address to the United Nations. She's someone who was chomping at the bit, for some time, to deliver the words she spoke. And she did so with passion. From her heart. Not from brainwashing. She was simply passionate, and absolutely disgusted at the climate change denialism culture. And I don't blame her one bit. Sometimes intelligent humans get a wee bit hot at all the ignorance they are forced to confront.
Climate change is indeed the rule, with drivers other than humans.

I have heard of how the sun will become a red giant and expand to melt us once again into it's mass. A few billion years, that's all we've got.

I have heard of how our heat will radiate away, of how our core will eventually cool, and of how the Sun will burn out.....and our oceans will freeze and everything will starve.

Life is fragile.

Let's just move on to a new planet already, OK?

1) The earth is warming, but not because of anything humans are doing?
...or is it...
2) The earth is warming, and humans are causing some of it, but not a large enough percentage to cause any lasting damage?
...or is it...
3) The earth is warming, and humans are causing a large enough percentage of it to cause lasting damage, and we shouldn't do anything about it because life is fragile regardless?
...or is it...
4) Conservatives are rational, stable geniuses and liberals are emotional, angry snowflakes, so politics and you're the smartest living thing in rural Utah?
...or is it...
Some combination of 1-3 + 4?

Just trying to understand which of those sums up your dismissive reasoning best.
No, it's not. The last 5 years are the 5 of the six warmest, ever.

Earth Cooling At The Fastest Rate On Record | Real Climate ...

Don't Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling

NASA Discovers the Earth is Actually Cooling - NaturalON
This means that there was an overall cooling effect that directly contradicts the global warming crowd as well as NASA’s own climatology division. Data collected shows that both carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are “greenhouse” gases that reflect energy, causing heat to return to space, not absorbed into the earth’s atmosphere.

Don't know if the links work, but just type in earth warming the last 10 years One Brow. I know you hate to be wrong. Sorry.
There are millions of scientists in the US, and they overwhelmingly support the science behind climate change. My statement was tongue-in-cheek, yours was ignorant.

I would dispute the "ignorant" characterization, because he is referencing an actual document signed by his 500, whereas while there are similar documents from the concerned scientists who believe we have an urgent crisis, generally there is not yet one actually signed by your millions. So his point has some merit.
Earth Cooling At The Fastest Rate On Record | Real Climate ...

Don't Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling

NASA Discovers the Earth is Actually Cooling - NaturalON
This means that there was an overall cooling effect that directly contradicts the global warming crowd as well as NASA’s own climatology division. Data collected shows that both carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are “greenhouse” gases that reflect energy, causing heat to return to space, not absorbed into the earth’s atmosphere.

Don't know if the links work, but just type in earth warming the last 10 years One Brow. I know you hate to be wrong. Sorry.

These links show that you use Yahoo search..... Jesus ****ing christ