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Trump abandons Kurdish allies to Turkish invasion


Well-Known Member

This will effectively put the region into Turkish control, and cast the fate of thousands of captured ISIS prisoners into doubt.

I don't know what options the Kurds have here.

This statement doesn't read like there was consultation with either the State Dept, or DoD, the language is very Trumpian.

I'm getting a wag the dog kind of vibe from it.
Seems like an ISIS prisoners for looking the other way on Kurdistan agreement.

I can see Erdogan just burying them alive tbh.
The ISIS prisoners are being held by Kurdish forces though.

oh, so we aren’t even ditching anyone? A terrible deal made into a horrendous one.

the Kurds are far more our ally than Erdogans Turkey.
Sad. They’ve been our primary allies for almost a decade. Even before the Iraqi invasion we worked to keep Saddam from attacking them. And now we’re just going to leave them, like that? Are we trusting that Turkey won’t massacre these guys? Hmmm

All well. At least Trump is working to eliminate corruption. Since Trump has clearly divested I’m sure no one will think that his past business dealings have any effect on current foreign policy...

oh, so we aren’t even ditching anyone? A terrible deal made into a horrendous one.

the Kurds are far more our ally than Erdogans Turkey.
This is what makes the statement kind of puzzling. How can Turkey be made responsible for captured ISIS fighters when they are in the hands of the people Turkey is planning to invade?

I don't see any sort of cooperation between the two groups on this front, considering what Turkey's plans are.

Honestly this just seems like a recipe for a lot of ISIS terrorists to end up free, one way or the other.

So yeah, you're right. A disaster on all fronts.
This is an issue that actually has the potential to cause a real rift between Trump and the rest of the party.

Not that I'm holding my breath, mind you.

“Fake news. We’re not actually abandoning them. Why don’t you ever report that we’re supporting them? This is why the American people don’t trust The lame stream media. You’re just so focused on criticizing this president that you’ve become delusional. Great Leader is actually supporting them more than Obama ever did. Why didn’t you ever criticize Obama for abandoning them? Remember Obama’s red line? And flexibility? The democrat party has now been exposed as the globalists that they are.”

I agree that this has the potential to really create a wedge between himself and his party. Unfortunately, it seems like his party is so afraid of being primaried that they’ll let him get away with anything, even if it hurts our foreign policy for the next few generations. The Kurds were one of our few stable allies in that region. Wonder how future groups will feel when we ask them to be our allies? Think they’ll trust us?

I can’t help but wonder if this benefits Putin? Seems like our foreign policy is extremely Kremlin friendly these days. And if not Putin, what deal does Trump have with turkey? What’s he gaining financially? Wish Barr would look at that.

Military brass aren't going to be getting much sleep tonight.

I always heard that Mattis would speak out if things got bad. Are we there yet? How about Kelly? Is he going to open up or is he fine with his legacy being what it is now? HR McMaster, you cool with this? I don’t want to hear about how courageous these ***** generals are, I want to see it. The country is in an existential crisis and it appears they’re afraid of a tweet. Letting the president destroy the government because you “respect the office” is a lame *** excuse for not standing up to authoritarians. I’ve heard that excuse too, that many don’t want to speak out because tradition. I’m even willing to call ouT former presidents, Bush and Obama, Time to speak out. Time to wake the **** up.
The Kurds were one of our few stable allies in that region. Wonder how future groups will feel when we ask them to be our allies? Think they’ll trust us?

We're practiced at abandoning allies that helped us war. We abandoned the Hmong of Laos at the end of the Vietnam War...
This is an issue that actually has the potential to cause a real rift between Trump and the rest of the party.

Not that I'm holding my breath, mind you.

If this type of move creates a vacuum of terrorism uprising like when Obama did the same thing in Iraq than Trump will lose a ton of if not all of my support.
If this type of move creates a vacuum of terrorism uprising like when Obama did the same thing in Iraq than Trump will lose a ton of if not all of my support.

If you just ask, I'm sure he'll let you suck it. He won't pay you like he did Stormy, but you'll get that baby gravy just the same.
If this type of move creates a vacuum of terrorism uprising like when Obama did the same thing in Iraq than Trump will lose a ton of if not all of my support.

What if it doesn’t lead to the massive spread of ISIS but to a mass genocide of the Kurds?
I’m sure the pro Trump morons will ignore this inconvenient story. But it’s relevant given how our foreign policy is directed according to our president’s personal financial needs:
